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So how is Alacrity uptime now?

Drarnor Kunoram.5180

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I don't know about for groups, but I'm pretty sure a well geared mesmer could keep 100% personal alacrity uptime even with the awesome trait that reduces its duration. It being a boon is nice, and it also jumping up in power for the mesmer is really really nice.


Since it is a boon now, can you time Tides of Time with a phantasm stack and Persistence of Memory to gain a lot of it?

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Personal alacrity is easy, even with the reduced duration trait. I was having 170% durations in fractals even with dodging and such.

Problem is sharing, and also quickness is reduced to about the same as alacrity. (your only sources now for quickness will be the well, and shatters).

I'm still working on the rotation, and with some changes i guess it might be better than the old skills. I just dislike that they removed alacrity from phantoms to move it to temporal wave, but then didn't give any skill alternative to quickness. At least not a shareable one like temporal wave was. At the very least they could have done the phantoms pulse quickness when they change to clones or something. Or temporal wave could give both.

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I'm assuming 100% boon duration. Your sources of quickness are 2x SoI (6s per cast) and WoA (8s). That's 20s total. The cooldown of SoI is 24s (traited) and WoA is 25s, but we'll just say 25s for both for ease of calculation.


So, that's 20s every 25s. With perma "bad" alacrity, that's 100% uptime, higher if you get the trait, which you are free to choose with this build, since the alternatives are not that appealing for support chrono. You also get Seize the Time for personal quickness, to get the ball rolling.


That's on paper, I'm lagging too much online right now to test anything. For alacrity, 2x SoI (4s per), ToT (8s), WoR (10s). 36s total, so it's more than 100%.

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