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Phantasmal Defender was almost SO good


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all it needs to do is immediately spawn at your target and already be blocking/taunting on your cast



good spell


useful for interrupt, securing downs, and actually being able to taunt something before it dies


interrupt from taunting would be even more useful if it was faster to cast, but i guess that's asking too much from a class that has Mimic existing in its current iteration for so long

maybe even give it stability or something so Chronophantasma doesn't cause the second one to blow up immediately


don't understand why the balance devs always miss their mark with one small upgrade, patch updates could end up being so good but then they're always just short by a tiny amount of oomf somewhere


stop testing things on afk target golems in spvp or get your internal team to test in a real fight pls&thnx

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> @"OriOri.8724" said:

> Its a 1s taunt on a 40s CD for PvP/WvW. Its not going to be anything more than a gimmick there, and thats if it even survives long enough to attack, what with all of the unblockable attacks in the game. Your proposed changes will not change this


doesn't it explode after it dies?

meaning they would have to do an unblockable hit first thing before it explodes?

i didn't think it meant "after finishing the block" was actually it has to cast the entire block and then finally blow up, i mean, that's not my fault if they made even more stupid mistakes, but having a big bomb on a point would have been good when you can hit a chronophantasma on it, plus traited, and even continuum split it


though, i also just noticed the radius of it....


fine, i guess you're right

my mistake, i should have looked more into the skill instead of testing on an spvp dummy like i accused them of doing, anyway, i just didn't have time earlier

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> @"Zenith.7301" said:

> It's useless in PvE too since taunt works on virtually nothing of importance.


to be fair, aren't there hundreds of things useless in pve due to failed mechanics?

at least in pvp it almost seemed like it could have been a good necro-well-ish spell, but then it failed left, right, inside and outside from things i didn't even notice in the first place

this is such a disappointment

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> @"Alpha.1308" said:

> > @"Zenith.7301" said:

> > It's useless in PvE too since taunt works on virtually nothing of importance.


> to be fair, aren't there hundreds of things useless in pve due to failed mechanics?

> at least in pvp it almost seemed like it could have been a good necro-well-ish spell, but then it failed left, right, inside and outside from things i didn't even notice in the first place

> this is such a disappointment


They virtually made the entire mesmer theme from GW1 pointless in PvE with the introduction of the breakbar, and since dazes do virtually nothing to breakbars, core mesmer outside chrono slows is just terrible at breakbar damage besides a humongous 180 sec cd moa signet use.


It really makes no sense why taunt doesn't work on bosses, it would add some interesting interactions for PvE tanking and boss positioning.

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> @"Zenith.7301" said:

> They virtually made the entire mesmer theme from GW1 pointless in PvE


this gets me pretty bad


i loved mesmer in guild wars 1, and it does sting when ever i remember how bad things are in this game for mesmer in terms of pve, and how bad it's getting, so, i can't disagree there

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> @"Alpha.1308" said:

> > @"OriOri.8724" said:

> > Its a 1s taunt on a 40s CD for PvP/WvW. Its not going to be anything more than a gimmick there, and thats if it even survives long enough to attack, what with all of the unblockable attacks in the game. Your proposed changes will not change this


> doesn't it explode after it dies?

> meaning they would have to do an unblockable hit first thing before it explodes?

> i didn't think it meant "after finishing the block" was actually it has to cast the entire block and then finally blow up, i mean, that's not my fault if they made even more stupid mistakes, but having a big bomb on a point would have been good when you can hit a chronophantasma on it, plus traited, and even continuum split it


> though, i also just noticed the radius of it....


> fine, i guess you're right

> my mistake, i should have looked more into the skill instead of testing on an spvp dummy like i accused them of doing, anyway, i just didn't have time earlier


I'm not trying to make you look like a dummy. Merely pointing out that these changes won't address what is wrong with the phantasm now. Your changes are _good_ ones in my opinion, but the problem is that in PvP/WvW its a 1sec long taunt on a 40sec CD. With ridiculously easy counterplay to the explosion. They can either kill it with unblockable attacks, block the explosion, or walk outside the radius of it. In PvE it still has marginal use by taking aggro for 3 sec, unless the foe has a defiance bar (and any foe without a defiance bar is one where you shouldn't need to force them to re-direct aggro anyway in the first place), but again with a 50s CD its just not worth it over anything else. Pretty much any other utility will be a better choice

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> @"OriOri.8724" said:

>I'm not trying to make you look like a dummy. Merely pointing out that these changes won't address what is wrong with the phantasm now. Your changes are _good_ ones in my opinion, but the problem is that in PvP/WvW its a 1sec long taunt on a 40sec CD. With ridiculously easy counterplay to the explosion. They can either kill it with unblockable attacks, block the explosion, or walk outside the radius of it. In PvE it still has marginal use by taking aggro for 3 sec, unless the foe has a defiance bar (and any foe without a defiance bar is one where you shouldn't need to force them to re-direct aggro anyway in the first place), but again with a 50s CD its just not worth it over anything else. Pretty much any other utility will be a better choice


oh, no no, that's fine, i didn't take it like that at all, anyway, mostly because i saw where i messed up, and i like seeing where i'm wrong, helps me learn, it's just REALLY sad and doesn't help at all when it has to be due to the fact that the skill itself functioned even more poorly than i thought....

i had no clue the radius was so bad, but getting a taunt off in pvp can still make or break a big spike, i didn't really care about the duration, personally


the cooldown is moot when you factor in that Well of Suffering is also on like a 30s cooldown, but also functions as an extremely potent choke hold to a point, either redirecting movement or they're just eating a lot of damage

this, on a class that already has alacrity, i personally really don't see the cooldown being too bad, although, i think it's 50, isn't it? which THAT makes it bad, after i checked, 40 would be better, 30 would really be pretty nice, though


the explosion being an "easy to avoid" mechanic doesn't deter me from it, however

if the radius wasn't as bad as i thought, those things blowing up left and right from Illusionary Inspiration, Alacrity, Chronophantasma, Continuum Split....like..... that's a lot, with a lot of damage on each

even if they avoid it, it's like, okay, now avoid that one and that one or my other skills because that was one of my utility skills and a dodge roll


but, again, i also didn't know it would just.... die, if it got interrupted from an unblockable (Wail of Doom) or something, i actually thought it'd just explode no matter what


that really does make this thing more trash that i thought...


as for pve, i mean.

to be fair......

i more was looking forward to the pvp benefit to this one, as i stated above, like, aren't literally half of every classes utility skills under performing in pve, as it is, anyway?

what's one less utility skill there, when it was already pretty bad, regardless

not to mention, this "overhaul" in of itself is just a mesmer pvp buff, like, honestly, then pve got worse in some places, some pve condi builds might be stronger, but, we still have to wait for those numbers to come out, but, i don't normally pay attention to them too much, however


also, i'm just going to throw this into this comment, but, can we also laugh at how the Phantasmal Disenchanter spawns at the target?

yet that one's ranged?


i was up a cliff and watched my defender "TRY" to run down to someone (it actually despawned because of range? like lol? really?), as my disenchanter hit like a train and nearly downed them, then was just gone, like that one's working flawlessly

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