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Deadeye Rifle DPS Benchmark Testing


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So you want to drop MF7 and take BQoBK so you can replace precision sig with RFI, and also replace DA with Tricks so you can trait RFI for shorter cd. For burst purposes, traited RFI is 1 extra DJ on activation with 1 ini to spare, every 28s. I don't know how that lines up with burst windows. But on average on the 4mil golem, that's 6 extra DJs, added to the 3 extra from Trickery is 9 total.

* Trickery+BQoBK+RFI is: **+30%**

9 Extra DJs from Klept+RFI is 9 x 39k / 5mil = 1.07

all together: 1.15x1.07x1.057= 1.3


* DeadlyArts+MF7+PrecisionSig is: **+36.3%**

1.12x1.217= 1.363


on average DA + MF7 still stronger but I don't know if good burst timing can make up the difference. Also remember DA + MF7 probably has more burst timing potential. Because of Exposed weakness only having 60% uptime. You can pool ini so that Exposed weakness uptime happen more during burst windows and less during non burst . While still using ini to avoid capping during non burst ofcourse. Trickery+BQoBK can't delay RFI too long to wait for burst window because it will cause some dps loss if you end up getting less usage out of RFI. That's not taking every raid mechanic into account thou. Just a broad general comparison based on 4mil golem. And the boons, as you mentioned will most likely put Trickery+BQoBK ahead but I've been calculating for raw damage under the assumption of 100% uptime on unrealistic buffs.


Edit: these calcs are also really sloppy, and I prob left out some minor dps considerations but the differences between the two are big enough that I don't think I need to be super accurate. I do theorycrafting and testing because I like the whole sniper theme but is Deadeye rifle even viable in raids? There's just too much movement / retargeting etc. required

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