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Guild Wars 2 for Linux

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> @"Castigator.3470" said:

> > @"Solvar.7953" said:

> > You can look at browser statistics, like https://www.w3schools.com/browsers/browsers_os.asp for some actual data. ~75% windows, ~10% mac, ~6% linux, ~8% mobile. Those numbers may be slightly skewed (linux pretending to be windows), but probably not by much.

> > So there is some audience in linux, but if those linux users are really desperate, they can just use wine, per posts above. So Anet probably has very little to gain by doing a linux port - most linux users probably have a windows system if they want to play games (I do), and if they don't, they can use wine.

> >


> Depends. If the 6% is anywhere near accurate, I can imagine, that a good chunk of the linux community might express their gratitude in the form of gem store purchases. From what I learned at the market, the linux users tend to spend graciously, once they actually have access to your software. We already have a working x86_64 Mac Client. So OpenGl seems to be supported. The only missing thing seems to be the middleware.

> I know this, because I run via WINE and the one issue I have is crashes due to the CoherentUI library.

> From what I can tell, Coherent Labs, the company behind this interface library have offices in San Francisco (USA) and Sofia (Bulgaria). They are still around and their earliest product was the Cohherent UI interface library from 2012. At that point Arenanet seems to have integrated their middleware into the GW2 engine, which is otherwise a reworked GW1 engine.


> Nothing wrong here, back in 2012 Linux was not as ready for gaming as it is today, so the old CoherentUI was not built with that in mind. But times change, CoherentUI 2 released, then they put out CoherentGT, a multiplatform solution.

> Sadly, I don't know how similar the two of them are, but both seem to work according to the same principles:

> HTML, CSS and a scripting language are used to display interface elements on screen.

> The interface library translates the HTML and CSS into graphical instructions to be drawn on the screen. Hopefully in an efficient manner.


> For us Linux users the old middleware generally works*, except when it doesn't. Maybe some code was written with a Windows (namely Windows XP SP3) specific architecture in mind. I didn't dissect the client to find out, but there only seems to be some minor issue in the interface library.

> However, I don't know if Anet can fix this on their own, not for technical reasons, their programmers are certainly capable enough, but rather for legal reasons, as they'd have to modify the way CoherentUI works. Provided the programmers are not needed elsewhere.

> They could migrate to another graphical user interface library, maybe from Coherent Labs, maybe from someone else, maybe even the QT library, which can be acquired at no cost, but it may cost time and money to properly implement and I don't know how that time and money may already be planned.


> All in all Anet will do what allows them to keep Guild Wars 2 successful, porting may be seen as a way to future proof the game engine itself, so I remain carefully optimistic, especially since other engine systems might need an update too. Since 2012 a good amount of middleware with multiplatform capabilities has been released, so they might just kill two birds with one stone.

> *Through WINE shenanigans, but still. The FPS with a large zerg is really bad, though. If nothing else, please make an option to not draw all the player models and their skill effects, the latter really kill the fps.


Its silly to support wine wich does that linux specifically dont want having anything with ms to do with

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> @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:


> Its silly to support wine wich does that linux specifically dont want having anything with ms to do with


Error: Unable to understand that reply.

Start language interpreter? (y/n) y'0x0a'

> @"Laila Lightness.8742" may have said:


> A : It is counterproductive to support wine, wich removes that incentive to port to linux since devs count on their microsoft build to work anywhere.

> B : It is silly to support wine, when you use linux specifically to avoid using microsoft products.

> C : I do not support wine, because I do not want to have anything to do with microsoft's platform.

> D : It is not worthwhile to support wine, since it will never be on par with windows performance.

Which of these four sentences came closest in matching the intention of that earlier sentence?

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> @"mauried.5608" said:

> A good question to ask would be how many people who want a Linux port are currently playing GW2 on windows.

> And if so, why ?


That number probably looks higher than it really is.

