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the game is at its worst since release


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To long; didn't read. Title alone is enough to go off of; and fact is you are **Wrong!**


We no longer have 4 build comp metas that dominate everything, where the only counter is the emergence of another 4 comp team.


We have significantly less of the whole "I low effort stall on point forever Xv1" builds.


And 1v1 matchups have been getting closer together since the specialization patch pre HoT.


You may not like it, and yes there are some issues.

Are we in a really good spot? No.

Are we e-sports worthy? We could be, that depends on A-net switching their focus.

Are there problems with how ranked is run or played? Sure.


However objectively speaking: we have had much healthier metas in recent years.

"The Game Is At Its Worst Since Release" is pure BS compared to what we had to deal with before.


Honestly to many people on here whine without proper perspective.

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My first reaction to PvP was I played my first ever match, lost by an astronomical amount, did absolutely horribly and still earned like 4/5 of the 'top stat' rewards.


I don't even know what I was doing, and I still did the best in my team. And we got outclassed by people who definitely knew how to play their professions.


The matchmaking is so broken it's not even funny.

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