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LF Casual NA Guild


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Hey everyone! I'm a GW2 vet who's getting pretty burned out being in a big guild, so I'm looking for a change! I'm looking for a relatively small (50-100 members sounds good) and stable guild with low member turnovers. The more casual and newer the players the better! I'm tired of listening to jaded vets complaining about everything in game, and also it means I get to help people out with things and do content I wouldn't usually do. A little about me, I'm mostly a PvE player and have done quite a bit of that. I enjoy helping people out or just chatting in general while I go about my daily things. So please, if you have a tight-knit, friendly guild that's looking for a new edition please make your pitch. You can mail me on here or reply to this thread.

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Posting our "ad" from Guildex but there are new people in the guild all the time. I consider us more of a training teaching guild, so we love getting new people.


Wardens of Destiny is a casual, social PvE guild, centered around the idea that having fun is more important than “winning”. We'd rather laugh our way through a dungeon with friends, then speed run our way through dungeons with a bunch of strangers. We'd rather help each other through open world challenges than tell people to learn to play. We'd rather share our experiences and help teach new players than isolate the and tell them to come join us when they know the game.


Because our main goal is to have fun, many of us are fun-loving. That means we joke around. We laugh. Sometimes we tease each other. It's all in good fun, so feel free to join in. Don't take anything too seriously and you'll enjoy your time with us.


And don't be shy about talking in guild chat or joining us on Discord. We'll do our best to make you feel at home. Send an ingame mail to one of the guild leaders if you're interested in checking us out.

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Tyrs Paladium [TYRS] may be the guild for you! Tyrs is a casual adult gaming guild with members 30+ in age. We concentrate on PvE, but participate in all game modes with a no man left behind mentality. New players and vets alike are welcome!


If this sounds like the place for you, come on over to our website ([tyrspaladium.com/index.php](http://tyrspaladium.com/index.php "tyrspaladium.com/index.php")), sign up (button on upper right of home page), and then complete an application by clicking the Application Forms button.

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