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Fun Poll: Why does the Necromancer forum have double the threads of other professions?


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> @Allarius.5670 said:

> In my personal, general, anecdotal, limited experience, most forum posters have disagreements in some form with the direction or implementation of their chosen pet profession, but Necromancers and Mesmers stand out as having the most forum goers that fundamentally disagree with the underlying design of their profession and agonize over it rather than accept Anet's vision.


Given the ability to select more than one, I'd have said this exact thing as well. As of the new forums' release, I'm inclined to stick with my vote since necromancer's game-health is all over the place even still since last patch.


Necro walks a fine line between being completely overpowered and totally useless due to its design. ANet's struggled with the balancing for years (on all professions) and often doesn't make the changes which make the most sense in this regard. Frankly, ANet has rarely if ever addressed design-level problems with the profession/game, and there is thus a lot of grief over what people like and dislike. Paired with the fact that the classes try to cover so much conceptual ground (notably necro - minions/undead, soul/spectral skills, blood magic/vampirism, shadow-mage effects, etc.), the vision of what the class/builds should be vastly differs from player to player.


So people try to substitute their own ideas with what they think the vision should support,, what the profession needs mechanically in comparison to the rest of the game (which swings wildly with format), and often are therefore at odds.


Really, aside from warrior, guardian, engineer, and to some extent ele, the other professions have the same problems.

Thief: Assassin with huge burst? Stealth camper? Acrobat with lots of evasion and mobility?

Ranger: Archer/ranged DPS? Pet-based or lone-wolf survivalist? Rugged and martial or attuned to nature and supportive?

Mesmer: Illusionist to perplex people? Mega-wombo-combo burst damage? Stealth camping? Blur camping?

Rev: Resource-based or cooldown-based? Synergy with legends to traits? Diverse kits on legends or highly-specialized ones?

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