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Still no bikini or "speedo"?

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Look, it's not an issue of swimsuits being too revealing. It isn't a case of it being inappropriate. It's a case of, "does this make sense for the game?". And speaking in terms of how characters should look, then the answer to that question is no.


I personally believe in limiting the creative choices of players. I don't want to be rude, but frankly, many of you make truly terrible fashion decisions. This is already a huge problem with inappropriate style items in game. Things like pretty much any given SAB skin. Things like the Starbound griffon. Tacky garbage which hurts the theme and style of the world and only makes it feel more "game-y". Honestly those things are actually worse than swimsuits.


But any tool that will allow players to make ugly, immersion breaking characters gets a no from me.

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> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> Look, it's not an issue of swimsuits being too revealing. It isn't a case of it being inappropriate. It's a case of, "does this make sense for the game?". And speaking in terms of how characters should look, then the answer to that question is no.


> I personally believe in limiting the creative choices of players. I don't want to be rude, but frankly, many of you make truly terrible fashion decisions. This is already a huge problem with inappropriate style items in game. Things like pretty much any given SAB skin. Things like the Starbound griffon. Tacky garbage which hurts the theme and style of the world and only makes it feel more "game-y". Honestly those things are actually worse than swimsuits.


> But any tool that will allow players to make ugly, immersion breaking characters gets a no from me.



We're way past that argument being valid though. Revealing clothes like what is propose do would be less intrusive than many items already in the game. Ultimately, everything does have a lore explanation, however weak.

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> @"Fenom.9457" said:

> > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > Look, it's not an issue of swimsuits being too revealing. It isn't a case of it being inappropriate. It's a case of, "does this make sense for the game?". And speaking in terms of how characters should look, then the answer to that question is no.

> >

> > I personally believe in limiting the creative choices of players. I don't want to be rude, but frankly, many of you make truly terrible fashion decisions. This is already a huge problem with inappropriate style items in game. Things like pretty much any given SAB skin. Things like the Starbound griffon. Tacky garbage which hurts the theme and style of the world and only makes it feel more "game-y". Honestly those things are actually worse than swimsuits.

> >

> > But any tool that will allow players to make ugly, immersion breaking characters gets a no from me.



> We're way past that argument being valid though. Revealing clothes like what is propose do would be less intrusive than many items already in the game. Ultimately, everything does have a lore explanation, however weak.


I conceded they were less intrusive. But they are still intrusive. Just because some items are already visually offensive, I don't like to think there's no point protesting the addition of more.


Honestly items like this cheapen the aesthetic of the game. They're an insult to the artists who made great items and environments for the game's world.


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> @"bara yaoi.3824" said:

> Virtually every other MMO out there has at least one outfit that is revealing for both female and males, or at least the option to do so without having to sacrifice stats. But in GW2, you HAVE to sacrifice stats. Why?


TL;DR : While it would be great to have, to avoid legal issues and fan controversy, technical issues have to be resolved first, as of such, no manger has wanted to champion/allow for this desire to happen.


Probably because no manager or designer wants to deal with "backlash" from players concerning Charr and Asura.



Also, a new model would have to be created for them, let alone the "naked" model for the others would have to be update to have dyable channels.


When it comes right down to it, no manager has wanted to champion suits that players have wanted for a long time. Let alone they'd have to do something such that a player couldn't dye the "underware" a flesh tone to appear naked. That can/will get Anet into trouble with the FCC.

And while I hope that Asura would not, doing such with the smaller race could get Anet into trouble again with the FCC. Back when Turbine was under control of Dungeons and Dragon's online, they had to remove an NPC called Scarlet the Harlot; a halfling, not a human, prostitute. FCC claimed it was to similar to child prostitution even though it was a fantasy setting and halflings were a race.


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> @"TwilightSoul.9048" said:

> While I don't mind revealing clothes I wouldn't want to see people running around in Speedos and Bikinis. There's a difference between a sorcerer who doesn't need armor and thus wears comfortable (sometimes revealing) clothes and someone who runs around in his underwear. One is just beeing practical and the other is beeing ridiculous.


One of my ex's wore her underware out to the beach. Why? looked better and it was more covering than bikinis. Just looking, you'd be very hard pressed to tell the difference.


So... who is being ridiculous? The caster going into fights without protection, or my ex because she was actually more clothed?


Funny thing about cultural prospectives, they can shape and cloud all sorts of judgements in manners that are odd to others.



