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Warrior or Guardian or Mesmer?

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Apologies in advance as I imagine this kinda of question is asked alot


I am currently deciding pushing the following 3 classes upto cap and making it my main. I am torn between them and have levelled each upto level 40, I imagine as time goes by I will level each one up, but for not I would like a class which is capable of being good in:


PvE Fractals/Raiding

WvW zerg runs

WvW Solo roaming

PvE World completion


I want to play a class needed in PvE and capable in PvP and also one that is not over subscribed too much so I am not competing constantly for spaces?


Anyone able to provide advice or guidance.

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I would personally recommend mesmer since it can do pretty much everything right now. Buffs like crazy, one of the top wvw fighters, lots of utility in dungeons, required for raids with chronomancer. It all just depends on build and you might have to change gear sets to fill all of these roles.

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Mesmer simply because it makes full use of both of it's elite specs, Chronomancer being a support/tank in raids and high level Fractals and Mirage being a good duelist for PvP and WvW roaming but if you go the support route for raids expect to invest some serious cash on gearing up. Needs more practice to learn properly too.

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