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Win/Lose streak cycle.


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Since my last thread kinda went on rails. I'm now consistently seeing win rates of 6-10 matches, followed by a loss streak of 8-15 matches. As somebody mentioned in my last thread. This seems like matchmaking is rigging games again. Or at least stopping me from a certain win ratio.


Once my win rate is close to, or under 50% I start a win streak. Once I start to get "ahead" matches becomes a clear brick wall, and continue to lose significantly till it balances out back down to 50%.


Now. I don't mind stay in my predetermined fate of somewhere in Gold 2. But the roller coaster of emotions falling 2 tiers, then clawing the way back up every other day is getting really taxing. Heck I wouldn't mind a win/lose/lose cycle, if it doesn't end up in a depressing 10 loss streak several times a week like many others have experienced.


Yes, Yes, devs said either side have a equal chance. But it can't be pure coincidence of pure win streaks and loss streaks, and nothing in-between time and time again?

Idk, maybe i'm in the black hole of the mystic toliet matchmaking, swirling in and out of wins / losses.

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While some games are unwinnable, I’m 100% sure at least 9/10 of those games you made a fatal rotational or mechanica mistake that lost your team a lot of momentum by causing you to wipe and lose the map.

Also you probably get mad after a few loses and play even worse and worse.

Same for winstreaks, they build emotional momentum and focus.


Yes matchmaking can be a gamble, but seriously, far less than what you and people before you make it to be.

Maybe just stop trying to assume people are rigging you in matchmaking and play optimally before you complain?

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I've actually tested this, and have had others verify. There as a lot of rigging, and I'm not going to call out one of the guilds that has been shown to do that en mass, but I will say that it's happening. I was getting suspicius, so I started recording my matches, and player names. Watched how that guilds players played each match beth physically ,nd on the map. I've seen the same players play absolutely incredibly, and when the "winning player" was on the other side, they would do things like stand there and let me die on point, then start using skills, not cap home but stand next to it, ect. Things you won't notice if you don't look back at footage. I can confirm that it's happened, and I've reported, ect, but it has no effect. Hell, a player was trying to get anet to stop the hackers in PvP, targeted high profile streamers and used obvious hacks, flying, speed boost ect, and they never banned him till someone suggested he buy gold. He was banned after a few hours for buying gold, bet no care in the world that he was hacking. Point is anet doesn't care about matchmaking or hackers unless it affects their income stream of gems. They just have to save face when they do things like stopping 5 man queue's in ranked to "help". It didn't change anything, and match fixing is as common practice and easy as ever. There have been countless posts on reddit on how to do it, and anet keeps taking the posts down, but not fixing it. Yes it's real, stop telling people it's them.

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> @"BeLZedaR.4790" said:

> While some games are unwinnable, I’m 100% sure at least 9/10 of those games you made a fatal rotational or mechanica mistake that lost your team a lot of momentum by causing you to wipe and lose the map.

> Also you probably get mad after a few loses and play even worse and worse.

> Same for winstreaks, they build emotional momentum and focus.


> Yes matchmaking can be a gamble, but seriously, far less than what you and people before you make it to be.

> Maybe just stop trying to assume people are rigging you in matchmaking and play optimally before you complain?


Oh I'm not assuming people, I'm assuming matchmaking.


hmm not really. I play fairly equally through the good and bad matches same judgement calls. Yes there is rng aspect. But you would at least think there would be 1 loss or win to break up those streaks right?

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> @"thatdarnkatz.7168" said:

> I've actually tested this, and have had others verify. There as a lot of rigging, and I'm not going to call out one of the guilds that has been shown to do that en mass, but I will say that it's happening. I was getting suspicius, so I started recording my matches, and player names. Watched how that guilds players played each match beth physically ,nd on the map. I've seen the same players play absolutely incredibly, and when the "winning player" was on the other side, they would do things like stand there and let me die on point, then start using skills, not cap home but stand next to it, ect. Things you won't notice if you don't look back at footage. I can confirm that it's happened, and I've reported, ect, but it has no effect. Hell, a player was trying to get anet to stop the hackers in PvP, targeted high profile streamers and used obvious hacks, flying, speed boost ect, and they never banned him till someone suggested he buy gold. He was banned after a few hours for buying gold, bet no care in the world that he was hacking. Point is anet doesn't care about matchmaking or hackers unless it affects their income stream of gems. They just have to save face when they do things like stopping 5 man queue's in ranked to "help". It didn't change anything, and match fixing is as common practice and easy as ever. There have been countless posts on reddit on how to do it, and anet keeps taking the posts down, but not fixing it. Yes it's real, stop telling people it's them.


Win trading is a thing, I wasn’t denying that and it’s not what the OP did either.

