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Condition Build Solo?


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I recently finished getting a bunch of condition damage gear for a more PvE/group focused berzerker build, after running around on a power-oriented spellbreaker for a while in both PvP and PvE. One thing I noticed right off the bat: I seem to be dying constantly with this setup! I'm roughly using the build suggested on the meta sites, with the exception of rampager gear instead of viper. I can't really figure out why it's so much harder to survive, as I seem to be fine even if I keep the exact same gear on and just swap back to spellbreaker/dual axes.


Is this build really only useful for organized groups? I was hoping to play around with it in solo/open world content just to get used to rotations and playstyle, but I'm getting absolutely wrecked even by ordinary map and veteran monsters. I can't figure out what is making me so much less survivable though - I don't think the lack of full counter is that big of a deal in open-world PvE. The only thing I can think of is that I don't seem to have the best AoE options, so maybe packs of monsters are staying up longer and burning me down. With dual axes I can usually take out just about anything by buffing up and spinning to win.


Also a follow-up: what's the best way to manage banners in things like fractals where you're moving around a lot? Should you try to pick them up and move them around constantly, or just ignore them if you're not relatively stationary?

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Yes, the classic Bannerkitten build is indeed very squishy. Especially since your heal ability is more of an offensive ability to instantly recharge your Burst. There’s no comparing it to a build that incorporates Adrenal Health + Healing Signet.


That being said, it is still completely viable outside of things like raids. It is mostly a learn to play issue with learning how to play around the squishiness. Which really usually just comes down to killing things before they kill you. Don’t be afraid to use your Headbutt in order to instantly hit full Adrenaline and pop berserk mode - for an Elite it has a tiny teeny cooldown.


As for AoE: keep in mind that both the Longbow and Sword Bursts pierces enemies in a line so with some maneuvering you can hit a lot of mobs with either one.

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Absolutely agreeing on everything what @"Oglaf.1074" said.


As much as I used to dislike Condi warrior, nowadays I'm using both Power (all variants, core/zerker/sb) and Condi for open world, switching back and forth whenever I feel like.

Condi warrior also has that 'in-your-face' playstyle similarly to Power, but keep in mind that you will be more squishy without Adrenal Health and Full Counter (even if armor and HP is the same). Your main goal should be to burst down your enemies as fast as possible, with playing around the build's strengths.


**Survival**: despite in instanced organized content _Blood Reckoning_ is basically used as a DPS cooldown (to reset the cd on burst skills) I'd advise to _do not use it in that way for open world_ and save it for clutch situations. Actually it can be a very strong heal in PvE, make sure whenever you're using it you're in Berserk mode and ready to blow every burst you've got - it can basically heal you from like ~20% HP to full when you're bursting properly during its active life-leech duration.


Also learn to _kite mobs_ - without Adrenal Health, Full Counter etc. you can't just facetank everything. For solo play I'd suggest to take the Burning Arrows trait instead of Empower Allies, and don't be afraid to remain a little bit more on Longbow if you're low on health, it's not that terrible.


You will also get used to time _Shattering Blow_ - it acts as a really short block which can be a lifesaver if lots of mobs are on you and/or you time it correctly for a big tell.


**DPS/AoE**: Longbow burst has huge AoE cleave dps, try to prioritize it in your rotation as often as possible (e.g. always use this burst in Berserk mode and after Blood Reckoning), and also try to lay that fire carpet down in a way you hit the most enemies with it. So your own _positioning_ is key. A bit back to kiting - once you placed your fire fields down, try to move in a way to keep the mobs in it.


**Banners**: it depends, when the fight is over quickly I always used to grab one of them and move it further with me. But when they're close to disappearing (close to the 30 sec cooldown timer) I don't used to bother with it, and just resummon them when next available and needed. As for during fights: if you know you'll move around a lot, try to place them in the very center of the room, but if you realize mid-fight they're in the totally wrong place, I'd suggest to take that few seconds to move at least one of them closer, it will help your whole party by a lot more than that skipped few second personal DPS of yours.

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Oh I forgot about Banners.


Basically, I never use them when sololing (I use Shattering Blow, Enrage and Signet of Precison) and when I do use them for group content I basically just bother with them during boss fights or other "heavy" events. They're too much of a PITA to lug around just when clearing trash and stuff.

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I found the meta condi build to be more squishy than I liked in solo PvE as well, so I actually modified the build to use the Defense trait line (for Adrenal Health) and healing signet that gives me plenty of sustain and works very well for me. Same equipment as meta build. Play style and rotations are similar to meta build, but you won't be able to burst as often:




As for Banners, I almost never use them in open world and only pull them out for a boss fight. I typically use similar utilities as Oglaf above.

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