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Gem Store Items to support WvW mode


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> @"Tiawal.2351" said:

> > @"Adenin.5973" said:

> >

> > Also, what many people don't seem to realize: It's common practice in mmos to have tools that allow the company running the game to identify player behavior, such as played hours in game modes, specific maps, weapons, classes, money spent in cash shop etc.

> >

> > Why do you think it's needed to get an exclusive WvW "cash shop" just to show that WvW players spend real life cash? Why do you think that money would then be used for developing the WvW game mode? And if that's not what your project is about, if showing support for WvW mode is all you care about, then the tools that anet already has should be sufficient enough to identify WvW players that spend real life money on their game.


> - It's unlikely that Gem Store items are developed by the WvW team.

> - This isn't about an exclusive WvW cash shop.

> - This isn't against any other game mode, it's just support for WvW

> - ArenaNet can use the money as they want of course.


> They have detailed tracking, but none of those can show if one enjoys that content or where they desire the team to focus.

> I already paid for HoT & PoF, and they have no way to guess that I did that for WvW only. I don't hate the other game modes though, just don't enjoy anything else but sometimes WvW.


> This isn't here to hurt anyone or any game mode. Anet can decide alone if they need from us a show of support for WvW, or just simply consider what we pay in a percent of where we spend our time. Still WvW could use extra premium features, like these or anything else, and would be an extra money source as well.


- It's unlikely that they'll develop WvW specific systems/items without involvement of the WvW team.

- If members from other teams have to be used to make WvW exclusive gem store items it will hurt the other game modes, that's just a simple fact, like the raiding team that could be used to give us an additional fractal every quarter or new armor sets for living story or a new open world boss event every few months or whatever. Anet needs to decide what's important for them, some modes get less resources than others, some projects mean that other projects have to be cut or delayed.

- Where does this end? Exclusive shop items for raids, spvp, wvw, open world pve, fractals. Why would only WvW players feel a need to show their support of the game that way?


Also, again. If you bought HoT and if you bought PoF and if you spent money on the gem store and if you play mostly WvW, they will know it. The #1 thing that the people in charge of this game want to know is who is buying their stuff.


At release there was an exploit, where you could buy karma weapons from vendors super cheap and sell them/salvage them or something like that and make exorbitant amounts of money. Anet didn't only figure out that ppl generated huge amounts of gold in a short time, they didn't only manage to find out that it was by buying karma weapons, they identified all the accounts that did so and were able to backtrack every transaction these accounts did, so they could ban thousands of accounts for exploiting and leave tens of thousands of accounts that only bought the karma items a few times (and not hundreds of times) untouched.


If this was already possible with their tracking tools at the release of the game it surely is possible to link the amount of money spent to the hours played on specific maps/game modes/accounts etc. If you really like WvW the data gathered from your account will show it.


There are enough systems in place already and there is a huge interest in this company to figure out which type of player buys exactly when what. There is no need to further spend resources to allow WvW players to "show support for their game mode" by introducing exclusive gem shop items.


All that this would do is "milking" the WvW playerbase and create more p2w drama. If you enjoy the game mode and like something in the shop, buy it. And if WvW doesn't get the love you think it deserves, at some point in time you maybe have to accept that WvW is not that profitable for anet as you may have thought.

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