Likely because WINE may count as windows, since the compatibility layer is some sort of pretend windows facade that catches all the programs DirectX draw calls, then translates them into OpenGL calls, which our OS can draw on screen. It also provides some windows specific functionality. Overall, pretty impressive, but the performance is considerably lower than running natively.

The performance is much better than running a virtual machine, though.

However, I don't know whether Anet keeps track of their users operating system and I have heard conflicting reports on whether or not someone using WINE is counted as a Windows or Linux user.


Also, due to its hacky nature there is generally no customer support and no guarantee that the game even runs. The developers can provide some pointers in their free time and some of the devs probably are linux users, but there is always the possibility that the next update might break something.

An official port would remove the insecurtiy of that situation.


If you are asking about dualbooters, I guess they want their game to run without the occasional crashes, or bad performance in zergs.

Then again, how does one measure the amount of people capable of booting different systems on their PC?

Technically every user currently playing on windows can just add another harddisk into his PC, install another operating system and violà, he can choose to boot one of multiple operating systems.


I think most users use only one platform, though.

In my case Ubuntu, which is currently the most widely used Linux operating system. Therefore, most of the software ported to Linux is optimized towards Ubuntu, its parent system Debian, or its sibling Mint.

There's also SteamOS, which is very similar to Ubuntu, but is geared towards build it yourself consoles, or the steam machine, though I doubt GW2 can be played using only a controller.

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The purpose of my question was to guage how many extra players Anet would be likley to get from a Linux Port.

If Linux fans are currently playing GW2 under Wine , or are playing GW2 under Windows, and then simply move to a Linux port if one was made, then Anet doesnt get any new players, so wheres the economic incentive to make the port.



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  • 5 months later...

look at this graveyard :p

I stopped playing GW2 (ages ago) because I fully switched to Linux(and didn't care for playing it on wine at the time). but i am going to give Lutrix(which uses wine :p) a shot and see if its playable who know :p.

lots of games coming are to Linux nowadays... but GW2 is to old to be building a Linux port :open_mouth: .

With Windows 10 out lots of people want to leave windows now.

My whole family is using Linux now even family that is not living in my house.

Its a fun thing to see :)

Being able to go out and buy computers from Dell that have Linux pre-installed is awesome.


Quick Edit: The GW2 installer seems to work fine so far :P

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> @"rosasor.4892" said:

> look at this graveyard :p

> I stopped playing GW2 (ages ago) because I fully switched to Linux(and didn't care for playing it on wine at the time). but i am going to give Lutrix(which uses wine :p) a shot and see if its playable who know :p.

> lots of games coming are to Linux nowadays... but GW2 is to old to be building a Linux port :open_mouth: .

> With Windows 10 out lots of people want to leave windows now.

> My whole family is using Linux now even family that is not living in my house.

> Its a fun thing to see :)

> Being able to go out and buy computers from Dell that have Linux pre-installed is awesome.


> Quick Edit: The GW2 installer seems to work fine so far :P


You should have searched before reviving this dead thread.


check this thread for more current info and good ideas to get it to run well. There are two different methods described here I have and use both and both are viable in a better way than they were in the past. The package works just fine that ArmoredVehicle has posted for download and yes it is safe. I would post in that thread as well from now on about linux issues as it is actively being looked at by a number of people using this in Linux. I am no guru by any means but often check it as well. Gallium method works pretty well for me right now as well and while I get slightly lower FPS I get almost flawless movement and no stutter at all.




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  • 3 months later...

> @"dixi.1483" said:

> Just to let you know, I have created a guild for users of unix-like operating systems - _[unix] Penguins And The Like_


> The aim is to gather (not only) Linux users to help each other with troubleshooting, share useful information or just to have a good time. I have a mumble server ready as well, for those who like to speak while playing. It is open for anybody really, but if you use Linux, BSD, Hurd, or anything Unix-like, it is a big bonus. All current members are from Europe.


> If you wish to join, and I hope you do, let me know ingame :)

> I am not sharing the mumble server address here, for obvious reasons. You can find it in MOTD after joining the guild.


Does this guild still exist? I'd love to join if so.

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