The topic was matchmaking deliberately putting you in a far better or far worse team to bring to life some plan for you to have a loss/win streak, which doesn’t make sense. I had these myself and every time i looked back I realized most of the time I just got tilted after the first few losses and started playing bad.

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Matchmaking is also hard with low pop right now. I have been playing a lot of PvP lately, and have been taking bets with friends on who would win a match before it even began based on team comps alone. I have about a 90% accuracy on that. And yes, I did test watching other players and have about the same accuracy, so it's not me "throwing the match because I think it's lost before it is". Team comp can make or break a match, and with such low pop, you'll get stuck with whatever is available, instead of something balanced in many cases. That's ignoring cases of proven matchmaking, but that point stands even when completely ignoring that factor (no known matchmakers in the games)

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> @"BeLZedaR.4790" said:

> > @"thatdarnkatz.7168" said:

> > I've actually tested this, and have had others verify. There as a lot of rigging, and I'm not going to call out one of the guilds that has been shown to do that en mass, but I will say that it's happening. I was getting suspicius, so I started recording my matches, and player names. Watched how that guilds players played each match beth physically ,nd on the map. I've seen the same players play absolutely incredibly, and when the "winning player" was on the other side, they would do things like stand there and let me die on point, then start using skills, not cap home but stand next to it, ect. Things you won't notice if you don't look back at footage. I can confirm that it's happened, and I've reported, ect, but it has no effect. Hell, a player was trying to get anet to stop the hackers in PvP, targeted high profile streamers and used obvious hacks, flying, speed boost ect, and they never banned him till someone suggested he buy gold. He was banned after a few hours for buying gold, bet no care in the world that he was hacking. Point is anet doesn't care about matchmaking or hackers unless it affects their income stream of gems. They just have to save face when they do things like stopping 5 man queue's in ranked to "help". It didn't change anything, and match fixing is as common practice and easy as ever. There have been countless posts on reddit on how to do it, and anet keeps taking the posts down, but not fixing it. Yes it's real, stop telling people it's them.


> Win trading is a thing, I wasn’t denying that and it’s not what the OP did either.

> The topic was matchmaking deliberately putting you in a far better or far worse team to bring to life some plan for you to have a loss/win streak, which doesn’t make sense. I had these myself and every time i looked back I realized most of the time I just got tilted after the first few losses and started playing bad.


As I say, pray to rngesus of matchmaking. Along with the consistent win/loss cycle. There is the consistency of one sided matches, which is for me, about 50%. (Less 250-500)


So say if I face rolled a match, I would still win, because it's that bad. And vice versa, fighting a brick wall.


Idk what my point is anymore. I'm just a pvp gambler now, looking for that next win.

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> @"MikeL.8260" said:

> Did you sit for a moment to consider that as you go up the ranks (even when it looks insignificant) players get better and better? Did you ever thought that maybe you have to up your game as you climb? But wait, it's your team's fault right?


But I'm not going up the ranks. I just hover around G2-G3 all the time. With the occasional shove down 2 tiers.

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Before a match, do you communicate with your team, check what's on each team (hit b on your keyboard), and strategize, and know the mechanics and splits for each map? Those can really decide a match once you crawl out of silver and get into real matches in gold/plat. Once you are at that level, skill of each player, and team strats seem to matter just as much as comp. If you do none of those things, than it's someone carrying/getting carried, or pure dumb luck on which got the worst matchup.

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> @"thatdarnkatz.7168" said:

> Before a match, do you communicate with your team, check what's on each team (hit b on your keyboard), and strategize, and know the mechanics and splits for each map? Those can really decide a match once you crawl out of silver and get into real matches in gold/plat. Once you are at that level, skill of each player, and team strats seem to matter just as much as comp. If you do none of those things, than it's someone carrying/getting carried, or pure dumb luck on which got the worst matchup.


Like herding cats.

Also Gold is the current silver/bronze the past two seasons. I mean discord could go a long way. But lets be realistic here, it's pugs we're dealing with.

I would love to type "plz stop chasing" the same time I'm Contesting/Holding a point, but then I type then die.

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Pre match I normally let the team know who's got first home and if there's a far harassar, and make sure everyone knows who's got bunker. ect along with splits on maps. You may know the optimals, but that doesn't mean they do. Discord I've never bothered with, but setting up pre-match those things can really help start a win streak.

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> @"thatdarnkatz.7168" said:

> Pre match I normally let the team know who's got first home and if there's a far harassar, and make sure everyone knows who's got bunker. ect along with splits on maps. You may know the optimals, but that doesn't mean they do. Discord I've never bothered with, but setting up pre-match those things can really help start a win streak.


Eh It's usually when the pugs decides to do something out of the norm points need to be called.

