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What is more important to you in WvW?


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> @"Danny.2387" said:

> > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> > I would say other. As I dont play much WvW anymore mostly because i feel the mode is very badly paced. There's hardly exciting moments, a single person or small group makes very little difference on the short term. And it's basically running in cirles trying to cap objectives faster than the other teams. Which just loses out on that competitive feeling most PvP games have.

> >

> > Its close to an RTS where you are a tiny zergling with little to no effect on your surroundings. Unless you face no opposition long enough.

> >

> > I think something that forms fronts on the battlefield might work alot better for me personally OR the entire opposite where theres no RI or instant repair on capture. But thats just my preferences in a PvP game.


> The small roaming teams are very important to wvw gameplay. They can flip camps which will make ore difficult for the keeps to upgrade, tag the enemy keep, harass the enemy players that re spawn to get back to the blob, etc. i think that would require the enemy to organize as well to counter this and thus you will have more small group fights in the maps. If only Anet would encourage with different rewards the ppl that run in a party of five or small squads up to 10 ppl(+1 pip, faster participation gain, etc). +2 pips for ppl that run in squads i think most of the players will be more motivate to organize in small or big groups for fights.


I don't question the importance, but mostly comment on the style that I prefer. Flipping camps, hitting the keep with a few attacks and minor harassing isnt really all that engaging to me.

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> @"X T D.6458" said:

> > @"Namer.9750" said:

> > > @"X T D.6458" said:

> > > > @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

> > > > Other--

> > > >

> > > > The ability to come and leave as I please, doing whatever I want, as such.

> > >

> > > But wait a second, dont you want to have your playtime and activity evaluated so anet can decide where you belong? I mean god forbid you should get to choose what you do, where you do it, and when right?

> >

> > Hi. I think you misunderstand what ANet means by evaluating your playtime and activity.

> >

> > Consider two types of players who play almost exclusively solo. One is a solo roamer who logs in for a couple hours a day, roams around looking for fights hits a couple enemy camp npcs to put swords up, then engages in 1vX combat against responders. The other is a scout who stays on for five to six hours a day, from NA prime to OCX prime, for instance, constantly running around the towers refreshing siege and building new siege and calling out enemy groups. Their playtime and activity would be calibrated differently.

> >

> > Most of the second type _don't bother engaging in fights_. If you're the first type and you approach a tower with the second type, the second type will just instantly hop on a cannon or AC and try to drive you away, while the first type probably whispers him to try and taunt him into a fight.

> >

> > This is incredibly frustrating for both players. Hence, split them up. Put the first type in a higher tier where there's a lot more activity and people actually care about attacking and defending structures. Put the second type in a lower tier where people don't bother with structures (because it's not 2014 anymore) and prefer to engage in fights actively. Both players are happy.


> Players should be free to do what they want, when and where, simple as that. When they start implementing features that determine the value of your individual activity, there is a huge problem. We are not talking about working on rewards, this would be a system that actually places people into servers based on their activity. Who the kitten are they to tell anyone where they should be playing? Are we supposed to have GvG tiers, PPT tiers, Roamer tiers, etc?


> You actually think placing random people into servers is going to somehow create any kind of meaningful matchup? How is that supposed to work?


Sorry, but I don't want to live in a world where I get to pick my reputation. Because in real life you don't get to pick. Not everybody gets to be an astronaut when they grow up. Like, if I think I'm the greatest player in the game and God's gift to zergs yet everyone knows I'm a rallybot who dies first push every fight and contributes no damage/support whatsoever then I probably shouldn't get to pick high quality alliances/guilds that'd carry my skill-less self, and those alliances/guilds should have every right to not take me. Just sayin.


Think of it this way, it's a competitive gamemode, like spvp is a competitive gamemode. Should I, if I'm a bronze tier player get to pick matches where everyone on my team is plat/legend just because I feel like I should be able to get to choose where I want to play? Sorry, but that's not how competition works dude.

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> @"Namer.9750" said:

> > @"Comprissent.3856" said:

> > I hope now you will be able to see those complaining about their "community" are the vocal minority (and misdirected anyways)


> It's pretty obvious already, Div, if you just skim over the other thread.


It's clearly not obvious if these polls are being made lmao

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Your server isn't a physical space, it's the people. You can take the people with you wherever the community moves. So what if it gets called Super Sparkle Pancake Fun Time instead Jade Quarry or Blackgate. It's the P E O P L E. Take off the bitter betty hats and let it freaking go, Elsa.

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These days combat and class balance is what's keeping me out of wvw, not population and stacking, which isn't much of an issue other than for one server these days. You can reshuffle players around which isn't much different than transferring or getting new links, but if the gameplay is still the same as it is and not fun, not much point playing anyways.

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I know what WvW guild(s) is running during my playtime. I'm not part of their guild but I do roam and jump into the fray from time to time. Had it planned roughly since I **know** which guild/community to associates with to suit my playtime. That said, its still unclear if we need be part of the guild for the alliance? Or its sufficient to just select the guild/server I want to be linked with to be part if the alliance.


Question for the players disagreeing to the idea of coverage are WvW players? Or WvW dailies runner? For those who plays WvW, I don't see the reason why reject the idea of getting "free transfer players" to form an alliance to strenghten numbers and better coverage for a competative gameplay. WvW is going to be World War.


Spare me server etc. especially those who transfered, my condolences. As long as the reward for winning is worthwhile, no matter what server or difference is in the alliance, everyone will fight to the bitter last. Example but don't need to be, say a legendary part and trophy parts for a guild monument to the victor, friends will be foe if they're part of the enemy's alliance.


And untill the system is up and ready, everything will just be speculations and more speculations trying to reach a conjecture. Wasn't announced or given an estimation date which could me months for it to be ready.

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