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Mighty Mesmer build by Cat Mage for Pvp


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Imagined Burden boosts might along with 1 on Greatsword and clones from mirror blade Might stays on me 30% longer


Compounding power dumps more damage on a single target with duelist and berserker doing high damage


Blurred inscriptions removes condtions


Signet of Humility and the final bonus (of Runes of Hoelbrak) reduces condition duration by 40% also cuts down on fear/CC skills on me.

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This build looks more like an open world pve build to me. I'm not a pvp expert, but honestly, I can't see it work for pvp, especially now that we have such insane levels of power creep going on, sorry.


> @"Greasy.7609" said:


> Signet of Humility and the final bonus (of Runes of Hoelbrak) reduces condition duration by 40% also cuts down on fear/CC skills on me.


Correct me if I'm wrong, I've never ever used Moa Signet (I dislike it), but I'm pretty sure that its passive doesn't reduce incoming condition duration, only incoming cc duration. So it's more like -20% incoming condi duration from runes and -20% incoming cc duration from SoH, which is imo barely anything, especially for glassy builds like yours.


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Moa Signet is ok for core Mesmer since all other elites are mediocre at best for PvP. This build is not viable though, you can't do anything of substence with it, you can't duel, you can't contest bases, your burst is decent at best so even +1s are not that strong and even Eles have better mobility for roaming since you are not taking Staff.

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