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What does anet plan to do about the macro users?

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Everybody has come across them players in wvw or pvp or pve that always have skills up, able to push all keys for burst within a second and never lose speed while in combat. As anet has does nothing about these players since launch so many are using these "macros" now. I say macros cuz the program they use creates the macros if they arent computer savvy enuf to set up own macros.

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Uhm, I don't think you can conclude someones using a macro just because he's fast or not loosing speed, I know I'm not using macros but I'm pretty sure from your perspective it might seem like I do. If you practice something long enough you won't loose speed or anything to pull off a combo, you also have to consider that some people have different (easier to reach) hotkeys. My hotkeys are set up so that I never have to move my left hand away from "wasd" - so I can always walk wherever I want to while still beeing able to use my skills freely. I've also set up my hot keys so that skills required for combos are easier to reach in succession.


Of course people that actually do use macros should be reported as it is against the rules of the game (you're not allowed to set up a macro (or any program for that matter) which allows you to do multiple actions with one button) - But just because someone is fast doesn't neccessarily mean he's using macros.

I don't know how it looks from ANets side, wheather or not they have a method to detect if someone is using a macro or not. But of course you can submit a report if you're suspicious about someone - just don't go around accusing everyone who's fast of using macros :)

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Reminds me of people who think only n00bs do not use a controller when I tell them I use a keyboard for everything (including movement). I keep forgetting to tell them I have been using the same keys for movement for 35-40 years now so I do not even need to think anymore, movement is pure muscle memory at this point.

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> @"Menadena.7482" said:

> Reminds me of people who think only n00bs do not use a controller when I tell them I use a keyboard for everything (including movement). I keep forgetting to tell them I have been using the same keys for movement for 35-40 years now so I do not even need to think anymore, movement is pure muscle memory at this point.


Yeah, but I wish they would give us a scroll bar to choose the speed of keyboard turning.

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> @"Menadena.7482" said:

> Reminds me of people who think only n00bs do not use a controller when I tell them I use a keyboard for everything (including movement). I keep forgetting to tell them I have been using the same keys for movement for 35-40 years now so I do not even need to think anymore, movement is pure muscle memory at this point.


Trust me, if you use keyboard turning, no amount of muscle memory will make anyone think you're using macros.

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Yeah, my combo speeds used to be horrible before I got my gaming mouse. Now all my skills are right under my thumb. No macros necessary.


Now if they are not loosing speed when in combat and you notice that CC never works on them, like ever, then check to see if they have insane resistance. If they don't, THEN they are probably hacking and need to be reported.


However, bear in mind that unless you are recording it happening, Anet probably won't do anything about it.

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> @"Legendary Defender.5631" said:

> Everybody has come across them players in wvw or pvp or pve that always have skills up, able to push all keys for burst within a second and never lose speed while in combat. As anet has does nothing about these players since launch so many are using these "macros" now. I say macros cuz the program they use creates the macros if they arent computer savvy enuf to set up own macros.


It is a program, and there are videos floating around about it. There's no avoiding it. It's out there, and it's an elephant in the proverbial room.


I've personally seen it at work in WvW, and lemme tell ya, it's some nasty business, whether it's extra speed, or condi ignore, or clipping. I haven't PvP'd yet this season, but I have friends that have come across teams where one or two people were using it against their team. I'm sure you all know how that turned out for my friends' teams.


I'm truly hoping that if this thread gets disappeared that there is some work in progress being done behind the scenes to block this program once and for all. It would be nice to have official acknowledgement that this is a pretty big issue.

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