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> @"OneYenShort.3189" said:

> > @"bara yaoi.3824" said:

> > Virtually every other MMO out there has at least one outfit that is revealing for both female and males, or at least the option to do so without having to sacrifice stats. But in GW2, you HAVE to sacrifice stats. Why?


> TL;DR : While it would be great to have, to avoid legal issues and fan controversy, technical issues have to be resolved first, as of such, no manger has wanted to champion/allow for this desire to happen.


> Probably because no manager or designer wants to deal with "backlash" from players concerning Charr and Asura.

> http://massivelyop.com/2016/06/15/guild-wars-2-is-giving-female-charr-and-asura-precursor-breast-armor/


> Also, a new model would have to be created for them, let alone the "naked" model for the others would have to be update to have dyable channels.


> When it comes right down to it, no manager has wanted to champion suits that players have wanted for a long time. Let alone they'd have to do something such that a player couldn't dye the "underware" a flesh tone to appear naked. That can/will get Anet into trouble with the FCC.

> And while I hope that Asura would not, doing such with the smaller race could get Anet into trouble again with the FCC. Back when Turbine was under control of Dungeons and Dragon's online, they had to remove an NPC called Scarlet the Harlot; a halfling, not a human, prostitute. FCC claimed it was to similar to child prostitution even though it was a fantasy setting and halflings were a race.



That article is ridiculous and not even remotely worth considering. No one is asking to give charr and asura breasts. And even if clothing has a bikini style cut, wearing said clothing does not give breasts. I could put my swimtop on a dog, wouldn't give the dog breasts.


As for the "potential legal issues". Comparing a halfling to an asura seems a little unfair. A halfling at least looks human. Asura are definitely NOT human. And even if this were a *real* concern, the asura outfit could simply cover a little more. Not to mention the halfling in question had questionable dialog and was implied prostitution, so the issue was not the clothing.

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> @"OneYenShort.3189" said:

> > @"bara yaoi.3824" said:

> > Virtually every other MMO out there has at least one outfit that is revealing for both female and males, or at least the option to do so without having to sacrifice stats. But in GW2, you HAVE to sacrifice stats. Why?


> TL;DR : While it would be great to have, to avoid legal issues and fan controversy, technical issues have to be resolved first, as of such, no manger has wanted to champion/allow for this desire to happen.


> Probably because no manager or designer wants to deal with "backlash" from players concerning Charr and Asura.

> http://massivelyop.com/2016/06/15/guild-wars-2-is-giving-female-charr-and-asura-precursor-breast-armor/


> Also, a new model would have to be created for them, let alone the "naked" model for the others would have to be update to have dyable channels.


> When it comes right down to it, no manager has wanted to champion suits that players have wanted for a long time. Let alone they'd have to do something such that a player couldn't dye the "underware" a flesh tone to appear naked. That can/will get Anet into trouble with the FCC.

> And while I hope that Asura would not, doing such with the smaller race could get Anet into trouble again with the FCC. Back when Turbine was under control of Dungeons and Dragon's online, they had to remove an NPC called Scarlet the Harlot; a halfling, not a human, prostitute. FCC claimed it was to similar to child prostitution even though it was a fantasy setting and halflings were a race.



Have you seen those things in Terra Online? Forgot what they were called, but they turned me away from Terra.


If Terra online hasn't gotten in trouble because of those things, asura probably wouldn't even make a list.

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> @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

> That article is ridiculous and not even remotely worth considering. No one is asking to give charr and asura breasts. And even if clothing has a bikini style cut, wearing said clothing does not give breasts. I could put my swimtop on a dog, wouldn't give the dog breasts.

Then I advise you to pay closer attention to clothing skins on female characters. Some of them WILL enhance the chest more and some lessen the chest. So under Anet standards, sticking your dog into a bikini could give it an enhancement.

If you think even for a moment that I posted that in regards to giving characters breasts in swim suits, you need to take a step away and pull your mind from the gutter because your backlash on that is the exact type of reaction managers want to avoid.


> @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

> As for the "potential legal issues". Comparing a halfling to an asura seems a little unfair. A halfling at least looks human. Asura are definitely NOT human. And even if this were a *real* concern, the asura outfit could simply cover a little more. Not to mention the halfling in question had questionable dialog and was implied prostitution, so the issue was not the clothing.

*shrugs* When it comes to the FCC consider who is controlling it now. FCC is going to do what the FCC is going to do no matter what we we consider logical or not.


