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Updated Chrono


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Alright, for our beloved pve chronomancers. I would like to do a small update. For starters. I was first affraid of this patch. Cause duo to phantasm and alacrity changes. Turns out, now after the patch. Done some testing. And i found myself actually being in a better position then before. Yes, i am actually talking about the boonshare chronomancer.


So with that said. Lets go over the changes i have done. To make things clear. I shall begin with saying that i ran domination traitline for the shared distortion (aegis) trait: Blurred frenzy before. This is no longer a thing. Not for me at least. The new reworked traits in illusion, give a much better syngergy now.


The new trait setup looks like this:

Inspirations: X X 2 ("x" being take any you want)

Illusions: 2 2 1

Chrono: 1 3 3


Rotation remains pretty much the same. You just have to throw in a shatter now and then for the extra alacrity. I personally have been using divorsion for extra cc, but mindwreck should work just as fine, if not better duo to lower cd.


Gear is the same. Reach 100% boonduration, rest is much as power as possible. Tho for tryhards, i did manage to maintain alacrity and quickness with just about 50% boondurations as well. (Excl. CS and timewarp). But for the sake of being a boonshare. I would still recommand aiming for 100% duration.


A slight tweak in skills: since Well of Eternity (healing)no longer gives alacrity, you can ditch that out, and use either mantra of recovery OR Signet of Ether


So in short: We did loose the passive alacrity gain from our avengers phanstasm. But with these changes we still can easily overcap alacrity and quickness. It just requires a bit more active gameplay. Must say that i am quite happy about the changes after all.

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Thank you for posting this, I needed some sort of a beginning to figure out where to go with my pve power chrono. Will be interesting to follow discussions here.

Though I'm thinking that Shatter Storm will be better to take with Illusions line, to make Mindwrack an ammo skill.

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So how do you do the initial rotation? Like typically you would continuum split and then use shield 5 for instant quickness to cast the rest of your skills before continuum ends, but now you don't have access to instant quickness right? And how do you maintain perma quickness? What are your other sources of quickness besides well of action and the elite which you won't always be using?

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> @"Sila.6748" said:

> Though I'm thinking that Shatter Storm will be better to take with Illusions line, to make Mindwrack an ammo skill.

Dunno, i think Persistence of Memory is better. Alacrity has become a boon now as well. Your boonshare can/does effect your illusions. So overtime you get to share and gain boons from your illusions including both quickness and alacrity. As where Shatter Storm only gives 2x alacrity from F1. I was over capping it regardless, so dont think it would matter that much.


> @"Flauvious.6195" said:

> rotation?

My actually rotation with all the skills i use depends on the encounter and group. cause i do swap them out depending on what we need. Which means i would have to write a huge wall of text to you, (which is why i said rotation is same in my previous post). Instead ill describe a simplified rotation with just the core skills you need to use. Before you engage, make sure you're not on shield, but rather on offhand set:


Start with temporal Curtain to pull mobs (focus 4) in OR Counter Blade (channeled skill of sword 4) to daze target. This primarily to put yourself in combat before swapping to shield. Then use Well of Recall and Well of Action. After the second pulse of the wells, swap to shield to trigger Concentration sigil. Followed by Tides of Time (shield 5), Signet of Inspiration and Echo of Memory (shield 4). If you get hit during EoM, use the channeled skill Deja Vu, and immediately chancel it by stowing weapons. Wait for your weapons swap comes back up and then swap back to your offset. Here you cast your second phantasm. Let the phantasm do is initial attack twice (duo to trait) and then spawn a clone. Once your clone has hit your target too, shatter with either Mind Wrack or Diversion. F1 for alacrity with low cd skill. F3 for alacrity as well, but with an extra daze if you need cc.


At this point you finished your rotation, and can repeat the process. There are some gaps in this rotation where you can do other things to fill it up. Or perhaps trickshot Continuum Split. I personally tend to keep that as my panic button. Anything you do outside/during this process is basically bonus.

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Chrono sw/sw sw/shd full harrier with:

Chaos (2-1-3)

Inspiration (1-2-2)

Chronomancer (3-3-2)

Lots of boon shared and now we have to shatter so with bountifull disillusionment we can add vigor, fury, might and regen and have a good start in quickness with seize the moment+signet.


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> @"Riddick.2036" said:

> Chrono sw/sw sw/shd full harrier with:

> Chaos (2-1-3)

> Inspiration (1-2-2)

> Chronomancer (3-3-2)

> Lots of boon shared and now we have to shatter so with bountifull disillusionment we can add vigor, fury, might and regen and have a good start in quickness with seize the moment+signet.

> Thoughts?


Might and fury are meaningless as druid gets them easily covered. Stability can be useful in certain fights


If stability is not needed, domination and illusion provide way more utility than chaos.

