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Should I roll guardian?


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I am playing this game for about a week and still looking for a class to "main". Tried warrior, but it looks too simple and therefore boring.


1. First, I am looking for a profession with a specific type of gameplay in both PvE and PvP. Gameplay focused around outlasting the opponent, surviving while applying debuffs (conditions) and slowly eating away his hp. Supporting yourself and other is also a welcome addition. (Heard Scourges can do something similar, but I don't like their aesthetics and they don't seem to support others very well + get nerfed soon I hear). Can Guardians do that, because their design seems to be a lot like prot paladin/warrior in WoW?


2. Are humans the most lore appropriate race for a guardian? Already made human females mesmer/thief and another one of those might be too much. Males, on the other hand...remind me of blood elves. Even their beards are as if someone painted it on their faces. Honesly, they do look a bit gay.


Charrs, on the other hand seem unlikely to be guardians and Norn appear too shamanistic for this to fit properly. Sylvari are too nature inclined while the tiny asura look silly on the frontline.


3. Are guardians good for duels? Can they 1v1 most classes when roaming or are they too reliant on others to do that for them?

4. What stats to aim for with a guardian? "Of the soldier" gear?

5. What is the purpose of the Dragonhunter spec? Does it shine in anything in particular?

6. In WoW hybrid classes were suffering from poor design for years because they could do too much. Paladins, for example, could only heal and it took Burning Crusade to make them tanks as well as Wrath to make them DPS.


While GW 2 might not have Holy Trinity a profession can still feel incomplete and lacking. Are guardians a well-polished, fully functional class?

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here you can see all classes with their meta builds for every game mode.


Tanky equipment as soldier is only meant for wvw ( some pieces maybe ).

Some classes ( like mesmer with chronomancer build ) could use some tanky equipment ( minstrell ) in order to perform as a tank in raids.


I suggest you to watch some videos, read the wiki in order to learn things and follow some guides.

Both guardian and warrior are good btw.

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1)Warrior might a better fit for you due to the wider array of conditions available,larger health pool and depending on your build can provide some good supportive abilities as well (hilariously enough warriors are considered better supports than Guardians - at least in PvE,not sure how true it is in PvP,where as a warrior my only support skill is the banner that helps with revival and I ocasionaly cast fear to prevent stomps - I would argue in sPvP that no elite spec/core guard as can be more supportive than core warriors due to their access to virtues).

Guardians though have better access to Burn - a very good damage over time condition and virtues,which count as 3 more utility skills.


2)Char guardians are lore appropiate,but they are viewed by the society as underdogs,weaklings and cannon fodder. Chars also have good racials to help you during the leveling up process and some end game content. You could also justify a norn as a shaman who infuses his weapons with raw power from the spiritual realm....a norn guardian would be like an Enchantment Shaman who can channel power from light or arcane elementals.


3)They can be good.Depends on your skill+build.


4)Depends on your build really.You can play a few rounds of small scale/structured pvp (called spvp) where you are temporarly boosted to level 80 and try out multiple builds.


5)Dragonhunter is considered by most the newby friendly damage dealer specialization. It shines through all game modes.


6)Guardians are more aggresive and battle orientated than WoW's paladins. Guardians are a mix of retribution paladin and protection warrior. In this sample build for sPvP you can be a tad tanky and still deal good power damage: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQRAre8dlsAhuhY1QwVIwPEHJE1dZDgEAvBZQZm3v/LAB-jpQawAAKDwe/BA


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> @"Warrost.4895" said:

> Don't choose Guardian. Really, do yourself a favor and roll something else.


I disagree. Guardians are currently meta in all the game modes (oftenly with MORE than one viable build in each) and can fight using almost any weapon combination. They make good dps builds for duels and roaming, good tank builds for PvP and are the best support class (specially atWvW, where they are the backbone of any army). They are good at Fractals, Raids, PvP and WvW and had a lot of playstiles, plus both core Guardian and the two specs can be solid (with different degrees of success according to each game mode). Guards were meta in almost every game mode almost the whole time.


The only class which is in similar place currently is the Mesmer. If you want to go on heavy armor class both Warriors and specially Revenants are in much worse place currently.

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