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Deadeye insight


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The changes to Deadeye in PvE were most welcome. Its viability is slowly beginning to become apparent through niche means. However, I think it could still be better in the times to come. Its primary focus is clearly damage, of the single target variety, and yet it pales in comparison to Daredevil's obscenely high AoE spike _and_ sustained damage. A Daredevil can still pretty much out DPS a Deadeye in every conceivable way using only the staff auto attack chain, considering it hits more than one target. And that's even after the buffs in yesterday's patch.

I heartily believe, from a PvE perspective, Deadeye's damage still needs increased if it is ever going to match Daredevil.

This being said, the changes to the mark - allowing it to be refreshed without resetting malice on bosses - are refreshing. But the trade off here is that the Deadeye can no longer proc its much needed boons from attaining maximum malice. So, I propose that these boons could perhaps be tweaked slightly. Beyond their first proc from max malice, I think there should then be a timer set up; so long as you retain maximum malice, the boons should reapply themselves on a set timer in order to not have them wasted.

I still believe in this specialization - I think its aesthetic is one of the most pleasing in the game for my personal play-style. Let's face it, it's the rifle class we've wanted for ages. Berserker can take a seat.


Also, on another note, in Trickery we have Quick Pockets. As we know, this allows the restoration of three initiative upon swapping weapons. This is great for pistol/pistol unload builds, as you can run quad pistols and perforate your target all day. When I first started theory crafting with Deadeye, I thought this would be a decent potential trait to run, allowing Trickery to perhaps match the damage of Deadly Arts or Critical Strikes as an alternative. But then I realised, if you use Sniper's Cover (Kneel) as a Deadeye, and swap weapons - even if your secondary weapon is a second rifle - your character will still stand up. Since Sniper's Cover requires three initiative, the trait is completely redundant in these circumstances. I'd also like to suggest (though this is more of a nitpick) that if a Deadeye should run two rifles, swapping from one to the other won't cancel out the stance. I think that could lead to some diversity in builds.


Finally, I'd just like to point out that you cannot mark the Octovine during its vulnerability phase in the Auric Basin meta as a Deadeye. It simply says, "No Line of Sight." Funnily enough, it allows you to mark the Octovine when it is _not_ in its burn phase. I'm not sure if this has been brought up before, but I thought I'd bring it to light if it hasn't.


Thanks to whoever reads this, I hope Deadeye gets some more love in the future in PvE; I'd love it to be the big strong sniper I want. Death comes on swift wings.

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> Finally, I'd just like to point out that you cannot mark the Octovine during its vulnerability phase in the Auric Basin meta as a Deadeye. It simply says, "No Line of Sight." Funnily enough, it allows you to mark the Octovine when it is _not_ in its burn phase. I'm not sure if this has been brought up before, but I thought I'd bring it to light if it hasn't.


Id like to add at this Point: If you mark a Target that has multiple hit points, like the Golem Mark II or the Worms, it only counts for the marked part of the mob. Its nothing mayor but something to make note of.

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> @"Scorp.6152" said:

> I heartily believe, from a PvE perspective, Deadeye's damage still needs increased if it is ever going to match Daredevil.

But why would you want it to? Daredevil is still underperforming in terms of overall damage output when compared to other glass cannons. There is no reason for rifle not to surpass the other DD classes / builds in regards to single target damage considering the restrictions it has to deal with.

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> @"Grissman.2845" said:

> > Finally, I'd just like to point out that you cannot mark the Octovine during its vulnerability phase in the Auric Basin meta as a Deadeye. It simply says, "No Line of Sight." Funnily enough, it allows you to mark the Octovine when it is _not_ in its burn phase. I'm not sure if this has been brought up before, but I thought I'd bring it to light if it hasn't.


> Id like to add at this Point: If you mark a Target that has multiple hit points, like the Golem Mark II or the Worms, it only counts for the marked part of the mob. Its nothing mayor but something to make note of.


something else. if your focusing a boss. like say in a fractal (the ice man, or that large asura..whats his name...). and you mark them, then they teleport away due to hitting the hp requirement to proceed to next phase (or they become invulnerable to say some lines)


then your mark is stuck on them until cooldown, and its not really beneficial.

if your mark becomes immune to dmg like that (not the same immune of a player, but npc immune). then it should automaticalyl count as the marked target being "killed" (aka it refreshes your mark) as you can't do anything more to them



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> @"Scorp.6152" said:

> Also, on another note, in Trickery we have Quick Pockets. As we know, this allows the restoration of three initiative upon swapping weapons. This is great for pistol/pistol unload builds, as you can run **quad** pistols and perforate your target all day.



Are you running 4 pistols all with different sigils or something?

Because you can dual wield p/p in both weaponsets with just 2 pistols; one in set 1 mainhand slot, the other in set 2 offhand slot, game sees this as dual wielding and upon swapping you swap from p/p to p/p and will trigger any traits related to weapon swapping.

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