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Who will be staying Necro?


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I haven't decided yet.


My other "mains" are a mesmer and a thief. Mirage is, by most accounts, a dumpster fire. And while thief is lots of fun, I'm honestly not very good at it, and Deadeye hasn't gotten rave reviews either.


I've got a guardian and a ranger waiting on the sidelines though, and Firebrand and Soulbeast both look pretty tasty...

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I played an unfinished profession for too long: shroud skills were our downstate skills and that got wrapped in a shroud, in a hurry, to have time to work on a real profession: mesmer. Since then, designers never looked back, never tried to rework that rushed up and uncreative "signature ability".


That complete lack of design and vision that shroud became was then used against the necro to deny any kind of active defense, proper damage, mobility, or even decent cast times!


5 years of abuse and if anything changed, it was for the worse. Then, there's glaring balance issues that will never be addressed, but that's for a different topic: how higher ups at ANet chose not to have a real balance team, but gave that job to designers, that are good for design (creative/artistic mind) but blatantly incompetent and clueless when it comes to balance (analytical/scientific mind) (1). We're talking about 2 completely different jobs that requires 2 completely different skill set. Terrible terrible mistake. I spare you the rest to stay relatively concise...


Necro will always stay the unfinished (broken from the very beginning) profession. The amount of frustration I got finally surpassed the pleasure I've had with it.

It's hard to say goodbye to a beloved profession actively played for more than 4 years, but it's unhealthy to stick to it any longer.


(1) Paired with the total lack of a PvP community manager (that PvP himself regularly on all professions) to filter, classify and exchange informations between the playerbase and the staff.

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My guardian is actually slightly more advanced since I have 100% world competion and more hero points to invest in new spec but my interest in playing scourge is on the fence at the moment. Didn't get a chance to play during tests. I strictly play pve and mostly just solo so we will see how the scourge changes effect my play style if at all. If not I still have my reaper which I enjoy.

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