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Good tanky class to actually fight with, in 1vX skirmishes?


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Hello guys,

I'm new to GW2. I did play GW1, and some other action-ish MMORPGs, and the part I like the most so far about the game is WvW.

I'm looking for a tanky/self-sustain class than can brawl with the best of them in small skirmishes. I don't expect to win single-handed against more than 1 opponents, but still I'd like to feel like I have a chance in a prolonged fight. One thing I don't want is a squishy assassin-type character that could do 1 big burst, maybe finish off a 50% HP enemy and then has to run away. I realize roaming often comes down to bursting, disengaging, and then going in again, so mobility is a must but still I'd enjoy a class that is a little more "head on" that Thief. A class that will allow me to gradually come up ahead in an actual fight.


From what I've seen, although it could be outdated, I might be looking for something like Warrior (love the Spellbreaker aesthetically, dunno how good it is for roaming), Guardian (DH looks awesome), maybe Ranger? Mesmer (I've heard many times that the class, is strong in general for roaming, but I guess the playstyle relies more on mobility and stealth, than actual fighting, and is very squishy itself, much like Thief. Could be wrong though.)

Thanks for all your input ;) Cheers!

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You're probably looking at warrior. It is pretty strong in small scale and 1v1, a lot of self sustain and passives, good damage, mobility and escapes.


Mesmer is outright broken, and like thief you will rely on stealth and mobility along with out of stealth burst. Both are cheap garbage classes in my opinion.


Ranger can be very strong, especially some soulbeast builds. Druid can also be used for sustain. Your biggest challenge will be when enemies can close the gap to you, and your longbow is not as useful.



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> @"VaeVictus.4950" said:

> ...but still I'd like to feel like I have a chance in a prolonged fight. One thing I don't want is a squishy assassin-type character that could do 1 big burst, maybe finish off a 50% HP enemy and then has to run away.


Based on this, you are looking for something similar that I am. From that perspective, I can only say that ranger has served me well. The other class I constantly play is guard, but since guard PoF specs (FB) turned them to full-fledged healers, it is not necessarily that interesting to small scale fights. You can still play guard as DH, but after buffs to classes at PoF, it is not that impressive anymore. Ranger's Druid still does that job in some extent (that is, being able to be a hybrid support to small groups to make them more about skills and strategy).


All in all, just alone, I don't think any class can sustain 1vs2 (assuming same skill levels), and every 1vs1 is more about the encounter: you dont have a single class beating all others. What you essentially need for solo roaming is escape skills, but the more you trait them, the less likely is that you win one. Atm, in my opinion, in WvW you really can't have 'all in one' single roamer - either you lack damage (making it always a tie), or sustain (if you fail the burst, you loose), or escape skills (you can choose to either escape from a battle you can't win, or take a risk to take a fight you may win or loose).

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> Atm, in my opinion, in WvW you really can't have 'all in one' single roamer

That's... alright. I guess it only makes sense and is to be expected.


> From that perspective, I can only say that ranger has served me well.

My "main", from what little I have played, is also a Ranger. I like the idea of skirmishing in and out, alternating between LB and GW. But that's for PVE, I don't have much experience in WvW, yet. I hear Ranger is, at the very least, competent at roaming, that's why I chose him. I was looking if I could find a class that is a bit more tanky/self-sustaining, being able to charge in more aggressively and hold his ground for a while.

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> @"VaeVictus.4950" said:

> > Atm, in my opinion, in WvW you really can't have 'all in one' single roamer

> That's... alright. I guess it only makes sense and is to be expected.


Def yes, it was just to OP asking a class/build,


> > From that perspective, I can only say that ranger has served me well.

> My "main", from what little I have played, is also a Ranger. I like the idea of skirmishing in and out, alternating between LB and GW. But that's for PVE, I don't have much experience in WvW, yet. I hear Ranger is, at the very least, competent at roaming, that's why I chose him. I was looking if I could find a class that is a bit more tanky/self-sustaining, being able to charge in more aggressively and hold his ground for a while.


I feel that ranger is somewhere in between. People who compain about ranger's OPness have usually got a fight against two different rangers: they have met druid with high sustainability and her friends have killed the author, or they have been ambushed by core/sb damage builds - which can be pretty damn surprising to most, that you meet a ranger that can do dmg enough to bring you down! - and they maybe fail to realize that those were two totally different builds.

Anyways, ranger is nice class to play. It is flexible, but only as support role it is sort-of-easy-to-play. Most real dmg builds need much knowledge about the classes & situations you are facing.

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