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[NA][Oops] The Bringers of Aggro - A multi-game community guild (PvE | Mature | Casual)


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Hey there!


Had a look over the original post and your website and I just had one question: (The rest looks like a great fit for me and my wife!)


I'm looking to start getting into raids but due to life and all that (house ownership, working overtime rarely, potentially busy weekends... You know, life in general!) I'm hesitant to find a "static" group. If I try to get a raid night organized do you think that would be possible? Again nothing "set in stone", but occasionally? I'm a veteran player, just new to raids and I want to start working on legendary armor (Long term goal, really no rush!). I have multiple fully geared 80s (I take my performance seriously, other people can do whatever they want... I'll never bash anyone for their build choices or how they want to play), I raided plenty in WoW (a while ago now... Back when I had so much free time!) and I do my research in advance (boss videos and the likes). I've never done any of the GW2 raids before, but once I get my feet wet I wouldn't be scared to start leading them too.


Again, I don't want it to be "hardcore" or anything, couple a bosses a week sometimes, no bosses other times. I just wanted to see if you think there would be 9 others that would be interested :)


I also LOVE dungeons and fractals and my commanders Chrono is ready to give everyone quickness and alacrity! I'm also down to get those organized when I have time and people are willing! :)


Please let me know! Above all else: This is a game, so I want everyone to have fun.


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> @Carl.7892 said:

> Hello! I'm an older player, new to the game. Looking for a group to play with and learn from. Very dedicated once I find my place, I enjoy all aspects


Well, if you've read the post and think we're kinda rad, give the rules a read and let us know if you are ok with them! o/

If you have any questions about the guild, let me or the other leaders know =]


> @Hoboboots.2137 said:

> Hey there!


> Had a look over the original post and your website and I just had one question: (The rest looks like a great fit for me and my wife!)


> I'm looking to start getting into raids but due to life and all that (house ownership, working overtime rarely, potentially busy weekends... You know, life in general!) I'm hesitant to find a "static" group. If I try to get a raid night organized do you think that would be possible? Again nothing "set in stone", but occasionally? I'm a veteran player, just new to raids and I want to start working on legendary armor (Long term goal, really no rush!). I have multiple fully geared 80s (I take my performance seriously, other people can do whatever they want... I'll never bash anyone for their build choices or how they want to play), I raided plenty in WoW (a while ago now... Back when I had so much free time!) and I do my research in advance (boss videos and the likes). I've never done any of the GW2 raids before, but once I get my feet wet I wouldn't be scared to start leading them too.


> Again, I don't want it to be "hardcore" or anything, couple a bosses a week sometimes, no bosses other times. I just wanted to see if you think there would be 9 others that would be interested :)


> I also LOVE dungeons and fractals and my commanders Chrono is ready to give everyone quickness and alacrity! I'm also down to get those organized when I have time and people are willing! :)


> Please let me know! Above all else: This is a game, so I want everyone to have fun.



Hey, its funny you should mention that, I actually run the Oops raids once or twice a month, and we've got at least 15-20 members who are interested in raiding. We've been a bit messy and overly relaxed at times, but managed to kill Cairn in Wing 4 on our second session. Due to time-zones (I and a couple of our other raiders are living in the UK) and general real life complexities, we have yet to have the same 9 other people filling the squad two nights in a row, but we are definitely making progress! If you were interested either in taking part, or running your own squad, we'd be happy to have you! I raid weekly with a static in another guild and know most of of the encounters pretty well-ish, so I've been teaching our raid new-comers in the guild. (There is usually a fair bit of interest in fractals for progression and dailies as well =])


If that works for you, let me know and I'll send you along a guild invitation! o/





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> @ereboz.8463 said:

> Hi. My brother and I are new to GW2. We are taking a break from our main mmo, ESO, and have always wanted to try guild wars. It seems very different from every mmo I ever played and we'd love a good guild to help us adjust to GW2


Oh hey! If you're still interested and have read the rules linked to above, mail or whisper me ingame. We've got quite a few people familiar with ESO so we can certainly help you adjust!

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Howdy all. I bought the game when it was released. I played awhile, then got into other things and haven't been back in a LONG while. I mighta played a year at the most, maybe less. Can't remember it was a lifetime ago. Anyway a few years ago I reinstalled it, and found that Anet had bought it then, and I couldn't log in with my old account because I didn't save any of my old info. So I made a new account and started a couple toons. I didn't get too far, a 7 and an 11 apparently. Didn't know anyone playing the game, so I stopped again.


Well, here I am again, and have my 2 toons from last time, and I've added a couple new ones. Starting out with new helps to learn all the new stuff and relearn what is still there. Trying a couple different classes I haven't played before just to see what they can do.


