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1v1 for 100G | Weaver Vs. Spellbreaker (Cellofrag/Rayzen)


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> @"Ario.8964" said:

> > @"Crinn.7864" said:

> > > @"Ario.8964" said:

> > > To put it into perspective, games back when the cele era was a thing had dps builds whose hardest hit was like 4 or 5k. Now that is an auto level or a passive damage proc level. 2k healing was a decent sized heal, now its the regen per second on builds like druid. It's all just powercreep.

> >

> > To be fair, during the cele era there were not really "dps" builds, the meta back then revolved around bruisers. You could definitely get very high damage output back then, it's just that optimizing for damage wasn't desirable back then. The current meta mostly revolves around being either a all damage class, or a all sustain bunker.

> >


> You had shatter mesmers and s/d or d/p thieves. Some teams even ran with both if they felt strong enough with their players. Also take into account builds back in the cele era ran around around with 25 might stacks at nearly all times giving them a power level greater than builds seen now (also crit damage would be the same cause ferocity on mara is 560 and cele was 560 to all stats back then). I see the point you're making and it makes sense cause damage modifiers and such but even then it doesn't account for the absoultely atrocious amount of damage going on now compared to then. I'm 99% sure that is powercreep.




Not totally relevant but compare these two sets of pve dps benchmarks, the first from about 1.5 years ago, and the second being relevant today. Notice how the recent benchmarks which are done with "realistic buffs" are in general much higher than the old ones even with all buffs. Even while lacking stuff like 10% power and condi damage from grace of the land, 10% power damage from glyph of empowerment, 150 ferocity from assassin's presence, and full powered seaweed salad, the modern realistic benchmarks pull ahead of the old unrealistic benchmarks by a wide margin. Look at staff thief which used to be top dps for a small hit box and hasn't really recieved any relevant changes since then, now it is like 20th which is an insane difference.

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> @"ArthurDent.9538" said:

> > @"Ario.8964" said:

> > > @"Crinn.7864" said:

> > > > @"Ario.8964" said:

> > > > To put it into perspective, games back when the cele era was a thing had dps builds whose hardest hit was like 4 or 5k. Now that is an auto level or a passive damage proc level. 2k healing was a decent sized heal, now its the regen per second on builds like druid. It's all just powercreep.

> > >

> > > To be fair, during the cele era there were not really "dps" builds, the meta back then revolved around bruisers. You could definitely get very high damage output back then, it's just that optimizing for damage wasn't desirable back then. The current meta mostly revolves around being either a all damage class, or a all sustain bunker.

> > >

> >

> > You had shatter mesmers and s/d or d/p thieves. Some teams even ran with both if they felt strong enough with their players. Also take into account builds back in the cele era ran around around with 25 might stacks at nearly all times giving them a power level greater than builds seen now (also crit damage would be the same cause ferocity on mara is 560 and cele was 560 to all stats back then). I see the point you're making and it makes sense cause damage modifiers and such but even then it doesn't account for the absoultely atrocious amount of damage going on now compared to then. I'm 99% sure that is powercreep.



> https://snowcrows.com/benchmarks/


> Not totally relevant but compare these two sets of pve dps benchmarks, the first from about 1.5 years ago, and the second being relevant today. Notice how the recent benchmarks which are done with "realistic buffs" are in general much higher than the old ones even with all buffs. Even while lacking stuff like 10% power and condi damage from grace of the land, 10% power damage from glyph of empowerment, 150 ferocity from assassin's presence, and full powered seaweed salad, the modern realistic benchmarks pull ahead of the old unrealistic benchmarks by a wide margin. Look at staff thief which used to be top dps for a small hit box and hasn't really recieved any relevant changes since then, now it is like 20th which is an insane difference.


Yeah it pretty much shows that all the PoF classes are overtuned not only in PvP, but PvE too. Honestly looking at the numbers, they're not that rediculous compared to today's numbers though. I expected there'd be more of a power creep.

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