Although I will always smh when somebody calls far, and repeatedly dies. Thinking the 5th's time a charm.

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We do have a lot more new people coming into PvP for the legendary backpacks and armor, ect. That will, with the matchmaking system working the way that it is, make for worse matches, along with the fact that they facerolled their way to where they are with a scourge or a cheeze thief with p/p and rifle as players ignore them. Makes for bad players, but gets them wins, so they keep doing it.

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> @"rwolf.9571" said:

> Since my last thread kinda went on rails. I'm now consistently seeing win rates of 6-10 matches, followed by a loss streak of 8-15 matches. As somebody mentioned in my last thread. This seems like matchmaking is rigging games again. Or at least stopping me from a certain win ratio.


> Once my win rate is close to, or under 50% I start a win streak. Once I start to get "ahead" matches becomes a clear brick wall, and continue to lose significantly till it balances out back down to 50%.


> Now. I don't mind stay in my predetermined fate of somewhere in Gold 2. But the roller coaster of emotions falling 2 tiers, then clawing the way back up every other day is getting really taxing. Heck I wouldn't mind a win/lose/lose cycle, if it doesn't end up in a depressing 10 loss streak several times a week like many others have experienced.


> Yes, Yes, devs said either side have a equal chance. But it can't be pure coincidence of pure win streaks and loss streaks, and nothing in-between time and time again?

> Idk, maybe i'm in the black hole of the mystic toliet matchmaking, swirling in and out of wins / losses.


its what more and more people are talking about.

their matchmaking ssytem is so bad that the game categorize you in good player or bad player.


the system calculate that good player can carry. So the sytem gives them the worst player of the match.

and it happens for numerous matches until you get so many loses that the system categorize you as bad player.


as bad player you will be with the good/normal players and then you will win numerous matches. And you will have fun and tight matches. Your best matches.

Until you win too much and then the system puts you in the bad player category.


when you are categorized as good player, the system puts you so bad player that you cant even carry them at some point. The gap is so huge that even if your palying as a god you will lose.


It's how the system works.

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If you persist to play when the system has decided to makes you lose to put you to your "real level" you will lose 90% of your matches. Always with the same stupid solution : puts you always with the 3 or 4 worst players by far of the match. No escape. Always same and unique solution.


So if you fight for your rank, never play when there are a lot of people (wenesday afternoon or all the WE). And never play numerous matches after some wins.

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  • 5 months later...

It still makes no sense to me how people feel they "deserve" a free win after so and so many losses. It's a competitive mode. The higher up you get the more you have to knuckle to climb or even stay, and everyone you fight are doing the exact same. Now you are only 20% of your team, so naturally the outcome will sometimes be out of your hands - but if you honest can say you did absolutely everything right in a match (or atleast have the awareness and experience to know where you went wrong) then that game would have been a loss nonetheless with or without you in it. If this happens don't blame the matchmaker algorithm, it just means the other team had better players and you got outrotated. There will always be these players who don't have the awareness to know when it's a lost cause or not, even the legends sometimes get the unexpected win - but these are fewer in between the higher in rank you get.


So my advice is to simply work on improving your own rotations, fights and instincts every game paying no mind to the matchmaking algorithm, as it will figure out your consistency regardless. Because it's not enough to be good to get high rating. You need to be consistently good. First then will you be placed with others who are the same and the "matchmaker spell" will be broken.

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> @"rng.1024" said:

> It still makes no sense to me how people feel they "deserve" a free win after so and so many losses. It's a competitive mode. The higher up you get the more you have to knuckle to climb or even stay, and everyone you fight are doing the exact same. Now you are only 20% of your team, so naturally the outcome will sometimes be out of your hands - but if you honest can say you did absolutely everything right in a match (or atleast have the awareness and experience to know where you went wrong) then that game would have been a loss nonetheless with or without you in it. If this happens don't blame the matchmaker algorithm, it just means the other team had better players and you got outrotated. There will always be these players who don't have the awareness to know when it's a lost cause or not, even the legends sometimes get the unexpected win - but these are fewer in between the higher in rank you get.


> So my advice is to simply work on improving your own rotations, fights and instincts every game paying no mind to the matchmaking algorithm, as it will figure out your consistency regardless. Because it's not enough to be good to get high rating. You need to be consistently good. First then will you be placed with others who are the same and the "matchmaker spell" will be broken.


The fun of having statistics and RNG involved with how "well players do"; without them understanding how these concepts work. If players win games; even through luck and their team carrying them then it's "all skill" and they're super good. If they then lose this rating again it's "matchmaking being unfair". Because clearly, they belong in X and the game keeps lose-streaking them back down to Y.


