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Need opinion/help of this build’s traits.

Lonewolf Kai.3682

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Well... you don’t really show too much with your build, what stats do you plan on using? What pets are you using? What’s the goal of the build? Are you trying to skirmish? Fight in the Zerg? What runes and sigils are you using? Etc.


If your build is focused more on like, picking one guy out and one shorting them with a sic em Maul combo id keep it as is, if you’re running with the Zerg or going for a more prolonged fight id drop two handed training for the extra healing.

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> @"Durzlla.6295" said:

> Well... you don’t really show too much with your build, what stats do you plan on using? What pets are you using? What’s the goal of the build? Are you trying to skirmish? Fight in the Zerg? What runes and sigils are you using? Etc.


> If your build is focused more on like, picking one guy out and one shorting them with a sic em Maul combo id keep it as is, if you’re running with the Zerg or going for a more prolonged fight id drop two handed training for the extra healing.


> @"Dragonzhunter.8506" said:

> > @"Lonewolf Kai.3682" said:

> > No one wants to comment? I could really use the advice.


> Like @"Durzlla.6295" said ... you didn't put much in your build. And again like he said, you must specify what do you intend to do in WvW.

> If you look few post below, you will find a lots of builds with explanation etc ...


Opps, somehow I pasted in the wrong link. Here’s what it’s supposed to be:



And this is for WvW, mostly Zerg play and small group. Sorry about not adding that in. I know better than that.


I’m thinking about switching my Stone or Wild signet with Moa Stance. I also went ahead and changed out to the Natural Healing and really like the added survival it gives on Beastmode. I’m also thinking about changing out Remorseless trait in Marksmanship to Predators Onslaught but am not sure which is better.

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@"Lonewolf Kai.3682" If your build is focused on fighting in groups or in the relative safety of the Zerg I would either take predators onslaught for more overall kill/down potential, or Lead the Wind for better LB poke.


I think the build looks pretty solid overall for what you’re aiming for, if you plan on using the bow more than the greatsword I think swapping to Moa stance would be ok, however it wouldn’t add a whole lot for your build overall, if anything I’d suggest maybe doing vulture stance if you’re looking for more damage.


However, if you intend to wade into the enemy forces more often then I would absolutely keep signet of the stone for that passive and active survivability.

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I don't think the build makes much sense for what you're talking about. It looks borderline like a solo roamer. For zerg melee I'd add some much thicker defense.


Unless by zerg you mean picking off stragglers (which is basically solo roaming) and then I'd add some more self reliance, perhaps like glassy druid.

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You sound better backline fighting as you'll be pretty squish. With that in mind, I'll focus my suggestions on that concept (backline sniper)


* First, the pets. It would be wiser to use **different archetypes** - you currently have 2 ferocious pets, you lose some utility by using the same archetype - a supportive would allow for massive heals, a stoic would grant direct damage immunity, a versatile would give more boon duration.

* I'd suggest full marauder or berserker trinkets to optimise damage output

* Switch **Potent Ally** to **Resounding Timbre** and equip ''We Heal as One!'' - ''Sic 'Em!'' will also benefit from the shout trait

* Remorseless should be replaced with **Predator's Onslaught** - permanent 15% outgoing damage if the target has movement-impairing conditions

* Natural Healing switched to **Two-Handed Training** for the greatsword, packs a solid punch

* The **Rock Gazelle** is one of the best ferocious pets - It offers a lot fo Hard CC when melded or not, and when melded, you have a 900 range 'leap' skill with **Charge** - it also is a very tanky pet despite its high DPS

* Food would better be Power and Fero food, such as **Bowl of Sweet and Spicy Butternut Squash Soup** (lasts 1hr)

* As you'll be backline, you can substitute Signet of Stone to something else - you have very low condition damage mitigation, SoR could help a bit

* **Unstoppable Union** is also a adept trait, paired with Sic 'Em it can make a very good unblockable burst combo with Rapid Fire and One Wolf Pack

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