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Henge of Denravi, the commoner's server, needs you


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> @"Djamonja.6453" said:

> Can't you guys just be honest about when your server is weak or strong? Like seriously, this thread shouldn't even be allowed on this forum, just tell people the truth about your server.


As the op suggested. Can you even read. This was his original statement in opening the thread.


>HOD is one of the weakest host server, only advantage it has is coverage to keeps up its PPT.

>We don't ever queue 4 maps on reset. We don't ever have decent PST coverage. We get owned a lot. Many pugs are still new to WvW. We have many players playing >roamer classes but can't win much roaming fight alone. We lack good enough pug commanders that can show pugs the ways to fight, so they ended up learning the >ways to run instead. The pugs cannot carry you, most don't have siege disablers to help you delay enemies.



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  • 3 weeks later...

HOD is now officially medium server aka 500 gems which I have long suspected it to be borderline between High and Medium. This should dismiss all the falsehood that HOD has a lot of people. HOD never has a lot of people. It is just spread by some people who never cares about population balance, wanting to believe their own reality to make themselves feel better, to false shill others to join their ranks, to spread fuds to make themselves look better again so others would join their ranks.


For every matchup since start of current link, I counted many times in different squad in different timezones on different days, HOD account roughly 40% of the population in this link.

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WvW rework can't come soon enough. That isn't to speak badly of HoD though. Great server that's seen better days.


For 500 gems come mess around with us for a few months. You won't be disappointed if you like hard fights, tin hat rantings about spies, and "we don't need tags lol" spiels from a bunch of wankers that don't actually contribute anything.


It's amazing how in spite of all the communication issues, we do manage to still pool together and really clean up. There's a lot of loyalty and talent on HoD. Experience it while you still can. These are the people you'll want to get to know when the WvW rework comes around.

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I am one more of the club: "Go for HoD". Join us there. Really. It's fun and we need motivated people. =)


I swapped to HOD some months ago. I was following 3 of the HoD guilds regularly, on an almost daily basis, learning a lot and enjoying every minutes of my time with all of them. When the worlds did rotate and I got separated from them, I felt left alone. I did not stand it long and after one month, I joined one of those 3 guilds, swapping server (what did cost me a lot due to my amount of toons). I did never regret it. I keep enjoying a lot. What I like the most: For most of us, we all know each other. I can arrive and shout "Hi map" and get "Hi" in return with already some joking starting... I like the overall good ambiance.


Regarding toxic chat: The server I was on before to join HoD was by far worse. In HoD, my experience is that 5 days a week, chat is nice with lot of joking, and relaxed. Over the weekend, it's a lot more busy so less relaxed, and we have 2 up to 3 trolls, always the same ones. When they start, we generally block them so they do no harm. Unfortunately, some can't resist answering them and as long as you answer a troll, it keeps him going... But well, compared to what I was seeing on my previous server, it is peanuts.


Regarding hacking: I am not in a position to confirm with concrete proofs. I can just say that I saw things happening managed by our enemies, that were really strange.

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  • 3 weeks later...

> @"Norbe.7630" said:

> > @"BLANE.8346" said:



> > Screenshots or it didnt happen. Also provide accountnames.


> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/396597041536565248/425746756605575171/tsk_tsk_tsk.jpg

> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/396597041536565248/425749831529660426/gw009.jpg


> i believe the character name was Heroine or something.


> Late SEA/early NA timezone btw


> also he was changing tags from tagless to other guild tags


> thats why im thinking if ftp accounts would be limited on EoTM on the upcomming WvW alliance, to reduce WvW hacks and match manipulations as well as the so called spies by others


interesting suggestion, maybe the FtP accounts would have to "earn" access to normal wvw maps

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  • 4 weeks later...

> @"SkyShroud.2865" said:

> HOD is once again 500 gems. 3 medium servers link on T2, not even trying to tank. Beat that all of you stacked servers.


HoD the official small underdog server ;)


Heres a HOD video not related to mass murder:


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  • 1 year later...

