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Next Elite Spec Ideas.


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I'd really like an elite mechanic that's based around swapping position with your pets, with secondary effects when doing so.


For example, swap place with your pet - your pet taunts enemies around it on its new location and you gain stealth for 3 seconds (elite skill material I guess).


An elite spec built around swapping places with your pet would allow for some very interesting and fun gameplay, borrowing a bit from mesmers that are built around confusing your opponent.

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"Stalker" with Spear, stealth-on-hit skills, Physical utilities, and maybe gain buffs if we let stealth naturally expire?

"Hunter" with Shotgun, CC skills, Mantra/Venom utilties, and powerful AoE damage?

"Warden" with Shield, Stunbreak and Defensive skills, damage-focused meditations, and maybe turn petbar into pet-themed support skills?


People seem to have a lot of ideas for Hammer already.

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"Lone Wanderer" who travale with pet for loooong long time now time is come, your pet is come to the end of his/her life-spawn.

Now you alone but you not lonely you have remeber your bestfriend and he/she still alive in your song and melody.

Now you dance with Lady bullet in lovely handgun.


Lone Wanderer with dual pistol fight at close range.( 1~450.)

You start with 15bullet.(On F5 shotcut)

All skill 1,2,3...,0 use bullet and have reload button , New loading bullet have bonus like Gear of war.(All weapon ranger type use bullet and reload.)

Reload effect give you Alacrity-x-sec per bullet spen.

All pet F1 2 3 4 swap as "rhythm of Name-type-of-pet" when your start music gain xxx or yyy.

Utt and Ele skill give you extent range/AoE/focus/salvo skill of couse it effect another ranger weapon too!

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