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Revenant - A Cosmetic Discussion


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Hi! I had a quick couple of small, nit-picky cosmetic suggestions for Revenant that I thought I would share. First one is one I'm sure many Fashion Wars 2 players are familiar with as a Revenant; the annoying [hand glow](https://i.imgur.com/onS3vtH.jpg "hand glow"). I'm not suggesting they remove the hand glow altogether, but I think it would make more sense for it to act like the [Elementalist elemental bracelets](https://i.imgur.com/ada2qTr.jpg "Elementalist elemental bracelets") that appear when they are in combat. I know, silly small pet peeve of mine, but I'm sure I'm not the only one.


And here's an even _smaller_ nit-picky thing to point out, but just recently I finished crafting [Astralaria](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/a/a9/Astralaria.jpg "Astralaria"). I love the axe and its space-effect, but I was disappointed to find out that axe skill #5, Temporal Rift, didn't apply the Astralaria space-effect onto the default [red rift.](https://i.imgur.com/0O6Fh73.jpg "red rift.")


I know, I know. These are all silly little things, but the cosmetic angle is one of the main reason's I play this game. I'm curious to know what other Revenants think about this cosmetic topic.

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> @"Amiron.1067" said:

> Hi! I had a quick couple of small, nit-picky cosmetic suggestions for Revenant that I thought I would share. First one is one I'm sure many Fashion Wars 2 players are familiar with as a Revenant; the annoying [hand glow](https://i.imgur.com/onS3vtH.jpg "hand glow"). I'm not suggesting they remove the hand glow altogether, but I think it would make more sense for it to act like the [Elementalist elemental bracelets](https://i.imgur.com/ada2qTr.jpg "Elementalist elemental bracelets") that appear when they are in combat. I know, silly small pet peeve of mine, but I'm sure I'm not the only one.


> And here's an even _smaller_ nit-picky thing to point out, but just recently I finished crafting [Astralaria](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/a/a9/Astralaria.jpg "Astralaria"). I love the axe and its space-effect, but I was disappointed to find out that axe skill #5, Temporal Rift, didn't apply the Astralaria space-effect onto the default [red rift.](https://i.imgur.com/0O6Fh73.jpg "red rift.")


> I know, I know. These are all silly little things, but the cosmetic angle is one of the main reason's I play this game. I'm curious to know what other Revenants think about this cosmetic topic.


The hand glow is so subtle, I often don't notice it. As for legendary effects on skills, legendary weapons only augment skills that throw projectiles, and not in all cases (guardian underwater skill "spear of light" uses the default animation despite equipping Kamohoali'i Kotaki for instance). Equipping Kudzu doesn't alter a ranger's barrage skill, despite barrage being a rain of arrows. Guardians' whirling wrath has its projectiles changed, but not the blue swirl animation that emanates from the character.

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@"Quarktastic.1027" I think you touch on an even larger issue with legendary weapons in general. I believe if ANet made cosmetic changes like you've suggested, it would make legendary weapons all the more enticing to chase after for players who do not currently have any. In a game all about cosmetics at end-game, I would think that would be time well-invested, but what do you think?

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> @"Amiron.1067" said:

> @"Quarktastic.1027" I think you touch on an even larger issue with legendary weapons in general. I believe if ANet made cosmetic changes like you've suggested, it would make legendary weapons all the more enticing to chase after for players who do not currently have any. In a game all about cosmetics at end-game, I would think that would be time well-invested, but what do you think?


I like the idea of expanding legendary weapon animations, but I can see it being an issue for pvp/wvw, unless anet can also implement a "show default animations" option that includes more than just projectiles. I was kind of disappointed when I made kudzu for my ranger and it didn't change the animation for barrage. Anet has proven that they can do it (candy cane arrow carts), they just haven't taken the initiative.

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I don't mind the colored smoke around the wrists, though now that you mention it it is interesting that it's always visible compared to Elementalist attunements which are only visible when weapons are drawn.


Though I will say, after I finished Astralaria and gave it to one of my Renegades (who only has an off-hand legendary weapon), I was pretty disappointed that Citadel Bombardment only has unique projectiles for main-hand and two-hand legendaries. So I understand how you feel re: your second point.

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"Amiron.1067" said:

> I believe if ANet made cosmetic changes like you've suggested, it would make legendary weapons all the more enticing to chase after for players who do not currently have any. In a game all about cosmetics at end-game, I would think that would be time well-invested, but what do you think?


I'm not against this idea but be aware that many players who don't have any legendary weapons find the weapons themselves to be hideously ugly. And there's the matter of sigils. A huge amount of grind for a weapon you have to keep feeding money into to change sigils and for a skin you wouldn't be seen dead using. Passing on that is a no-brainer.


Cosmetically they're aimed squarely at the asian market. Which I'm fine with. The skins I do like are all much easier to acquire. Yay!

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