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Going to attempt streaming...


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Alright, I'm going to play my placements on core Ranger and see how this goes.


If I get flustered I'm going to swap to my Druid build.


If anybody wants to check it out, I know I've never really plugged myself before in this manner but it could potentially be interesting to somebody:

Watch itsJROH with me on Twitch! http://www.twitch.tv/itsjroh?sr=a

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Well that's obnoxious, my last game had 2 afk people.


Anyhow, placed at 1602 running Core Ranger. Not too bad.


Build for reference: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQNBjYDbkQFKZx+VwhFoaxQiQ1VwofCeqv6t+HAJ7MXy5SD-jJxHQB+Y/BA8EAGZZAldRAAA


Edit: Finished out my last 5 games off stream and ended up 6th on the Leaderboard for this week (currently; 1703). Guess I can't complain lol.

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Thanks! I should really try to get around to making a list of timestamps and putting them somewhere as a list for people looking to quickly navigate through the matches.


I have very, very limited time to play or do anything during the week though, so I don't know if I'll even have the time/energy to stream on weekdays. If I do though I'll say something here again.


Thanks for checking it out though! :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks! It's appreciated!


Just to give everyone an update, in case you were wondering, I ended up picking up Monster Hunter World so I haven't really been playing GW2 except for WvW with my guild.


I could stream that if you guys would be interested, but otherwise I'm probably not going to PvP enough this season to get any titles since I have very limited time.


I'll still stream the next time I PvP though, I just wanted to let you all know in case anybody had any expectations of me playing or streaming more frequently.


It was always my goal to do so, I just don't play GW2 on a consistent schedule anymore.


Sorry if that's disappointing to anybody :/

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I have the intention of streaming PvP placements tonight starting around 8pm USA EST.


I will be playing meta carry Druid (that means LB over Staff) with my opinion of what is optimal for the season.


Just a chill stream with music and no mic like usual, so you all don't have to be subjected to my dogs barking. I'll be monitoring chat and responding there.

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Here's the stream highlight:



Sigh, so this is the lowest I've ever placed. I was expecting more like 1600 than 1500, but those last 2 matches were absolutely lopsided.


I already have my titles, but I guess the lower than normal placement will be enough to keep me PvPing this season.


Unfortunately, the LB carry just didn't feel like it was there by the end. I felt more like I should be playing staff to try to keep my damage facetanking teammates out of the downstate they insisted on staying in than I felt I was being effective on LB.


But we'll see, I'll keep playing and streaming as the season goes on.


Grove Runes for protection by the way. I think it's competitive with if not stronger than Water Runes or anything else this season because it regains the 33% passive Protection uptime that Protective Ward alone used to provide. Also, max Healing Power investment. With the cooldown increase, we're basically shoehorned into building to make the most out of Celestial Avatar when we can use it, or at least that's my opinion.

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I need somewhere to put my build thoughts so I'm going to do it here.


I'm looking to theorycraft a more optimized set of builds over the course of the season. Tossing out ideas:

* Protect Me over QZ with Leadership Runes

* Try Harriers for 100% boon duration

* Skirmishing 100% crit build; Soulbeast or Druid, possibly worth it?

* No staff no Menders; use Avatar or damage


Sorry if that's incoherent, but I'll be testing out these concepts throughout the season.

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Alright so thoughts after playing/streaming:

* Harriers is fun and works, but does even less damage than other builds. Maybe in a different meta.

* Avatar Amulet in this meta is losing too much sustain for too little damage increase.

* Staff still lets you infinitely 1v1, that's good.

* iDefender Chrono is aids and it makes me hate playing LB. Smiters boon this build immediately ANet.


So yeah, I've ended up with the metabuild on metabattle, but with Grove Runes over Water, and LB swap ins on games I won't have to infinitely 1v1 an aids chrono or Spellbreaker.

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