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> @"OneYenShort.3189" said:


> Probably because no manager or designer wants to deal with "backlash" from players concerning Charr and Asura.

> http://massivelyop.com/2016/06/15/guild-wars-2-is-giving-female-charr-and-asura-precursor-breast-armor/


That article is ridiculous. There is always going to be a very tiny but very loud minority complaining about every little thing. Listening to them at the expense of what the vast majority wants is a dangerous road to go down.



>Let alone they'd have to do something such that a player couldn't dye the "underware" a flesh tone to appear naked. That can/will get Anet into trouble with the FCC.


Very legit point. I have faith it could be worked around but it does complicate things a bit. Shouldn't be too hard to make a piece unable to be dyed, though. Or just stand out in such a way that it couldn't possibly be mistaken for skin regardless of color matching.


> And while I hope that Asura would not, doing such with the smaller race could get Anet into trouble again with the FCC. Back when Turbine was under control of Dungeons and Dragon's online, they had to remove an NPC called Scarlet the Harlot; a halfling, not a human, prostitute. FCC claimed it was to similar to child prostitution even though it was a fantasy setting and halflings were a race.



Elin in Tera are creepy and push the absolute limit. Maybe because the game is Korean they get away with it but I still imagine the exact rules apply to everything released in a particular country. The halfling issue also dealt with prostitution themes more than an issue with fashion. Also, Asura do show a risky amount of skin in a couple of armor pieces, but they're weird little rodent things with different anatomy than humans so it doesn't really matter. If this is okay,[https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:Tribal_armor_asura_female_front.jpg](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:Tribal_armor_asura_female_front.jpg "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:Tribal_armor_asura_female_front.jpg"), I'm sure a swimsuit is too.


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> @"OneYenShort.3189" said:

> > @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > You’d have a stronger case for bestiality than child kitten with the Asura, lol. What a silly argument to make.


> I'm not making any case for or against. I mentioned it solely as a possible issue given the behavior that FCC has shown in the past.



Why don't we get the skins before worrying about it

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> @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> Bikini is not allowed in gw2 for **fcc** will call in the troops. I think its very dubble standard i wear bikini on beaches but in games if a woman wears revealing its wrong but if a male character is in revealing amor its fine


Just to clarify for anyone that may be confused over this...


The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulates interstate transmitted communications such as programming content found on the Radio or TV. Unless ArenaNet is planning to get into the broadcasting business, they don't need to worry about FCC regulations. (Note the FCC does have some governance over ensuring that games which include communication forms (voice, etc) must provide fair access to people with disabilities (hearing impaired, etc), but that is not related to the issue here.)


Software is overseen by the Entertainment Software Ratings Board (ESRB), but all they do is establish game ratings: C (Early Childhood), E (Everyone), E10+ (Everyone 10+), T (Teen), M (Mature), AO (Adults Only). GW2 currently has been given a T-rating by the ESRB. Per their website, T-rated games are defined as "Content is generally suitable for ages 13 and up. May contain violence, suggestive themes, crude humor, minimal blood, simulated gambling and/or infrequent use of strong language. "


Interestingly, Teen-rated games are allowed to have "Partial Nudity - Brief and/or mild depictions of nudity" as evidenced by the ratings of some other games such as these (http://www.esrb.org/ratings/search.aspx?content=Partial+Nudity&amp%3bjavaScript=0&amp%3bplatforms=&amp%3brating= - set Rating to Teen and press Search if it doesn't auto-select from that link). Thus, GW2 could easily add swimwear which is not even revealing enough to be considered as Partial Nudity, and still maintain a T-rating. The reason for such outfits/armors not being added to GW2 has nothing to do with the ratings board - this is entirely a decision made by ANet to not incorporate them into the game as wearable options for players.

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I'm just sitting here scratching my head at this. For the first part, have you never heard of transmutation charges? You can use them to make any armor look like any other armor, thus getting you the look you want without sacrificing stats. So that entire argument is just....completely and utterly objectively wrong. As far as sexy armor; tons of it. It is just actually SEXY, not OBJECTIFIED. There is a difference. But between the swimsuit like Masquerade light armor to the barely there gladiator styled Pit Fighter heavy armor (to say nothing of the "underboob assassin" human cultural armor) there are plenty of options for showing off and looking sexy. I play a male norn revenant as my main, so heavy armor, and he's never running without an exposed six-pack or pecks. And my female norn ranger is wearing what I consider the sexiest armor in the entire game (norn T3 cultural).

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