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RIP Dhuum CM


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Bugs need to be addressed even if they make the encounter more challenging. If it was not intended then it should not be there no matter the impact on difficultly. Bugs can impact a lot of things in the future that were not intended, could create issues when trying to fix other issues with the same encounter, can find themselves into other encounters having similar code with more problematic consequences. It is unprofessional not to fix them, even if the community liked it.


Just be proud you killed it with the bug (it is still sth you can brag about). the "RIP" sentiment is an overreaction.



> @"Cynn.1659" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > Its kinda sad that anet cant make encounters be this hard without something being bugged.


> Doubt it was bugged in the first place, wouldn't surprise me if it was "fixed" just to please people that were constantly complaining about break bar, the same as they were complaining about black guy aoe, and oh look now he has a permanent circle on him, that makes im 10 times easier to see and avoid. .


What would be the motive for this? Anet never had any issue is saying when a nerf is a nerf in the past. They are doing it for fractals all the time no matter the bakclash. And they do not decide on complains. They decide on their metrics. And i doubt they had any accessibility requirements for dhuum CM which is not a repeatable encounter so that they would nerf it because of that.

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In the early week of wing 4, samarog had a lot of bugs.. many ppl got it done bcos of bug as well.. I know many many groups that got samarog cm bcos it was bug.

Same with w5 statue. Many many many ppl got it bcos of bug and are silent.

We all know Dhuum has a lot of bug. It needs fix. We don't train for 60 hours to overcome bug and hope for one lucky run. Ppl gonna be avoiding to try hard on it due to there are better things to do in life than spending 6 hours a day everyday for few days just to get Dhuum cm done.. :p now the fix makes it better to run .. so yeah I'm fully support that. But those who has done it legit way not cheating .. weldone bcos you get paid off doing the annoying and tough way. Even the stronger said they will never want to enter Dhuum cm again (before the fix)

I'm not trying to argue bcos there's no point in doing so.. and I can totally understand from those who already done it the hard way. Since patched .. I know at least two groups done it.. so it is a good thing. I hv only started making a casual dhuum.cm group.. hopefully we will get it soon .. :) peace

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Yes anet stop fixing bugs pls, we want the game full of bugs ok..

Just let lots of bugs in the game so less and less ppl play the game to the point where anet just stops updating the game and no one plays it anymore.


In my opinion ppl that complain about bugs fix don't care about the game health at all.

They think they have some big prestige title that only 1% of the raiders will get lol, just give it some months and the voice title will be just another raid title that everyone has, just like w4 title


Well I guess they are happy with the statues bosses Bug fix, now will be much harder for other ppl to do the achieve.




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truly. i have many friends stop playing since w5 and few more saying they are going to take a break. i find w5 is most awesome wing of all raid wings.

yeah i was still in NA when i saw the dhuum cm selling like a week before the patch. since path, eu has a few now selling it. not sure how much they are selling it for tho.. any idea? xD


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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"Cynn.1659" said:

> > And CM got nerfed, im sorry "bug fixed". Even if it was really bugged, it was perfectly doable. Once many groups manage to kill it it should become a feature, not get nerfed in the disguise of a bug fix. If nobody managed to kill it to this day then sure it probably would require fixing, but that's not the case here.


> Regardless of the effect of any bug, game companies will always got to significant lengths to fix them. EVERY game company. being known as a company that doesn't fix it's game bugs is a very serious and negative impact for how the customer views the care that companies address problems in the game.


Bethesda would like a word with you. XD

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