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song of the mists (invo GM trait) discussion


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Most of my experience with this trait comes from WvW, both zerg and solo or small group (max 5 people) roaming. I'd only ever use this in PvE for Call of the Centaur and I cannot see it having any use in PvP in its current state.


Overall, I like the idea of this trait because it adds something to one of the Rev's mechanics, legend swapping, and ties those different effects to the different legends available. However, most of these are too weak to bother using outside of some niche scenarios in which I could say they're at best equal in efficacy to other traits Revs could use instead, and the radius certainly needs to be increased, at least to 240. For the sake of saving space by not repeating myself too much, apply these thoughts to all the different variations of Song of the Mists.


Call of the Dwarf: I've had some success using this to apply weakness to thieves while roaming about in WvW. The barrier, however, is just bad because it's too weak to help the Rev tank anything more than two autos, assuming the targets haven't cleansed weakness and do not have resistance. I'd rather the barrier be made stronger, maybe 2k before scaling with healing power, and remove its scaling based on number of targets hit.


Call of the Assassin: I actually like this one because it makes Rev better at something it's already sort of good at: cleaving and burst damage. The trouble is it requires the Rev to swap to Shiro when already in melee range, meaning the Rev needs to close in on a target without using Phase Traversal. This is a bit easier with sword 5 being what it is now, but still not ideal.


Call of the Centaur: Does its job when used on a healer build, only needs increased range.


Call of the Demon: The slow applied to enemies is okay, but the direct damage should probably be replaced with a stack of torment. I don't see why this of all the variations of this trait does the most power damage when it's tied to using a condi legend.


Call of the Dragon: Decent when used on a condi build in conjunction with Abyssal Chill, applying chill, burning, and torment.


Call of the Renegade: Hilariously in line with the state of the entire Renegade spec, minus PvE viability. While I understand fervor is the mechanic (I'm being way too generous calling it that) of the spec, but it's already very easy to build up and maintain. It should be replaced with something else, maybe another 2 bleed stacks or more power damage to make it a tiny bit more useful.

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Add to previous AOE target, single target as well with like 900 range similar to Electric Discharge ele trait (single target cant be hit tiwce to prevent stacking). U will be always reward for single target (within 900range) and much more when u are surrounded by enemies. For example u can switch to shiro having on target thief gaining that super importatnt 1s of quicknes to cast UA and catch him quickly before he shadow step away.

I really like the consept of this skill, its just not good adapted to the current state of the game.

Keep going guys make rev great again ; D

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From a pvp perspective I really wish they would change the call of the assassin to a flat like 3 seconds of quickness instead of 1 per target. Quickness makes landing sword 5 on a not downed target so much more possible, and allows you to initiate sword 3 without being cc'd during the long ass hop. Sigil of agility is critical imo on your sword/x set so you can better land these 2 skills, or if you just want to burst with oh sword skills.


I might actually consider taking this if the quickness was longer and had a higher hit radius. Because if you are shiro rev and are in a position to hit 3+ people with legend swap, guess what, youre a half second away from death. But still probably not, because like someone already mentioned this requires you to switch to shiro in melee range when you normally use it to close distance.


Also they could buff the damage on shiro and give demon stance condi. Why does the condi legend swap do the most power damage and inflict no condis? What is the herald swap even trying to be except useless?

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