So I'm thinking if I join a Guild with friendly, cool and knowledgeable people, it will help me keep my interest and keep playing. Your Guild seems pretty cool to me, as I like to goof around while getting things done. And I've been known to Leroy Jenkins now and again.......lol..... EQ2 was my main game, played for years. Got so I could tank with my Conjuror, freaked a lot of people out seeing me run to the front in my cloth armor and actually live to collect the loot.....mostly......


So my one concern is that I'm on Ehmry Bay server and you guys are not. I know it mostly makes no diff, but I was hoping to try WvW at some point, and I'm not sure if I need to be on the same server as you guys, or just on a NA server. And it seems as though it's a hefty chunk of change to change server. I could start a new toon on yours, not sure if I have to havem all or not on same server.


Bottom line, I've read the About Us and Rules pages on your site, and I'm sure I can abide by all of them. I'm old enough, let's just say my first computer was a commodore 64 when they first came out...... :/ . I've added the recruiting officers name to my friends list, and would like an invite when possible.


Thanks for reading all this, I sometimes ramble a bit.



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> @"CosmicDebri.7812" said:

> So my one concern is that I'm on Ehmry Bay server and you guys are not. I know it mostly makes no diff, but I was hoping to try WvW at some point, and I'm not sure if I need to be on the same server as you guys, or just on a NA server. And it seems as though it's a hefty chunk of change to change server. I could start a new toon on yours, not sure if I have to havem all or not on same server.



You would need to be on the same server as us to WvW and all of your toons are on the same server (You could always join another guild that does wvw in your server and still be in this one, you can join up too 5 guilds which are shared across all your toons)

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yeah I found that out when I created a new toon, about them being all on same server. Was kinda weird, even though I had 2 toons from years ago, when I added a new one to start a few days ago , I'm pretty sure it asked which server I wanted it on. I looked to see what my others were on and stayed with it. But the next one didn't ask.


I forgot about the multiple guilds function. So definitely sign me up. Thanks

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This guild sounds like a great place to call home. I have visited the website, and read the rules. If you are still accepting new members, I'd like to join.


I bought GW2 before the core went F2P. I made a Necro and ran around with her for a few levels and then real life got in the way (long story) and I haven't played since until 3 weeks ago. I have purchased both HoT and PoF, and currently have level 80 Necro, 80 Thief and 80 Guardian. I am enjoying the guardian the most and will main that toon. Right now, I have a whoppping 13 mastery points spent (WOOT!) and have my Glider, Raptor, and Springer, and am actively working on getting more mastery points and leveling them up, while also working on my central tyria masteries and gathering hero points for my elite specs as well. I am not new to MMOs, having played WoW for more than 10 years as a heroic/mythic raider, but I have to say - even though I am enjoying this game very much - I am kinda lost. I have spent many evenings reading the wiki, watching youtube video, and anything else I can, to get questions answered and figure things out. While most of those things are helpful, I often find that getting the answer to one question inevitably leads to yet more questions... I feel like there are 1000 steps to complete and I am on step 2.


Anyway - if there's room for one more, I'd like to come aboard and be part of the group.


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I am very impressed with your guild, and I would love to be a part of it! It sounds like a lot of fun!! I have been playing casually for a few years now, mostly PvE solo stuff, and I would love to find a group to hang out with while running around. I don't know a lot about raids or fractals, but I'm willing and eager to learn!


I've read and agree to the rules posted on your site. I look forward to playing with you!

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Hello! I'm a returning player who has a bad habit of game hopping, and here I am staring at GW2 again. I played GW2 from the very beginning and I lost interest when I hit lvl 80 and finished the main story. I jumped in and out of the game throughout the years.


One of the most important things for an MMO is a group of friends to play with. Unfortunately, my previous guild has dissipated and doesn't play anymore. I think with the right group of people I could come to enjoy GW2 again. I would love to join you guys and see how it works out! I went to your website and I read and agree to the rules. :)

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Teehee ok this amazing Logo really got me interested in the guild. I just love the design who have made it. Right now I've been playing gw2 about a year and couple months when a good friend kinda got me back liking the guild wars world again. I used to play guild wars 1 for a year till switching to world of warcraft an became my main MMO game for a good time till some how gw2 got me out heheh. I'm mostly now a Relax, chill, and Casual player in this game or any type of game. When I read about this guild and it's rules made me really want to be in this family. I haven't been in a guild for guild wars 2 as I was looking for more that Family you can say. Right now I do pop on World of warcraft as I have a guild in there that is more like a family to me. I haven't done raid or Fractal :( but would love to learn, have been getting in to pvp and wvw though my sever is Yak's Bend so sadly wont join the guild any of the wvw. Though one thing I like of the guild of reading the info was join other guild :) I recent just finish college and just chilling out, but doing the loving job search. Hope to hear back and soon join this guild.



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> @"ZazzzMatazzz.7439" said:

> Hey this sounds exactly like what I'm looking for I just returned after quite the break and find myself horribly lost haha I managed to get my wife playing as well we would love to join in on the fun with you guys if you'd have us!


Hey there! I'm online now so I will send you a message!

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