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If u want to make brutality somewhat useful for rev, then pls make the quickness proc on weapon AND legend swap.


reminder: on weapon swap sigils work on legend swap as well. why should on weapon swap traits not work on legend swap as well?


revs will spend most time on sword rather than staff. staff may be good for a burst but oftentimes when ur on staff ur in a defensive position and not trying to set up a burst with sword afterwards. it just makes way more sense to have the quickness proc on legend swap and (but doesnt have to) weapon swap.

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that staff is a defenseive weapon is a fact lol.. the only good dmg is probably staff 2 if u land the interrupt. other staff skills are just weak compared to sword. its for a reason anet nerfed surge of the mists like 4 times. it used to be a skill that did lots of dmg but now its just a defensive tool nothing else.

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