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Commanding WvW, How to get better?


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You should stop listening to players who say you can command on every class cause that is awfuly a lot of bollocks.

The main reason why guardian is the main class used in commanding is cause guardians skills are called out and used the most for offensive and defensive purposes.

You need to have an indicator when you will have your skills available and based when theyre available you can make certain commanding movements during fights.

For example if i know F2 is on cooldown for me and the enemy blob is very condi heavy then i know i cant start pushing into them. Same applies for not having any mantras available.


Guardian has allways been the supportive must have class and since path of fire the class itself has taken the main support role (even outshining eles). Not having any eyes on when the must have skills are available is a failure and will cost you a lot.


Just because you can tank on any class doesnt automaticaly mean its suitable for commanding.

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Not yet mentioned? Learn how to take towers and keeps. And learn how to defend attackers in towers and keeps. Siege positions. Counter-siege positions. Taking a defended keep often requires multiple rounds: destroy sieges, waste their sups. Whole blob should understand that, otherwise they log off after first "fail".


Details counts: destroy cannons because they kill golems, catapult bubble rotations, destroying supplies with treb (can build treb inside sm or keep), bomb ports and ewp.


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Wow some very very good helpful tips guys, thank you very much. GW 2 has become my main game I like to play often. WvW I am spending more time then I am PvE, storyline. It's fun don't get me wrong, but playing WvW in a big army lol and having an epic lord of the rings battle is a lot of fun.


Commander is something I have wanted for a long time. something that grew on me, and being a avid player of GW2 from day 1 I have been in large guilds with commanders and it was a lot of fun talking with people.


I am a very mature gamer that stays calm and focused. If I see trolls I usually just ignore and turn off the chat and talk with my squad / team, :)


WvW some think it's way of life, I simply think and play for the enjoyment and having fun with the community. Loosing fights, loosing towers, camps, keeps, smc is a way of life, hehehe. You win some and lose some.


Your all right, 99% of the lost battle is the commanders fault, your the core, you hold the team together, your the leader, you lead them into battle you better be prepared. Your army falls, it's your fault.


Hate to say it, but isn't it like that in real war? hehehehe, always the leaders.


I am on SOS server, and being 2nd tier is rough none the less. BG and SOS been going at it.


It's a lot of fun and want to be a part of the community on SOS to due my part and take my wins and losses.


Again great posts.

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> @"Gandalf.1537" said:

> Oh btw I am using my Guardian, a simple DH Frontline build, Staff / Hammer or Staff / GS. A lot of fun. He needs to be built up more trinkets wise but all in all fun to play.


Not sure what people use these days in NA on guardian but in EU its mostly minstrel while having zero power damage (not counting in guilds individual builds). In EU guardian is the literal tank - supporter/healer and anything damage related is thrown on other classes. Firebrand is the main class used in EU due to the full superiority it gives over other traits in terms of support. So as i said im not sure whats used in NA but youre best off picking the traitline + build that majority of the guardians are using in NA.

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> @"Ovalkvadratcylinder.9365" said:

> > @"intox.6347" said:

> > > @"Ovalkvadratcylinder.9365" said:

> > > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > > > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > > > TL;DR create a minstrel/bunker firebrand. Tag up.

> > > > >

> > > > > Gratz you are now a commander and up there with the top 10 on your server.

> > > > >

> > > > > Try to use any other class and people will just tell you to tag down or switch to fb.

> > > >

> > > > Mmm... safe observation.

> > > >

> > > > Sb and scourge and dh and herald are good options to.

> > > >

> > >

> > > no

> >

> > 1/4 commanders are SBs, some of them are scourges and heralds, but u denied their existence, so...


> No I simply disagree that any of the classes stated are good to command on, unless you wanna ppt


Unless u wanna ppt ? Its like if you ppt u never fight or what ? Thats not eotm karma train where you try avoid combat.

Some guild raids going only for kill, but if we ppt ... we dont avoid any combat.

Main thing what commander char should have is survivability, thats how you build it... so tanky SB is still very good option... same with rev ... and met few scourge commanders that stay alive all the time too...

Once commander is skilled... he can take minstrel stanceshare soulbeast and he is ok.... his choice if he can keep himself alive :)

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Very important point is, noone forces you to be a commander. All these super salty try hard commanders should think about that... noone forces them to lead, there are days everything works out fine, and others were you just need to remember to keep calm and do the best to keep people motivated.. Keep that in mind.. Aswell its way better for your server, if you keep a healthy balance between "commanding-time" and playing for yourself. I know many commanders that tried to win a whole matchup on their own and they were so pissed if it didnt work out, that they stopped leading for some time... So just lead aslong you really have fun in it.

i.e. I really love to fight, but due to our population, my server isnt in the position to build a strong enough sq on multiple maps in the evening.. so if you see your squad cant compete in the moment, check the Squad composition if its unbalanced and try to fix it at first step.. If noone want to swap their classes and you have to keep going with an unbalanced squad keep other options in mind... like waiting for enemies server to get attacked and splitpush in the right moment to build up multiple pressure..

For your own development i recommend to kinda focuss on 1-2 things every raid. - Prefight commands - engage commands - infight mark setting. for the beginning.

Aswell train to ask for the right Reactio in the right moment, so the chain of events is in right order - Bubble - corruption - cc - bomb


Hope that i could give some usefull tipps for the beginning... Always keep in mind.. You want to command and there will always be cryheads that need to be ignored ;) HF


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One of the reasons that I think many pugmanders completely fail is because they try to replicate what their organized guild does with a bunch of pugs. So they tell people to get on firebrands, get on spellbreakers, get on scourges etc and that's great if people are going to actually get in ts and join squad etc etc but I've found that it's possible to beat organized guilds with no squads and no ts by just letting people play whatever they're going to play and then putting the fights in places where a bunch of backline pugs with no organization can easily beat a guild group. There are many places where this is easily achievable and in fact decentralization has a marked advantage over centralized command in almost any open field engagement and indeed many towers and keeps if people are willing to take risks independently.


So I think it's better for aspiring commanders to try to learn how to win with whatever they're given rather than to have some ideal comp going in. Learn to win against guild groups with soulbeasts and thieves and you can beat anyone.

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