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I mained mesmer in raids for over a year now and I have huge issues in seeing how this change was needed, at least where PvE is considered. Mesmer was working perfectly, as support class and let's be real -- our gameplay has never been passive. There was already a ton of stuff a good mesmer needed to be aware of in order to min-max their gameplay. Phantasms were always the preffered choice over clones, yes and that's simply because clones has been and are still useless. It will change nothing, but force us into shattering, instead of upkeeping phantasms like before. Pointless change was also the change on ToT. Just like the distortion share rework changed nothing and people once more found a way to ignore mechanics, this will change pretty much nothing too. Maintaining perma quickness and alacrity is still very much possible even without timewarp. However, while perma quickness and alacrity on yourself would be just, as doable, as before -- the alacrity that you share on your squad will suffer a lot, due to the changes on the Avengers. Let's be real and admit how often people miss out during raids on your wells and now without the Avengers to supply alacrity with every attack it will be pretty felt lost, unless you shatter continiously your clones.


So this pretty much is the oh so big (kappa) change Anet implimented. Now instead of upkeeping phantasms we are going to become a shatter bots to be able to upkeep the same level of boonshare, as before on our squads. Bravo Anet. (kappa again) I don't if they ever heard the expression that you shouldn't try to "fix" something that isn't broken to begin with. Chrono was in a pretty good spot before and it was perfectly fit to do what was expected of the class, so I see zero sense in this update, at least where PvE is considered. They should've just separate it and make it PvP and WvW only, imo.

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# The things I cannot undersand about the changes:

## 1) From ArenaNet Gaile Gray.6029:

> "A Lack of Alacrity

> When we first started making changes to phantasms, we quickly realized that the new system would have a huge impact on alacrity uptime for chronomancers due to the changes to Phantasmal Avenger. We were actually okay with this since the whole point of the phantasm update is to make mesmer play more engaging. However, we didn't want to leave a huge gap in the duration of alacrity uptime for chronomancers..."

Then WHY you removed the alacrity from wells?

## 2)

I can understand the change to "Blurred Incriptions" major trait, but Why change phantasms this way IF the clone are useless? No health (phantasm had, or could had, more health), NO DAMAGE, they can steal boon from party (? not sure).. I just need clones to shatter. Sincerly Before I had to think "mmm do I shatter now, later, let's see", now is just summon+shatter brainless and NO FUN and NO thinking. At least make more fun the shatter (i don't mean power up numbers, but add new mechanics, something..). Please make clone useful since now there are only clones (yeah they are useful in pvp, and WvW, but we are talking about pve now)

## 3)

It's Absolutely clear you want to redimensionate the chrono position as tank, BUT, not having tank is (or at least was) the main thing about gw2. Mesmer is cool because is tank without being tank (i mean vitality, toughness, or healing). So what are you thinking?


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> @"Riddick.2036" said:

> Chrono sw/sw sw/shd full harrier with:

> Chaos (2-1-3)

> Inspiration (1-2-2)

> Chronomancer (3-3-2)

> Lots of boon shared and now we have to shatter so with bountifull disillusionment we can add vigor, fury, might and regen and have a good start in quickness with seize the moment+signet.

> Thoughts?

This would be the healing minstrel variant of chrono. Tho probably not much utilized cause people usually take a dedicated healer anyway. Still.. could be nice if you run with pugs. In either fractals or raids.


> @"Exciton.8942" said:

> You absolutely need 100% boon duration. I don't know how so many of you feel just getting quickness/alacrity on yourself is good enough. The whole point is to boon share, not to keep perma quickness/alacrity on yourself. This patch is no doubt a huge nerf on chrono support.


> @"GWMO.4785" said:

> Gear is the same. Reach 100% boonduration, rest is much as power as possible. Tho for tryhards, i did manage to maintain alacrity and quickness with just about 50% boondurations as well. (Excl. CS and timewarp). But for the sake of being a boonshare. **I would still recommand aiming for 100% duration.**

Just pointing out that the rotation is doable with about 50% duration. but recommanding to have 100% regardless for the sake of being a boonshare.


> @"Rain.7543" said:

I agree for the most part. I will say that i am kinda glad that alacrity has been changed to a boon. Despite the nerf to the "uniqueness" of the chrono. This way we can interact a bit more into the mechanic. Which in imo is healthy. Also the party wont suffer -that- much as you said. I mean sure it still went down from 33% to 25% for group members meaning their dps will ofc be a bit lower. But i mean.. its not the end of the road you know.


> @"Eventine.8024" said:

Im sure you had to rage post here with huge font sizes and caps locks. If you want answers then i suggest you write a ticket to anet. This topic is about updated current version about the chrono. drop crying somewhere else mate

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