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Gem store items and bundles question for ANet


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ANet why don't you allow us to just directly purchase the items we want? Why does ANet not just bundle a collection like the phoenix skins or gargoyle skins for example and just sell them to us for 600-800 gems? I think a lot more players would be apt to spend money in the gem store if they can just directly buy what they want instead of spending a lot of money on stupid BLC keys in hopes of unlocking the skins they want through the wardrobe. I've been playing for some years now and I'm still confused about why we have the RNG instead of direct purchases? I think the micro money they make from BLC key sales and what not would pale in comparison to the amount of money players would spend on items they actually want. Anybody else think so?

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> @"Zenakou.7853" said:

> ANet why don't you allow us to just directly purchase the items we want? Why does ANet not just bundle a collection like the phoenix skins or gargoyle skins for example and just sell them to us for 600-800 gems? I think a lot more players would be apt to spend money in the gem store if they can just directly buy what they want instead of spending a lot of money on stupid BLC keys in hopes of unlocking the skins they want through the wardrobe. I've been playing for some years now and I'm still confused about why we have the RNG instead of direct purchases? I think the micro money they make from BLC key sales and what not would pale in comparison to the amount of money players would spend on items they actually want. Anybody else think so?


Because if the cost is high players are more inclined to purchase gems in order to buy it.


> Let's say that the item costs 700 gems.

* X players would be able to convert golds to 700 gems


> And now let's consider the item cost 2k or more

* Y players ( Y way more lower than X ) would be able to convert golds to gems, and due to both the limited time of aviability many players will ( or at least would consider ) the possibility to buy the bundle.


Same thing goes for unique account bound skins from BLC ( which probably could be tradable after a year or so ).


They did their math, and managed to learn that they are definitely going to make more money by selling high priced bundle or skins ( because of whales, mostly ).


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They hardly sell direct bundles or skins. Players should be allowed to solely purchase the items they want instead of gambling on the BLC. If players want to convert a ton of gold to gems to unlock the entire zodiac skin collection then they should have that choice. I personally don't believe we should have to spend let's say 20 bucks on gems just to get a chance to unlock a zodiac sword when I can spend said 20 dollars on the entire zodiac collection and unlock them all.

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> @"Zenakou.7853" said:

> They hardly sell direct bundles or skins. Players should be allowed to solely purchase the items they want instead of gambling on the BLC. If players want to convert a ton of gold to gems to unlock the entire zodiac skin collection then they should have that choice. I personally don't believe we should have to spend let's say 20 bucks on gems just to get a chance to unlock a zodiac sword when I can spend said 20 dollars on the entire zodiac collection and unlock them all.


That would be ok if converion wouldn't exist ( and we all have to pay for every single gemstore item ).


Personally, i prefer to have a golds to gems trade and let ANET make money out of whales.

I would have paid over 500€ without the current system.


Or else, they could split gemstore into something like "gems" and "emeralds".


* The first one converted from golds will allow players to buy bundles and overpriced items

* The second one, obtained through real money purchase, will allow players to buy single item for a definitely more moderate price.

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