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Were ALL of the Scourge nerfs really necessary?

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As a scourge main who has hit platinum/legend and still platinum btw. I'm really not having much fun at all atm. It's like you're even more of a sitting duck now then before ontop of you feeling like your skills are just lagging. Meh, I get it people complain about scourge in lower pvp brackets but in higher pvp brackets you're going to get instantly shut down 9 times out of 10.

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> @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > @"Egorum.9506" said:

> > > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > > > @"Egorum.9506" said:

> > > > > @"Sojourner.4621" said:

> > > > > > @"Egorum.9506" said:

> > > > > > > @"Sojourner.4621" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Egorum.9506" said:

> > > > > > > > Exactly how are you supposed to get someone off of you now on a scourge? No escapes, no fear (good luck hitting the thief or mes in between evade frames now!), no blocks, no invuln. So now range destroys you, and you have no melee peel? Gg scourge lmao

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > You have access to heavy blind and a sand portal to use as an escape if necessary, and you can also punish players for following you. There are options, they just don't fit with your old meta. Time to figure out something new.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I too enjoy opening my kitten up to the sky, allowing wind to scream through my musty tunnel!

> > > > > >

> > > > > > You can't use any of necro's blinds or your casted portal if you're stunned! Maybe you're thinking of the several other professions that have access to smoke fields?

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Here's the thing to do: reroll power chrono. Laugh as you 1 shot everyone

> > > > >

> > > > > So you're not actually complaining about not having active defenses or escapes... you're complaining about not having active defenses or escapes that are also stun breaks which is... something a lot of classes have to deal with and not unique to scourge?

> > > >

> > > > I'm complaining that scourge has 0 defensive cds. No block, no invuln, no movement. The only reason this worked before is you could output instant damage to get people to back off. Now, they just hit you until the circle is almost fully expanded then dodge and continue to beat you.

> > > >

> > > > Mes, thief, rev, guard, and ele have shadowsteps with better range than sand portal. War, engi, and druid have movement skills which allow them to re-engage almost immediately. Rangers and DE don't even need to engage, they can just blow you away from max range. Druids have to get 1 CC off on you in a fight, immo and pewpew from 1500 range and there isn't a single thing you can do about it.

> > > >

> > > > It was easy to down a scourge before: range, cc and burst, invuln and burst. Now it's a kitten joke. The issue lies in low ranks not understanding the mechanics. Which apparently they still don't understand, as they're being farmed by scourge still. **But look at plat, where scourge wasn't a big problem and they're completely unviable**. No defenses, and the only class that tells you exactly when you have to dodge. Where's the tell from mes burst at?

> > >

> > > Actually scourge was a cancer from bronze to legendary, which made many pro player don't do ranked till the patch release just because the unfun to play against scourge, even if your team had 2 scourges you still had to build your build (sorry the redundancy) completely on cleanses and condi pressure which was way too absurd.

> > >

> > > And yeah maybe pro player could counter scourge because of skill cap limit (at some level you reach the max skill you can get with your profession).

> > >

> > > Instead on lower leagues, but even gold3 and plat1-2 (so not low) you could see bad scourges win against better and decent players in terms of skills, just because how easy broken and braindead was the class and this is unacceptable.

> > >

> > > Spellbreaker and warrior is seen by a lot like an easy class to play, but trust me you see immediately the difference from a newbie which has just started playing it and a pro. With scourge a newbie could be immediately a champion with it and kill better players not because of skills but profession only.

> > >

> > > Now **scourge is still in meta** if you didn't notice that, means good players can play it still effectively.

> > > The ones complaining are the platinum scourge who doesn't know a single trait of the profession and cannot spam anymore and they are now dropped to gold or even silver.

> > >

> > > So don't complain for scourge which still remains meta when classes like ele or rev don't even a have a "good" or "great" build to access to.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Again, if you're losing to a class that literally tells you when to dodge with a huge glowing red ring you need to take a look at your playstyle and improve it.

> >

> > Again, how many scourges were in the top 100 last season? How many are there now? It's not viable in high tier play because the weapon skills are weak, the class mechanic is very easy to dodge or block, and they have poor to no access to disengages/blocks/reflect/stab/invulns or evades.


> The argument of how many scourges were and are in top 100 is stupid, because at legendary rank every single comp had at least 1 scourge. Your team has a scourge and the enemy has a scourge too or it was too disadvantageous not having at least 1 one in the comp. So the scourge population is just balance like any other class in the top 100.

> Just saying that floods of silvers and golds players got platinum with scourge, thing they never achieved before. And now they cry because dropping low on ranks.


> As i told you the profession is still in the meta list. Condi mirage is not more meta because nerfed more heavily, if still used in meta comps maybe it is not that trash like you think, it just requires more brain to use it propery now. Thing that many players after months of SPAM cannot do unfortunately.


I was plat 2 before pof, still plat 2 now. They're crying for good reason. No defensive CDs, easily avoided damage, poor group support. The only reason to bring a scourge now is transfusion.


Condi mirage is still strong, and power mirage is absolutely meta. Why is there no tell on their damage? Why on fucking earth did they get ammo mind wrack, in an adept tier trait? How did SB and druid not get sustain nerfs? Are they suddenly not broken?


If you can't dodge when the flashing red circle says dodge, find a new game. Because your input on this one isn't worth listening to.

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Firebrands were the real losers with this patch. Scourge is still pretty dang good. So good, in fact, it's still hard to believe they were once BETTER than they are now . Still harder to believe that scourges are complaining about this nerf which was more of a "we effed up and are trying to make scourges not broken" than it was a nerf.

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  • 3 weeks later...

They still haven't nerfed Sand Savant. Scourge will still be a problem in conquest where all of their effects are larger than the capture circle. It is like all the valid complaints about DH traps upon the release (heck, the beta) of HoT, ramped up. I like playing Necromancer. I don't like playing scourge. Some of the concept is good, but the application.....

I also don't want to see the spec or the profession nerfed into the ground before actually hitting the core problems. Scourge could be a great support with an altered sand savant and a few more interesting, not overpowered, options.

Also, scourge would be less oppressive if the boon spam in the game was toned down. Too many classes can hit 25 might with little effort, or even just as a by product of using skills off cooldown. Most of the newer specs in fact do not have the option to not use a ton of boons just from their skills.

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