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Suggestions: Game mechanics I think will be fun, reworks, ideas for new specs


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Decided to write down a quick list of things I think will be cool to see at some point. I won't go into specifics because that's for the devs to decide and balance. I'm not certain all of these are doable in the game engine, but that's for the devs to decide.


**1. Holding down the button while casting something.**

**example 1:** engi grenades have no cooldown, however if you simply tap the button quickly it throws 1 grenade to up to 1500 range. As you hold down the button longer, the number of grenades you throw increases but the range decreases. If you charge it to the max, you thrown a bunch of grenades straight up for a small aoe around you.

**example 2:** for druid staff 1, or mes gs 1, you can hold down the button for as long as you want to cast an uninterrupted beam.

**example 3:** hold the ranger longbow 4 button to charge it up, increasing its knockback range


**2. directional AOEs (Mario cart boosters)**

There is marked aoe on the floor, with arrows in it. If you step on it you are dragged in that direction. It is more like the vortex/gravity mechanics we've been seeing since HOT, but much stronger and easier to avoid. It is not like a push/pull cc. It does not interrupt your skills and it's possible to dodge out of it.

**example 1:** imagine if Sabetha was wielding a leaf blower instead of a flame thrower. If you get hit by the arrow it sends you off the platform. But if you get hit by it while directly in front of one of the jumping pads it doesn't have enough reach to push you off and simply helps you get there faster.

**example 2:** the engi "slick shoos" ability creates a directional aoe in the direction you were moving while casting it. It makes npcs and even players slide along the path in that direction.


**3. More projectile modifiers**

Currently we have things that destroy, reflect, and convert projectiles into healing. Maybe we can get some more...

**temporary stop:** Field that makes all projectiles remember their direction and speed, but makes them stop in mid air until the field goes away. This can either be used defensively to block them, or as a way to precast a bunch of projectiles and release them all at the same time.

**Amplifier: ** This field buffs projectiles that enter it in some way, power, speed, range, etc. It affects both friendly and enemy projectiles equally. This is similar to the projectile finishers through fields, but affects nonfinisher projectiles and is more than just adding a bonus effect to them.

**portal: ** 2D wall, which you can see through and throw things through it. But you can't go through it. Or maybe you can... It's basically a portal from the Portal games.


**4. Combo fields/finisher changes**

So I noticed that combos suffer from the same problem as conditions before HOT. They are not practical enough to be taken seriously most of the time, and just randomly happen.

**Suggestion 1:** create dedicated gear stats which greatly buff combos, at the expense of other stats. We're running out of good stat sets to put in the game anyway. With good balancing, comboing becomes equal to power and condi builds, but not limited to dps roles since combos can have different effects. For example there might be "field power" and "finisher power" stats. You can either build for 100% field power and rely on others to combo it, or build for 100% finisher power and rely on other fields. Also add 4 way stat sets with like 50% of each 2 other stats.

**Suggestion 2:** make combo finisher be able to hit multiple unique fields at the same time. This would eliminate the problem of accidentally overriding the useful ones, but will require lots of balancing.


**5. Flying enemies and glider/mount combat**

Probably a long shot idea in terms of development and design, but I think it would be cool if we had proper airborn npcs. They would use the same movement system as underwater creatures to allow them to float in the air freely.

I think we should also be able to use some abilities, or maybe just underwater weapons while gliding/mounted. They will not be very strong, but it opens the way for cool events like chasing wyverns across the sky on a griffin.


**6. Levitating water or zero gravity fields.**

Asura and inquest technology that makes flying drones hold a 3d field around them. These may seem a bit crazy, but so is the most advanced race in Tyria.

**Water field:** A big ball of water in mid air. If you glide or jump into it, you start swimming and are able to use water abilities to shoot in and out of it. If you swim outside of it you fall off as normal.

**Zero G field:** Inside this area, gliders and griffins can't lose altitude. Projectiles don't fall to the ground (making them harder to aim, or reach further). You can jump much higher. If you jump inside at an angle you fly in a straight line.

