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One energy bar


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I have been thinking quite a while about this but wouldn't it be easier to have one energy bar (Called something like mist energy) that the Revenant has to manage instead of the two?

I think this would give a revenant more control (ofc we would also need the energy costs of all skills balanced to fit this)

Removing the CD on legend switches would be fine too if it came with a small energy cost.

And come on Anet. Skills really don't need energy cost. That's a major handicap to Revenants.

Right now Rev feels like you are stuck in one legend and aren't really encouraged to switch because you will be stuck in the other legend knowing that you need a skill that is connected to the previous one you switched from.

Let me know how you guys feel about this. I have a few more things but just wanted to share this.

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I've shared my own thoughts [here](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/26286/revenant-how-to-fix#latest "here").


> @"ernestsco.7853" said:

> Right now Rev feels like you are stuck in one legend and aren't really encouraged to switch because you will be stuck in the other legend knowing that you need a skill that is connected to the previous one you switched from.


You're right and wrong.


Yes, the legend swap cooldown discourages swapping because it makes the other legend unavailable. But the 50 free energy you can get for swapping legends (assuming you've drained the current one to zero) encourages it. I've always hated that one.


Personally I play the legend (singular) I want at the time and swap only if absolutely necessary, which is almost never. I'm fine playing non-optimally but more enjoyably while solo'ing but not for competitive group content. So mechanics like this take that content off the table for me.

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> @"ernestsco.7853" said:

> Right now Rev feels like you are stuck in one legend and aren't really encouraged to switch because you will be stuck in the other legend knowing that you need a skill that is connected to the previous one you switched from.


I agree with this 100%, and would also like to have Revenant redesigned to only have only energy bar. There are situations where it is not beneficial to swap legends as you may want/need the skills on your current legend, but feel forced to swap since _everything_ except auto attacks consumes energy. And, in the instances when you _do_ need to swap to your other legend, any energy you gained over 50% goes to waste.


This would be my suggestion:

* Energy bar is shared between legends. Only the color of the energy bar changes based on the legend you are in.

* The Charged Mists trait in the Invocation specialization grants 25 energy (or some other amount) on legend swap.

* Each specialization tied to a legend provides a mechanic (or multiple mechanics) for gaining energy. For instance, have a trait in Corruption that grants bonus energy when striking a foe with 4 or more torment stacks. Or a trait in Retribution that grants bonus energy when taunting a foe.

* The energy replenishing mechanic in each specialization is balanced by tweaking the energy gained by the skill and the ICD.

* Consider adding a method or mechanic which would allow for a reduced cooldown on legend swapping. Possibly something along the lines of the Fresh Air trait in the elementalist's Air specialization.

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> @"Caeledh.5437" said:

> Personally I play the legend (singular) I want at the time and swap only if absolutely necessary, which is almost never. I'm fine playing non-optimally but more enjoyably while solo'ing but not for competitive group content. So mechanics like this take that content off the table for me.


There **is** a good system in there. In the Revenant I mean. It just need extensive changes to the game surrounding it, including but not limited to:


* Loss of stats on gear.

* Massive rework of how traitlines function

* General overhaul to spamminess of abilities and overloaded skills doing 3+ things at a time.


Because, in theory, the Revenant is the "class switcher". Whereas an Elementalist is conceptually built around the idea of a Bard from EQ1, a master of none but can do anything (and then the wonky gear/combat/skill system took it ad absurdum from there...), the Revenant can do only **two** roles. It'd follow that it does those nearly as well as someone "normal", specialized in a single role.


The roles are easy to assign, too. Power DPS, Condi DPS, Healing, Tanking, Defensive Support (Buffing), Offensive Support (bit wonky, since it's not purely debuffing, but has its own theme).

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> @"Carighan.6758" said:

> Because, in theory, the Revenant is the "class switcher".


Except as several of us have spelled out clearly, it isn't.


You either feel forced to manically swap legends every 10s just for the 50 free energy - as the only way to increase your energy regen rate.


Or you feel like you should avoid swapping unless circumstances are dire and require the other legend because once you swap you're locked out of swapping back for 10s.

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> @"ernestsco.7853" said:


> Right now Rev feels like you are stuck in one legend and aren't really encouraged to switch because you will be stuck in the other legend knowing that you need a skill that is connected to the previous one you switched from.

> Let me know how you guys feel about this. I have a few more things but just wanted to share this.



To my point of view.... this up there is called skill lvl ... or knowing when u can swap or can't based on what you know you can/can't allow yourself to do.



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