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Anet, think about it like that :


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Hi all ! I'll talk about reaper in pvp, about some basics mechanics :


The reaper is design to be a bruiser, fine I love it. The thing is, with the LF degen now whe are a dps class cause we can't soak a lot of damages, ok for me.


We don't have the mobility to be a roamer, so we're forced to stand our ground in points. Sure, we can make a lot of dps, but hey you can't make us bad in every role.


That's the point where I want to go : with this LF degen in 1vs1 it's manageable, but in team fight my shroud (and i run soul reaping) get destroyed.

I was trying Holosmith the other day, I love it. If we compare both, anet makes Holo like they can't stay in holomode forever, it's fine and a cool design BUT they have mechanics outside of holomode to survive. I'll be fine with reaper if outside of the RS we could survive a bit.


So this is my point : anet, you can't deprive us from everything. We either need more RS duration, more mobility or more defense mechanics outside of RS.


PS : don't forget that : when we are in RS ... The sweet heal given by our firebrand ... can't reach us ...So what, we're bad in teamfight and bad in roaming so ... ????


Sorry for my english, it's not my native language, See ya !

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