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Can anyone help me understand the Weaver specialization?


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Your first atument become your sec. and the atument you swap into becomes your first. Fire fire swap to air becomes air fire if you swap to water you are now water air.


But the best way to understand the class is this...


Its a dmg spec that gets a lot more from staff and scepter then dagger and sword. You can run dagger or sword in your main hand but you got to go super tankly and run nearly full tanking effect in a dps aimed line of weaver sadly. So your far better off going staff of scepter and run glass so you can stay safer at a ranged and not need to go 300 to 130 range.


In effect +20% crit dmg (Elements of Rage) is the class if you cant run that you maybe better off running tempest or core.


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It's not hard once you get the hang of it.


The two first weapon skills are your primary attunement, the last two are your secondary attument. The middle one is your dual skill, a combination of both attunements.


So if you are attuned as fire - water...


Skill 1-2 will be your normal fire skills belonging to that weapon.


Skill 3 will be your dual skill, a combination of fire and water (again, these are different depending on the weapon you use such as staff, scepter, trident, etc.)


Skill 4-5 will be your normal **water** skills belonging to that weapon.


If you then switch to, say, Air attunement.


Your former primary attunement (fire) will become your secondary attunement. And your former secondary attunement (water) will leave your skill bar.


You will now be attuned as air - fire, with the skill 3 being a combination of both attunements.


That's pretty much it. If you are at Air, and you use Air again, you will be fully attuned to air, which means it's no different than Air skills on a non-weaver.

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