**Underwater air bubble:** if you swim into it, you fall to the bottom. You can mount on a skimmer inside of it.


**7. Mesmer spec 4th "clone only" slot:**

What if we could gain a 4th small circle. It can only be filled by a clone. So you can have 3 phantasms and 1 clone active. This means that skills that summon clones like sword 3 (i think) and the "clone on dodge" trait can still be used with a phantasm build. I realize that this could make clone builds stronger, but I won't go into details on how to balance it. it's just a concept idea.


**8. Elite spec concept "Elementalist"**

Apart from having a confusing name, this spec buffs existing elementals that eles can summon, and adds new ones.

Unlike now, they go on cooldown as soon as you cast the ability to summon. This makes the gameplay similar to condition dps, but is not limited to condition damage and a dps role. The goal is to have as many elementals active at the same time as you can. They wouldn't last very long so it doesn't generate too much visual noise, which means the gameplay will be very fast paces.

What these elementals do depends on your attunement. Fire makes them do power damage, water: healing, air: cc and offensive boons, earth: condis and defensive boons. That means you could become a healer on demand by pressing f2, but your gear stats still matter, so a zerker build will spend most of the time on fire.


**9. Mesmer elite spec concept: Mirror image:**

This was what I imaged mirage would be, and I've seen something similar suggested before, but here it is again...

What if you summon a very powerful clone which takes 3 illusion slots at the same time. It would be a mirror image if you, meaning it swaps weapons as you do, has the same amount of hp, has the same buffs, boons, conditions as you. But hp and barrier is not shared. You can re-activate it to instantly trade locations. Maybe even gain you mirror's hp bar. This can effectively heal you if it has more hp, or hurt you if it has less.


**10. Expand on the RTS-like army control game mode.**

I liked the POF mission where you get to control awakened. I'm a fan of this type of first person strategy games where you are the hero unit instead of getting a top-down view. So can we get more of that? maybe even make it into a dedicated PVE or PVP game mode. I think gw2 is in a very good position to do this right.

- Place structures, similar to WVW. Then command NPCs to build them.

- Assign control groups. (maybe the F1 - F5 keys in the command mode)

- Upgrade or promote units to veteran, elite, champion to increase their stats

- Create different types of units, like awakened abominations

- Build turrets and other static defenses

- Base raid missions, base defense missions, boss fights... which would be too hard without an army

- Be able to play with other player commanders

**Due to limited controls, this game mode should be more focused on your army strength and composition instead of micro managing spell casters and specialized units**


**11. Deadeye PVE**

- make all the 1500 range skills 2000 in PVE. In my opinion it won't really be too op. this spec isn't really used in dungeons/fractals/raids, which leaves open world. And I think having by far the highest range will make it much more unique and fun in open world.

- make the malice stack icons more clear to see. it's kinda hard to tell how many I have. Make the orbs above the hp bar turn red when filled, or just hide them if they're not filled.


**12. Scourge PVE**

- make Sand Swell instant cast and 1200 range in PVE. Make the portal more visible. for example, it should have a very tall but thin yellow line going up above most other visual noise (kinda like engi orbital strike is easy to see). I've seen multiple encounters where it seems like it could be good and a fun utility, but it's just not practical enough. It either takes too long to activate for its range to be a useful mobility skill, or most players can't find it.


**13. Warrior PVE**

I never liked the whole banner mechanic. They just hog utility slots, just so you can press a button once in a while to give free buffs. That's 2 things wrong: 1: force other more fun utility skills out of the meta, 2: provide powerful buffs for almost no effort just because you are a warrior.

**Suggestion: **

- Merge the discipline and strength banners into one, merge tactics and defense banners into one. This will free up one utility slot.

- Make them last forever, as long as you are within range (maybe like 2000).

- You have to activate the banner (pick it up and use it's skills) in order to trigger the buffs, while it is active, it pulses buffs like normal for 90 sec, then deactivates.

- Increase the cooldown for summoning the banner. reactivating the banner removes it, and starts the cooldown.

This way the warrior will have to physically walk up to it and interact with the banner, instead of just pressing a button. It also means that if the group moves, they will be in charge of physically moving it so it stays with the team. This will be a major dps loss for the warrior, but remember that one banner now has both buffs which affect 10 targets.

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