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Cliffside Chest Seal

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Alright. This is something I gotta ask. Why does everyone always cower in the corner during the Chest Seal part? The fire fields are not that hard to keep up with! Left, Middle, Right, Middle, Repeat. It's not that hard! Yet everyone always seems to think that just hiding far off to the side and letting one person suicide run to Seal-Breaker is the way to go! Seriously! What's the logic behind this? Most of the time, whenever I am forced to do that strat, my team dies to the mobs. Then I yell at them for five minutes to FOLLOW THE PATTERN. And we do. And we clear the Seal.


Just recently, (five minutes ago) I did the opposite and forced my team to follow the pattern by taking the hammer to the patterns. And we cleared it instantly, after some 'encouraging' words from me. Group didn't like it, we clear the full fractal, I get kicked after I claim rewards (They were honourable in that regard).


Just... What is it about hiding in a fucking corner making things much more difficult than following a simple pattern?

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Your topic is an answer to a question posted in a different topic - why are some fractal players elitists? You can either run with a group of 4 toxic noobs, who slow you down, insult you and even kick you after you carry them and teach them a fancy strat that saves them several minutes each time, OR you can simply purge the plebs from your group / leave it and join a good party that actually understands the fractal encounters and be done much faster.

There is no rational answer to your question though. People are stupid, plain and simple. I tend to join parties demanding as high amount of essences as possible to prevent problems like this (which usually works, although to be fair I've also seen 70kp+ groups that had literally no clue how fractals work or what to do).

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I've never experienced that "strategy" in pugs so far, it sounds like something T3 people would do ^^


Sometimes I get into pugs where people rush into the mobs at the arm seals instead of waiting for the hammer-wielder, but you can just proceed with 4 or 3 players then. Either these people die or they kill the mobs and the group has to wait for the respawn. Always move in group formation!

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So I suppose I'm just extremely unlucky in that every group I get doesn't know how to Chest Seal. Huh. :c


It should be noted that I wasn't exactly 100% clean myself with that group I was with. The 'encouragement' was actually a Precision F-Strike. Soooo.... Yea. Mistakes but /shrug.


Guess I'll just change my mindset and redouble my efforts in teaching the proper way to do it in T4s.

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For this case, its mainly a communication problem. LFG PuG isn't formed by people you know instead, it's formed up of random people and different people can have different method of doing things.


And like Takoyakii.2146, I find such group rare nowadays. You just need to communicate with the rest in the group which plan to go with by words or action.(if there's 3 or more people doing it, usually the others will follow provided they know the method being used.)

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Potential egg on my face. I exclusively do pug when doing Fractals (and Raids) simply because I cannot keep to a static time every day/week/whatever. Just not possible for me. In that regard, I seem to just expect everyone to know what I know and do what I do. I neglect to realize they are not me and I am not them. Communication really does seem to do wonders, even more effective when fewer expletives are used.

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Oh.. that part. I just wait till everyone is up there.... Then I will charge in. The only character I hv ar is druid. So I play leeching druid in fractal. At that part of cliff side .. I charge in whenever everyone is up ready. Place stone, frost and nature spirits and preheal in the middle between fire fields. It takes few seconds and entire group should move to me ..if they dont..(never the case). I will leave group.. so to let them find a better replacement. No need to chit chat too much bcos this isn't new fractal map xD

Occasionally I put a smiley face in chat thts all..


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> @"Eramonster.2718" said:

> For this case, its mainly a communication problem. LFG PuG isn't formed by people you know instead, it's formed up of random people and different people can have different method of doing things.


> And like Takoyakii.2146, I find such group rare nowadays. You just need to communicate with the rest in the group which plan to go with by words or action.(if there's 3 or more people doing it, usually the others will follow provided they know the method being used.)


Agreed, communication is the key. Reminds me of a pug run I had where the warrior and me died at the beginning of Underground Facility. In all groups I am usually, we clear the mobs (in T4) before entering the console room. In this pug, 3 players just rushed forward and left me and the warrior alone. When we died, I asked them to not rush. The reply of one of them was "why, I don't want to spend the day here" or something along those lines. I then wrote that if we are supposed to skip, at least communicate it beforehand. Then, after a short pause, they vote-kicked the warrior (he hadn't even said a word). Before I could ask why he had been kicked, I was vote-kicked too ^^


That was the third fractal of the dailies, and we did a great job at the other two, Mai Trin and Volcanic. This was not announced as a speed run, the different approaches should not have kept us from finishing the fractal. But instead of communicating, these players decided to get rid of us. There was no insulting, no whining, I was honestly surprised when they kicked the warrior and thought he must have insulted them in whisper maybe. I messaged him afterwards, he had already joined another group that was at the boss of Underground, so the kick even saved him time ^^ I just joined a group for the fractal and was done quickly too. The 3 toxic players probably got replacements that went to kill the dredge anyway, because 99% of groups do that. They are on my block list now. People should realize that the T4 fractal pug community is small. I regularly have players in my group that I have done dailies with before, that probably happens more often than I realize because I cannot remember all names or appearances.


That's not a way to treat each other in a community. How does it feel when you get into the same group a week later? It's like being a jerk to someone in traffic, just to realize later that the other guy is your new neighbor who just moved in.

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