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Do you think your Guild will Bandwagon to create Super Alliances?


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What's most amusing was the comments about 'fight guilds' and 'looking for the fights'.


It's been five years, yet guilds still haven't all moved across the various servers to ensure all servers have 'fight guilds' and they can always ensure that no matter who they are facing, there will always be at least two 'fight guilds' to fight.


If they were truly always 'looking for the fights' this would have been organised between them long ago.


So, if an alliance only fills up 25% of the slots on a world and the rest is low level/ lot hours casuals would the super guild win the match up? Most likely. Depends on the effort the alliance guilds want to put in. Might find the casuals getting shuffled around every few weeks might not like the system very much- and as we all know, casuals have a habit of running away at the first sign of a decent even fight and logging off if they lose a couple times, so it might come down to which side has the 'least-worst' casuals!

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Are you on EU?


Because on NA there are fight guilds on nearly every host server, and increasingly on many of the linked servers. Some guilds are better than others obviously. But if you want to argue that they're all lumped together on just a couple servers, you'd be woefully mistaken. Just look at the 26 guilds signed up for the GvG tourny, I think every host server is represented, with the exception of maybe one or two.

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Super alliances won't make a difference; match-ups will likely have similar numbers on both sides far more often than not. A 50 man quad with a few greenies can easily be taken down 50 people scattered with no pin. Granted people have been screaming for "guild vs guild" style fighting forever, and this is about as close as it's going to get with these changes.


I'm sure there are still some ways for matches to be manipulated by creating a super alliance isn't one of them. An all guild map que can still be wiped out by a lesser disorganized enemy.


People have to keep in mind here, because the coverage issue keeps coming up; this is essentially a 3 way match; there should be coverage clear across the board nearly all times of day/night. So what if a guild covers say 6pm to 6am, it doesn't mean anything, especially both the other enemies have the same coverage.

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None of the options, probably we will try to stay with the guilds that are part of our server right now, indepedent if they are casual or hardcore...the bad part is that the hardcore guilds of our server will probably try to join hardcore Alliences, so we will probably stay with the casual stuff...


So far i dont really understand the reason for this change...was server stacking population? Well this will happens on this Alliance thing too...anyway, bad decision by Anet if they actually made this a thing.

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> @"Vermillion.4061" said:

> Guilds that enjoy playing with each other is the whole point of alliances and you won't see all the top tier gvg guilds piling together because then they would have nothing really good to fight.


Sorry but fight guilds do not pile together, in fact guilds usually hate each other big time bro, all guilds u will see on an alliance will most likelly be because due raid times, so when one of the guilds is not raiding their members will have the option to play with someone else if they want (this is nothing but how succesfull guild leader managment works, keeping your players interested in the game), or maybe some of their members raid on both guilds since their schedules do not overlap each other. Every single guild out there knows how boring it is to stack over the same timezone, literally nobody does that. Most fight oriented guilds only run arround 20 people during their raids, and some Blob guilds usually just a full map blob with 60+ on TS like SF or KnT, so this smaller guilds will get run over, at that point u wanna have someome u can maybe call in to fight that massive que blob. Other than that guild stacking is a myth honestly guilds just go where the fights are, if there is fights on every matchup there is literally no reasson for guilds to move.

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> @"Baldrick.8967" said:

> What's most amusing was the comments about 'fight guilds' and 'looking for the fights'.


> It's been five years, yet guilds still haven't all moved across the various servers to ensure all servers have 'fight guilds' and they can always ensure that no matter who they are facing, there will always be at least two 'fight guilds' to fight.


> If they were truly always 'looking for the fights' this would have been organised between them long ago.


> So, if an alliance only fills up 25% of the slots on a world and the rest is low level/ lot hours casuals would the super guild win the match up? Most likely. Depends on the effort the alliance guilds want to put in. Might find the casuals getting shuffled around every few weeks might not like the system very much- and as we all know, casuals have a habit of running away at the first sign of a decent even fight and logging off if they lose a couple times, so it might come down to which side has the 'least-worst' casuals!


Guilds will usually stack the most populated tiers so they can have variety of fights, problem with the current system is there are way too many worlds for the number of guilds, so this guilds will naturally stack on the tier that provides the best action and more variety of fights to make their raids fun, nobody wants to be stuck fighting the same group over and over for months on a dead tier, that is what u guys who have never been part of the fighting community never underood in 5 years. Whith the new system arenanet pretends to concentrate the population so we will get guranteed enemies to fight, there is little to no reasson for fight guilds to actually care about what world they are on or alliances even, they will just be able to log in any night and have multiple groups to fight which is what they intended in first place by stacking some servers/tier. I hope this is helpful for the clueless people to understand and illustrate what is actualy happening internally within these guilds when they historically stacked some servers.

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U guys getting rolled by servers with multiple guilds while not having any was just consecuence of a terrible matchmaking system aka servers/tiers. It will all be sloved with the new system that will dynamically scale up and down according to population so guilds will not really care about which matchup they are getting put on as long the enemy worlds are packed up with people to kill.

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> @"Rampage.7145" said:

> > @"Baldrick.8967" said:

> > What's most amusing was the comments about 'fight guilds' and 'looking for the fights'.

