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REVENANT change incoming (wishful thinking)


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the idea around those chnages is to give the revenenat more ways to hanlde condition without actually cleanse them.

corruption will punish and can also be use with power build and have bit more ways to sustain conditions dmg without resistance alone.

retribution also wont have more cleanse rather dmg reduction for short duration in order to retaliate or wait for cd's.

salvation bit more cleanse as to be a healer you must sustain better conditions dmg. and the change to Momentary Pacification (a never used trait) can bring back the the point holder role for good player as you cannot spam it (and easy to avoid if you good player aswell)




Rampant Vex - you take less 10% condition dmg from a foe affected by torment condition. minimum 3 stacks.

Replenishing Despair - the healing scale increase by 100% (126+1*healing power)

Venom Enhancement - poison increase duration now reduce by 100%. now you take less 50% condition dmg from poison foes.

Opportune Extraction - steal a boon and transfer 1 condition also. 10 sec icd

Bolstered Anguish - reduce condition dmg you take and give by 3% for each condition on you. increase direct dmg you give by 3% for each condition on you.

Spontaneous Destruction - banish enchantment also transfer 2 conditions to the foe.

Diabolic Inferno - also inflict blind and cripple

Pulsating Pestilence - invoking legend now transfer 3 conditions on you to nearby foes.



Planar Protection - the dome now reflects

Close Quarters - dmg reduction also effects condition dmg

Improved Aggression - tuant duration now increase by 100% (pvp). also dmg reduction also apply to condition dmg

Retaliatory Evasion - retaliation duration increase by 50%

Determined Resolution - dmg reduction also apply to condition aswel

Vicious Reprisal - retaliation duration increase to 100%

Versed in Stone - rotgd will now always reduce condition dmg aswel. this trait will change to for 5 sec you take 50% less dmg and after 5 sec foes around the caster will take 50% dmg back (blockable and avoidable)

Steadfast Rejuvenation - also heal allies around you.



Tranquil Balance - also effect self healing

Tranquil Benediction - orb will remove 1 condition from each ally only once

Invoking Harmony - after invoking a legend your next healing ability will heal 20% more and remove 3 conditions. 10 sec icd

Momentary Pacification - icd 20 sec. this skill no longer immobilize rather kb enemy after 2 sec fuze time.



Swift Gale - gaining super speed also decrease condition duration by 50%

Harmonize Continuity - also when you use stunbreak successfully you also healed by 1000 hp, gain regen for 5 sec, 5 stacks of might and fury

Soothing Bastion - shield skill can be used while moving. while holding a shield boon duration increase by 20%

Enhanced Bulwark - when stability applied to you impairment conditions effect are reduced by 50%.



Wrought-Iron Will - regen and retaliation duration increase by 100%

Blood Fury - fury increase the duration of any condition

Endless Enmity - health threshold 90%. icd 12 sec

Sudden Reversal - icd 10 sec

Heartpiercer - bleeding dmg increase to 33%

All for One - protection now is 1 sec and 5 stacks






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> @"messiah.1908" said:

> > @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> > More than likely they remove the Energy reset on Legend swap on the basis that Revenant is overperforming and taking up to much of the metaspace

> hardly as its the main theme of the revenant - controlling the nrg


Don’t put anything past a Anet “Balance” team.

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> @"Zyllias.9538" said:

> Anet wont do anything for revenant, it goes to the garbage.


Sadly this.


But if they did I would honestly just want Anet to improve the condi clears Rev already has. They are there, they just...suck.


Things like:

Buff staff 4 to 1/4 cast and reduce CD

Invocation trait 1 top: Conditions removed increased to 2.

Dwarf heal: Decrease cast time, possibly CD as well

Dwarf elite: The 50% Condi damage reduction trait is now baseline. Trait itself reworked into making the elite periodically remove condis.

Malyx and related traits: Resistance duration increased by 50% across the board.

Riposting shadows: Removes 1 additional condi

( Herald ) One with Nature: Now grants 4s Resistance when consumed

( Renegade ) Righteous Rebel: Now reduces Condi duration as well as damage.


Lots of small buffs to what is already there would go a long way, especially if condi specs get nerfed.






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