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[NA][Oops] The Bringers of Aggro - A multi-game community guild (PvE | Mature | Casual)


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I might be interested, I can be salty at times but not out of Malice. At this point I'm basically an Open World PVE guy that's only comfortable playing a Power Reaper and has come to expect that I'll never do anything higher than T1 Fractals because I'm a Power Reaper. It would just be nice to try to talk in Guild Chat and not look like the weirdo on the bus that's talking to him self. Despite all my issues I should still fall within the boundaries of the rules.

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I am new to GW2. I started a ranger (lvl 27) a couple of days ago. I am enjoying the game and looking for a guild that will tolerate a GW2 newbie who has experience playing both Everquest and WoW but is figuring GW2 things out as I go. Hey, I was so happy when I learned the keyboard short cut for evade (v) ... lol ... It made my day!


I am mostly a semi-casual player. As for my goals in GW2, I am not sure I have any. Right now just exploring and leveling. But I am looking for a guild. My goals for a guild are friendship, chatting, and working together to accomplish some things that cannot be done alone. I have enjoyed raiding in Everquest and WoW. Depending upon my mood, I enjoy both team play and solo play. So if I sound like I might be a fit for your guild, send me an invite.




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Hello, I've been mostly off and on and was looking for a guild thats more into dungeons and raids...not a big fan of pvp. anyways I saw this post on the forums and was intrigued. I mainly play warrior, I'm usually on late at night "pacific time zome" and am on dragon brand, if the server even means anything outside of WvW. my mains in game name is Ironwoodss. I hope to hear from you guys.

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  • 2 weeks later...

UPDATE (from the first post):

With over 300 members now, we have decided to slow down our acceptance of new members- we've gained over a hundred from this post alone! By all means, continue to reach out to us if you're interested in joining the guild or have any questions, but we are currently looking for more socially active members, especially those who use Discord. People who will be interested in getting to know us and give to the guild what they expect to get out of it. If you have questions about this, please ask! Thank you for reading!


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Hello there. I have an interest in finding good communities and see where I fit the best.


I like to be social and talk a lot. I love participating in events, and making friends. Emphasis on friend-making cause I'd like to have people to play with regularly, playing alone feels really bad.


I am currently interested in all types of content, and my current Goals are Money-making (Gold Quest) to get Gems for some Outfits and utilities and doing some Forged Bounties to get the Warbeast armor skin. Aside that I can get inside anything I am given a spot on.


I only have the core game and PoF (a gift from a gentle soul in-game). So no HoT content for me, sorry.


Social interests I have: Creating small squads for casual content and achivements. Roleplaying (serious) in-game. Taking group pics on our special places in-game. Having cute gatherings with in-game food. (Gonna be a good guild chef if I am given a chance, x3)


Current Chars: Lv 80 Weaver (Full spec), Lv 80 Engineer, Lv 40~ Ranger, Lv 20~ Mesmer and Revenant. (Looking to buy more slots too)


Current Levels: Achivements 1600~, WvW Lv 3, PvP Lv 2


Please accept me, x3, I am cute and silly, very cuddly and friendly.

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  • 1 month later...

Greetings! I'm definitely interested in joining your guild. I'm an old gen gamer and actually new to MMORPGs, I used to play more TPS and FPS type games and got hooked on a game for years called, Gunz the Duel, Korean designed game by Maiet. Those days have passed and I want to slow things down, play more casually and meet new people. I can be a social butterfly. Gaming isn't at the forefront these days, real life, work, etc. but I still make a point of finding some balanced game time. I researched several MMORPG games and this one piqued my interest. A few weeks ago I bought the full game/expansions. I'm presently at level 25 and learning more and more. Thanks for your consideration. Best regards. -MG


p.s. In game name Nomadic Hermit

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  • 2 months later...

Dear Oops Crew,


I have been playing GW2 from the beginning. I'm primarily a PvE player. I play with my male, but he often works evenings these days, and I'm about at the max for things I can do without a guild to play with ---to socialize, to help, etc.


I would really appreciate an application to be part of your guild. You folks seem kindly and a little zany.. and me and my many (altoholic) characters could use a little help and a little education (fractals? WvW? Good gravy, there's more???) In return, I promise to be cannon fodder on the learning curve.


Thanks for your time. Best of luck in your endeavors.

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Hello Oopsies (Oopsians? Oopsie daisies? I must know your demonym!),


I'm quite interested in your guild. I'm looking for new friends to be social with while playing. I play evenings and weekends, will punch everything from Skritt to dragons to dust mites, super enjoy guild challenges and running content with people I've gotten to know. I've been around since launch with brief pauses for grad school and I have max-level characters of each profession. I love each of them.


Fashion Wars is my jam. Concept characters have been my true love since the days of yore and City of Heroes (RIP).


Also, am Canadian, which means I bring Coffee Crisp, poutine, and Nanaimo bars. I mean...can't really get much better.


Hope to hear from you!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey, everyone! I've had the game since launch, but haven't played it much. GW2 was my first real intro to MMO's and it wasn't until FFXIV that I got into them. I still feel relatively new to them, since I play more casually, but this guild sounds like it would be right up my alley! You all seem friendly and helpful, and it would be cool to have some people hang and quest with. I seem to play most of the titles mentioned, so that's awesome too! I'd love to join if you lovely folks will have me :). Just started a Revenant character last night and got him up to 12. I'll be on for a few tonight as well. I know recruiting has slowed down, so if it's not possible at this time, that's cool too!

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I am a older player that used to play the original Guild Wars ( as well as other games). Was playing more on console, but finally got a new gaming PC and I am looking for a casual NA PVE guild to join and help me learn GW2. I am working on a Necromancer and have purchased both expansions and would like to join if you'll have me. :)

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> @"Trinitymonger.2986" said:

> I am a older player that used to play the original Guild Wars ( as well as other games). Was playing more on console, but finally got a new gaming PC and I am looking for a casual NA PVE guild to join and help me learn GW2. I am working on a Necromancer and have purchased both expansions and would like to join if you'll have me. :)


Hey there! I sent you a message in game just now, but wanted to respond here as well. I've directed you to our rules on the website, give them a read and let us know if it sounds good and we'd be happy to invite ya!

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Hi there!


I have read everything your guild stands for and am excited to say that I am super interested. I am a long time gamer like UO old Haha. Now stepping into the GW2 world and would love to join your amazing guild. If you don't mind a GW2 noob then I am the old guy for you. I play in the evening PST and sometimes throughout the day depending on what I have going on. I am super chill and enjoy good clean fun.


I look forward to hearing from you if your recruitment is still open.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ayoo, I've recently decided to stop being a loner and stop playing single player games and rejoin the world of MMO's. I haven't played in quite awhile and I'm about to purchase the two expansions. So if possible I would like to join a guild since last time I played, I just soloed the whole time. I would like a different experience this time around. So if you still have spots opened, I would love to join

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