> >

> > It's been five years, yet guilds still haven't all moved across the various servers to ensure all servers have 'fight guilds' and they can always ensure that no matter who they are facing, there will always be at least two 'fight guilds' to fight.

> >

> > If they were truly always 'looking for the fights' this would have been organised between them long ago.

> >

> > So, if an alliance only fills up 25% of the slots on a world and the rest is low level/ lot hours casuals would the super guild win the match up? Most likely. Depends on the effort the alliance guilds want to put in. Might find the casuals getting shuffled around every few weeks might not like the system very much- and as we all know, casuals have a habit of running away at the first sign of a decent even fight and logging off if they lose a couple times, so it might come down to which side has the 'least-worst' casuals!


> Guilds will usually stack the most populated tiers so they can have variety of fights, problem with the current system is there are way too many worlds for the number of guilds, so this guilds will naturally stack on the tier that provides the best action and more variety of fights to make their raids fun, nobody wants to be stuck fighting the same group over and over for months on a dead tier, that is what u guys who have never been part of the fighting community never underood in 5 years. Whith the new system arenanet pretends to concentrate the population so we will get guranteed enemies to fight, there is little to no reasson for fight guilds to actually care about what world they are on or alliances even, they will just be able to log in any night and have multiple groups to fight which is what they intended in first place by stacking some servers/tier. I hope this is helpful for the clueless people to understand and illustrate what is actualy happening internally within these guilds when they historically stacked some servers.


Yes, you agreed with me. 'fight' guilds stacked servers. If you had organised, then you could have had fight guilds on every server and had a much more even distribution of the sort of fights you were looking for.


By stacking you created the very problem you claim to try and avoid- namely dead servers as no one wants to fight a huge blob with 5 people week after week. If only a 'fight' guild had moved to the outmanned server....


I was in the 'fight' guilds years ago, and understand perfectly the mainly elitism attitude of many of those- who think they are better than 'pugs' then get wiped repeatedly by them then moan the pugs won't fight 'fair' (how DARE they use open field siege against our 25 man melee train!). Then they go off and stack another server in the hope they find something easier to blob over.


And to call people 'clueless' for knowing exactly what you were doing....


If you really wanted pure fights, moving to the lowest tiers and getting other 'fight' guilds to move too would have been the real solution.


Alliances will once again stack servers and you'll end up with a similar situation where you will get match ups with no one decent to fight- and other match ups were you are totally outnumbered due to coverage differences.

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Funny thing, prior to my time in the top gvg fight guild CTH, i ran with other groups during the gvg era. Those guilds never really complained about groups not being fair. They just farmed the crap out of the people who put too much effort into open field siege vs learning to use their profession skills. Then they laughed at those people for thinking their siege would save them. But groups were a different back then, even the fight guilds put effort in for objectives since it attracted fights. Now those fight groups just sit on the side lines and complain that the game doesn't 100% match the game style they prefer

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> @"Baldrick.8967" said:

> Don't discount the history of wvw- which is that guilds and players will find a way to bandwagon. Given the very low map caps, it won't be long for one alliance to seek out (probably pay for) coverage guilds and players.


That's a problem when you can control an entire population (server). That will not be *nearly* as much of a problem when your alliance, no matter how you "stack" it, can only control 20-30% of your group's fighting force. There will be far too many other "stacked" alliances out there who are now opposing you rather than bandwagoning with you simply due to numbers and caps. Some people just can't seem to get their heads wrapped around this.


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> @"Vermillion.4061" said:

> Guilds that enjoy playing with each other is the whole point of alliances and you won't see all the top tier gvg guilds piling together because then they would have nothing really good to fight.


sorry - but that didn't stop the top teams in spvp from standing around at the top with no one to fight after the pre-formed teams stomped poor clueless "we have no choice in the matter" solo pugs on their way up to the top. more imbalance. more team v. solo pug mentality that hurts longevity of game cuz u know, solo pugs/roamers/casual 3 person guilds, etc., will over time hate getting stomped by the 5 alliance mega world which has been carefully handpicked/excluded and organized on ts with set paramilitary rules. why not everyone random? seems a better option.

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Lower the alliance cap and "season" or whatever that's 8 weeks (maybe do it like links are now? A few weeks should be fine even if some alliances and guilds are kept together). If an alliance get's too strong, people will just turtle up or not play like they do now. Alliances allowing multiple blob guilds to join is just lame beyond reasoning.

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> @"Grim West.3194" said:

> Missing a 3rd option. Small casual WvW guild that hates options 1 and 2.


I agree on the third option. As far as bandwagon goes, if it can be done, those that are already doing it will continue.

However forcing everyone to "guild up" in one of the super guilds would be a terrible mistake. Not all personalities mesh well and not everyone wields the power of leadership with humility and fairness. If this move is not done correctly it could be more detrimental than what we are already contending with in wvw.


Don't get me wrong I am all for a wvw restructure, but what I don't want to see is everything focused on blob zergs and mega guilds. This would kill the game mode for me. I love running with a zerg from time to time but I enjoy a small havoc group so much more. I hope they and the solo will have a place in the restructuring :).

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