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The what if WvW was more like PvP


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it would not and if you get discourage cuz ye cant be the verry best and kill noobs . the point is new ppl wvw is dieing zerg fest are lame ive seen good strategic plans in wvw most ppl just zerg theres no fun in that I love the strategic of turning a zerg group upside down scouts lonely romaers

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The barrier to get "competitive" gear isn't all that high, you just have to try.


Gear is always secondary to your personal skill with your class/build. No way to make a skill set "free".


WvW is build wars, take away the depth and...meh. It's GW2's ultimate exercise in bringing what you've got to the battle field. What can you build and how does it measure up.


WvW already has, arguably, limited reward or purpose other than the satisfaction of whooping someone with your build and gameplay.


If you baseline everything what happens to crafting, economy, and rewards?


I'd argue it's rather easy to get people into WvW.

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No, WvW is fun because of the freedom to use any stat combination/sigil choice you want. **Unrestricted PvP** and people forget WvW isn't meant to be fair, it about which group can coordinate the most efficiently and work as a team in the large scale fights.

New players Should die fast, so they know what they need to change with their build, and which stats work better for WvW


The reason sPvP died off was because of the hard limitation of stat and sigil choice, also because some class skills were just flat out removed.



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I like having a mode where I can use all my hard-earned equipment against other players. Since I don't raid, WvW is the only incentive I have to get ascended for my characters, aside from my one fractal toon. I also like being able to mix and match armor pieces, trinkets, runes and sigils with different stat combinations.


I also like that my PvE game time has a direct effect on my WvW experience, as gold and equipment I earn in PvE makes my character better in WvW.

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