> @"cobbah.3102" said:

> > @"FASTCAR.7831" said:

> > > @"SkyShroud.2865" said:

> > > No shilling, no fud, just cold reality

> > >

> > > HOD is one of the weakest host server, only advantage it has is coverage to keeps up its PPT.

> > > We don't ever queue 4 maps on reset. We don't ever have decent PST coverage. We get owned a lot. Many pugs are still new to WvW. We have many players playing roamer classes but can't win much roaming fight alone. We lack good enough pug commanders that can show pugs the ways to fight, so they ended up learning the ways to run instead. The pugs cannot carry you, most don't have siege disablers to help you delay enemies.

> > >

> > > We got many NA left the server over the years, not able to deal with the losing, not able to deal with the blobbing, a lot of fairweathers claiming they are not. Now that the fairweathers have been flushed out, **we need fighters for NA, especially PST**. HOD's NA is possibly harshest environment among all NAs to fight in!

> > >

> > > **We need pug commanders** that will educate both himself and others on how to fight. I did that more than a year ago, tagging daily for 6-8 hrs from sea to eu, initially a squad with more than half of roaming classes to a almost full squad of zerg classes. It took couple of months while embracing the hates from all the haters, the long hours tagging gotten the pugs whole lot better. Then a few more months later, I got bored because things got too easy and I felt the agony of my wallet. Most importantly, no new commanders will step up if I tag that long everyday.

> > >

> > > HOD is not for the weak hearted, you will suffer numerous defeats. You will experience despairs and frustrations. You will laugh and curse at the same time. It is not a place where you can hope to boost your ego.

> > >

> > > Join us in HOD for just 1000 gems, a place of suffering and defeats, where phoenix will raise from the ashes in the distant future.

> >

> > HOD has 2-3 the pop of Yaks Bend, yet they lose badly every time

> > I had fun killing them 1 VS 2-20 for a week :)

> > ty for the bags


> By the way reported no Matchup comments allowed


75% comments here are match up talks.


Gawd I wish I could trigger people just from my name like FASTCAR can.


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> @"wolfboy.8475" said:

> LFGuild on HoD (PvE/WvW, NZST, Casual/semihardcore)


> Yo im already on HoD so it would be cool to have people to play with on durring the day time and later at night to early morn :D


You should check the Looking for guild forum probably, this thread is like years old.

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> @"BLANE.8346" said:

> > @"Lunacy Solacio.6514" said:

> > > @"SkyShroud.2865" said:

> > > > @"Lunacy Solacio.6514" said:

> > > > I think you left out the part about chat constantly complaining about spies and being double teamed, and the lack of vuln on gates, otherwise I think captured it fairly accurately. Although, roamers and roaming builds can help a tag if they know what they are doing.

> > >

> > > I thought those chats are normal, seen in many servers.

> >

> > It may be seen occasionally on some others, but those that I know that left hod have yet to see anywhere near the amount seen on HoD, and it's worse now than when they left. There are dumb people and trolls on every server, but the extent seen on HoD of the dumb is beyond ridiculous. It's rather willful ignorance, as explaining what the opposing groups are actually doing is ignored at best, and generally met with elaborate conspiracies. And in general, it's primarily HoD and not the linked servers doing it...

> >

> > Of course it's not everyone, but it's far too many that would rather concoct conspiracies rather than make and respond to callouts.

> >

> > More power to anyone wanting to change that, and perhaps get people to not nearly all die and actually down enemies in small or large fights, so I don't have to expect everyone around me to just drop dead...


> Not really, from what Ive been told by players from other servers HOD is nowhere near the level of the mushshroom clouds of toxicity found in a few other servers. And a lot of that drama is linked to wvw coordination.


> Its one of the more laidback communities which has its perks but also its disadvantages. The fact that the majority of current HOD guilds have been there for over 2 years is testament to how stable the server is but its not as organised as other servers or as numerous so it floats between tier 4-3


We always loved our hod pairing, and as i understood IT...vice versa as well


See you end of the month maybe?


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