Meanwhile if I look at the EU leaderboard, wintraders asside most names are pretty familiar and their ratings are fairly stable throughout the seasons. I'm sure it's matchmaking giving them free wins :)


I agree that players just need to get consistent. They also need to realise that they might not have the same rating on 2 different classes. I can play firebrand up to 1700 without much issues; but if I switch to holo or rev I'm going to lose 10 games and the first 5; my team will probably flame me for being completely useless. Might have something to do with not actually playing holo or rev nearly as well as fb.

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> > @"rng.1024" said:

> > It still makes no sense to me how people feel they "deserve" a free win after so and so many losses. It's a competitive mode. The higher up you get the more you have to knuckle to climb or even stay, and everyone you fight are doing the exact same. Now you are only 20% of your team, so naturally the outcome will sometimes be out of your hands - but if you honest can say you did absolutely everything right in a match (or atleast have the awareness and experience to know where you went wrong) then that game would have been a loss nonetheless with or without you in it. If this happens don't blame the matchmaker algorithm, it just means the other team had better players and you got outrotated. There will always be these players who don't have the awareness to know when it's a lost cause or not, even the legends sometimes get the unexpected win - but these are fewer in between the higher in rank you get.

> >

> > So my advice is to simply work on improving your own rotations, fights and instincts every game paying no mind to the matchmaking algorithm, as it will figure out your consistency regardless. Because it's not enough to be good to get high rating. You need to be consistently good. First then will you be placed with others who are the same and the "matchmaker spell" will be broken.


> The fun of having statistics and RNG involved with how "well players do"; without them understanding how these concepts work. If players win games; even through luck and their team carrying them then it's "all skill" and they're super good. If they then lose this rating again it's "matchmaking being unfair". Because clearly, they belong in X and the game keeps lose-streaking them back down to Y.


> Meanwhile if I look at the EU leaderboard, wintraders asside most names are pretty familiar and their ratings are fairly stable throughout the seasons. I'm sure it's matchmaking giving them free wins :)


> I agree that players just need to get consistent. They also need to realise that they might not have the same rating on 2 different classes. I can play firebrand up to 1700 without much issues; but if I switch to holo or rev I'm going to lose 10 games and the first 5; my team will probably flame me for being completely useless. Might have something to do with not actually playing holo or rev nearly as well as fb.

Spot on, but some people will never understand and / or accept this.

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I used to have a ~60% win ratio up until season 4. In Season 4 I just started to spam games (*had a lot of free time and had some bad personal stuff going on*) and go in blindly without really paying attention to what was happening etc. I just played horrible and I started to fall behind and tanked down to a rough 45% ratio (a bit below it).

So between games 1 to 2500 I got a 60% win ratio. Then from 2500 to like 5000 I've been around that 40-45% win ratio. Now in Seasons 9, 10 and 12 (*didn't play in season 11*) I've accepted the fact that I've been playing like crap and that I need to get good again.

So I've been doing more duels in private maps, I've been looking more at better players, compare rotations and decisionmaking, I've been recording my own games and rewatching them to see what I could and should've done different/better. And lo and behold I'm climbing back up to a positive win ratio and higher up in the rating again as well. I am more able to "carry" games simply because I've been trying to actually get better again.

To test if it wasn't just Anet forcing the 50% win ratio, I've also played on an alt account where I'm currently sitting at a 65% win ratio spread over just over 500 games.


Point being. The 50% win ratio and lower, that was my own fault. I played bad, made poor decisions and I thought I was quite a bit better than the rest of my teammates.

Admitting to that and working on it has resulted in me going back up to my previous win ratio from back when I was new to sPvP and knew I had to get better in order to compete.

You'll get to a 50% ratio when you're comfortably at the point/rank/rating where you belong at that point in time. Either get better and improve the ratio, or don't and stay there or go down.


I really did believe that it was Anet's doing at one point, that's when I made that alt account. After getting better (again) and playing that alt to a ~65% win rate, I really don't believe the 50% thing is true.

Now to get my main up to the same win ratio as my alt... More games means lower impact though, so that'll keep me busy for a while.

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@"Vornollo.5182" You seem to be mixing between 50% winrate and rating very heavily. Everyone's rating is expected to be roughly 50% as long as they aren't top end or bottom end players on the rating scale. 65%+ winrate is only sustainable (over the long time) for high rated players (plat+ I'd say).

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I remember a few days back, I kept getting into teams with 3 players (the 5th player just won't load). I submitted screenshots one game after another to PVP support, calling it unfair, and after a while, magically, I won a 4v5.

There were times, your connection's perfect, your team is winning, but suddenly you get disconnected from the game. You check your connection, it's fine, you log back to find your team struggle, you jump right back in, winning again, but a few minutes later your skill won't cast and...you dced again.

Of course, that is if you believe in magic, but there are a lot of things going on in the algorithm we don't know about.

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