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what thief is the best class for?


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from what i can tell thief is in a rough spot right now and compared to other games this one makes thief feel out of place. just so you all know what games i play and use thief in its ever quest neverwinter online and neverwinter 1and 2 tera online and even bless. now when you play thief we are to be the best at single target dps and that is it but in this game mes just rules the land and thief just get nerfed to hell and makes the thief wors and wors. like in neverwinter i can play a thief and just focue on my dps becouse i know i cant die unless i get one shot and in damage im mostly in the top 3 spots in a group so not bad right. when i play thief in gw2 my damage is like in the midal or low end of the dps rankings its soo bad and sad to play thief in wvw and pvp

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