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People trying to justify scourge as balanced.


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maybe its different in pvp, but in wvw if you trait yourself not put tons of boons on you, the scourge will have nothing to corrupt, and the 5-7 condis alot of people are complaining about would be 1-2 (assuming dhumfire trait, which it should be). The real issue with scourges, at least in wvw, is the fact people do not want to modify their traits, they generate 25 stacks of might, protection, regen, swiftness, and every other boon. the scourge comes along and its like a kid in a candy store seeing all these boons to corrupt. The scourge's condi come from corrupting boons. no boons to corrupt, and the scourge is a free bag/kill. I know this isnt the WvW forum, but on my power reaper i trait for no boon creation, and then don't join a squad to get boons from folks that don't adapt. I'm pretty successful hunting these guys, assuming a support FB isnt around (which is a whole other issue). I could see in pvp though that your team still dumps tons of condis on you, which in affect, kills you. In that case, its your own team that kills you.


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> @"EDDIE WRECKER.1375" said:

> > @"Razor.6392" said:

> > > @"EDDIE WRECKER.1375" said:

> > > > @"Majirah.5089" said:

> > > > > @"EDDIE WRECKER.1375" said:

> > > > > Oh and just stay out of the f ing rings lol

> > > >

> > > > Lol because the scourge can’t move the shades and keep you off point.

> > > >

> > > > All these anti scourge tactics hinges on the scourges themselves being brain dead.

> > > >

> > > > “Oh they won’t walk into my shade. Oh well. GG well played. I guess it’s over.”

> > >

> > > Not brain dead, good bad or otherwise target them and shoot them down lol. But they do get to sit on point while you fight off point, inwhich people seem to get upset about in pvp.

> > > I often have arguments with people, about the fight on point and die vs kill them any how you can and take the point. Btw I havent said weather I think they are op or not, just that there are non-meta builds that can rip them to pieces.

> > >

> > > When people talk about these subject they are talking metabattle builds only, within limited ideas. Scroug counters these ideas, try something different. Like, make your own build and play that?? Hmmm?? Just an idea ....

> >

> > There are 3 different scenarios for your "fight off point" theorycraft.

> >

> > 1. Scourge already has the point captured, you come, he LoS behind an obstacle while waiting for you to come decap. Outcome = lose.

> > 2. You have the point captured, he comes, you step off point while he can at least decap. Outcome = neutral (whichever team gets help first will win)***

> > 3. The scourge has a fb with him so your shots become worthless, the enemy dps chases you around and scourge destroys what's left of your team. Outcome = lose.

> >

> > ***: Scourge will rarely go for a solo decap on the side.

> >

> > Tell me, in what imaginary scenario do you actually beat scourge?


> 1. Wrong. What points have cover lol not many, if they do, manuver, pewpew ftw lol

> 2. I have a point capped pewpew him down b4 he gets close pewpew ftw

> 3. I assume you are talking about block, if so unblockable shots pewpew ftw or leave and free cap a point or get another point.


> Talk about norrow minded. See done lol





Let's see.


* Both side points in coliseum have cover.

* Both side points in legacy have cover.

* Both side points in capricorn have cover.

* Both side points in forest have cover though mine isn't that good.

* Temple in temple has cover but not altar (outside one tiny pillar).

* Both side points in skyhammer have cover, but also have room to kite around (platforms).

* Both side points in kyhlo have cover.


If while rushing to your point, scourge dodges your PBS or eats it with Trail of Anguish (better yet, he has the portal) he will get in your face, and you will have to run off point, giving them a free decap.


Even if you down the scourge (very unlikely) while under protection of a firebrand, he will instantly rezz him.


From the way you type, I really cannot imagine you being a good player.


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> @"mulzi.8273" said:

> maybe its different in pvp, but in wvw if you trait yourself not put tons of boons on you, the scourge will have nothing to corrupt, and the 5-7 condis alot of people are complaining about would be 1-2 (assuming dhumfire trait, which it should be). The real issue with scourges, at least in wvw, is the fact people do not want to modify their traits, they generate 25 stacks of might, protection, regen, swiftness, and every other boon. the scourge comes along and its like a kid in a candy store seeing all these boons to corrupt. The scourge's condi come from corrupting boons. no boons to corrupt, and the scourge is a free bag/kill. I know this isnt the WvW forum, but on my power reaper i trait for no boon creation, and then don't join a squad to get boons from folks that don't adapt. I'm pretty successful hunting these guys, assuming a support FB isnt around (which is a whole other issue). I could see in pvp though that your team still dumps tons of condis on you, which in affect, kills you. In that case, its your own team that kills you.



You realize most classes don't get the choice to simply not generate boons right?


* Ele in arcane and air will inevitably generate might and fury among others. Tempest is worse.

* Herald lol.

* Holosmith has to generate might and swiftness off of braindead corona burst and holo leap.

* Same with scrapper.

* Warrior generates boons through stances and all their elites.

* Idk much about rangers, I guess you can avoid boons while going glass longbow.

* Idk much about guardians (only class I haven't created).

* Necros will always generate protection from auto spectral armor and might from one of the trait lines. Fury when entering shroud.

* Mesmer can skip generating boons to some extent I think(?)


So there you have it.

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I'm a low plat druid, and sometimes I run shoutbow (with GotL instead of seeds) just to scourge hunt when there are 2, sometimes 3 on the other team. I can reliably down (or at least scare off node) one scourge if I tunnel hard. That being said, I have to tunnel really, really hard on the scourge to make it happen, and that usually means I'm not doing other things (like pressuring far) that I can do much better on sw/w druid.


Even with a competent team that can make use of me tunneling down scourges or driving them off point, any halfway competent scourge can probably force me to sacrifice a goodly amount of cleanse in exchange for the right to set foot on the node without dying. That means it becomes slightly dangerous for me to chase, which in turn means the scourge can lick their wounds and come back... and aoe condi vomit all over again. I'll survive the encounter, but it often means I'll be node dancing. The sheer amount of effort it takes to take a node from a competent scourge means I'm really not helping my team in the ways where druid really shines. A scourge with FB support? Yeah, that combo usually single-handedly makes my choice of shoutbow totally invalid.


So this season I'm pretty much sw/w full time, and do far node pressure. Been working out pretty well for me so far.

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