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One Avvie Stuck on Loading Screen

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This afternoon I experienced what I call a 'hard crash' ... comes out of nowhere with no warning .. must boom and out. As has happened a few other times with this type of crash, I have been unable to log just this one character, my ranger Cierdwyn Mystborn, back into the game. I had been hoping the update to correct server crashes would fix it, but it hasn't.


For some reason the game is trying to put her back into Verdant Brink, when I was happily doing events in Auric Basin when the crash happened, having left VB some time before. The li'l circle just spins in the lower right corner of the VB screen with no map stats showing up under the name, just spins and spins for a few minutes before crashing to a white screen with an error message. :\


If someone could just so kindly lift her outta that loop any help would be appreciated very much, She's my main and I just want her to be okay. lol


I have also sent in a ticket via one of my other avvies ingame, but thought to post this here in case anyone else from my group in AB got booted the same as me. :)

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'Tickets' submitted in-game are really bug reports, and as indicated on the bug report window, will garner no response.

For an individualized response, you will need to contact the CS Team via the 'Support' link above/below.


Whilst you await assistance, you can try guesting to another server with that character. You can also try deleting the file %appdata%/Guild Wars 2/Local.dat, which can become bloated and affect loading. It's where your hardware-related settings are stored.


Good luck.

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Thanks very much!


I gave guesting a go, still just sat and spun on the VB loading screen for this particular avvie. I will leave it until tomorrow and then, if still an issue, I'll send in a CS report as you have advised.


I will also delete that file and cross my fingers it helps.


This isn't the first time this has happened, but it is always frustrating until someone steps in and shakes her loose, or it rights on it's own. Thank you again. :)

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