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Please allow commanders to disable the ability for people to merge a squad with theirs.

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This has been a long frustration with me. I will be trying to taxi people for an organized event only to have someone merge a commander-less squad left over from another recently ended event with mine instead of leaving their squad then joining mine. This takes up squad space with people who are not doing the event my taxi is for.


I have to go through and kick people who are offline and repeatedly ask people to leave if they are not going to come to the event. I have even seen people who didn't bother to leave the squad and go into story instances.


Please, just give an option for commanders to disallow merging as a checkbox option.

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I know that feeling very well, having a good squad then suddenly a merge happen is frustrating.

We gonna need this too:


- Make the "Allow Member to Merge" checkbox disabled by default.

- Show the name of people who use the merge feature.

- When a merge happen, commander should receive a prompt notification for approving or rejecting the merge request.


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Updating this suggestion with yet another reason it should be included: Someone merging with your squad can mess up your LFG listing.


I was taxi'ing for a meta event yesterday and suddenly it popped up in the chat that my LFG description changed to "T4s ♡♥♡EXP ONLY♡♥♡"

I had to remove from LFG and repost back in to the right section with the right description.

Had I not been watching my screen the chat could have moved on and I may not have even seen it and been able to fix it.

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