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I'm tired of unfair matchmaking in PvP


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> @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> Problem is there is no tutorial or guide inside the game about sPvP.


> Many people come up with the mentality: "Oh, an enemy! I have to kill! Oh two enemies I have to kill! Oh three enemies I have to kill!". Going into 1vs2 or 1vs3 instead of playing the main role of conquest mode which is capping and holding point and rotating between the points.


> But bad players will keep doing those bad mistakes because too lazy to research and because nobody told them teaching it.


> This problem can't be fixed with a balance patch ever, can be mitigated only if forced tutorials or guides appears ingame before actually being able to join a real match.


The trick is, people now seem to not care about getting better as long as they get rewards be it losing or winning. That's what we get for a casual friendly PvE game.

But anyway, I had plenty of situations where I kindly explained what has to be done both in unranked and ranked when my team was on the losing end. Few times it worked, it's quite an amazing feeling when people actually listen to you and the whole team ends up winning. But, sadly, most of the time people do not listen and I end up with a chatbox full of "lol tryhard" or "it's just unranked"/"nobody takes ranked seriously anymore". That used to give me conniptions, but now that I don't play any longer, I can just spectate how it fares for now.

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