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Two small buffs to Daredevil


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Since Deadeye has recently been worked on by the balance team to better it´s position in the PvE environment, i have thought about a way to improve on Daredevil aswell.

Here is what i came up with:


Bounding Dodger: This trait automaticly reveals you now when it hit´s an enemy.

Havoc Mastery: Increased damage-modifier from 7% to 10% (PvE only)


Making Bounding Dodger apply revealed to yourself helps it synergize with the core thief trait Revealed Training. This will fit the theme of daredevil being the in-your-face kinda guy, who "doesnt use stealth", and still buff DD-dps a small amount.

Adding 3% extra modifiers into Havoc Mastery in addition to that should then be enough to bring daredevil into a more competitive position for a dps-slot, without blowing it´s performance out of the window.


Wishfull thinking: The new stolen skills are AMAZING, thank you Anet! If only we could replace all NPC related stolen skills (PvE + WvW NPC´s) with these, please.

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The gank combo in WvW would break, so i vote no. Black powder - bound - mid bound steal - land, stealth applies, backstab. Applying revealed would stop the stealth application after you steal, making the d/p daredevil combo useless. Revealed training is more tailored to cloak and dagger since stealth is applied at a close range.

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the new bundles are very welcomed, i believe though that thief should be able to support its raid/group a bit more between steal CDs, my suggestion is that Arenanet make the Grandmaster buffs on the daredevil dodge to apply not only to the daredevil, but to atleast 5 more other people around the daredevil. a good Daredevil is able to esily keep these buffs on at all time, and it would be easy to apply to the raid since they are usually stacked togueter

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With the goal of supplementing the "in your face damage" aspect of staff Daredevil, then yes another 3% damage boost from Havoc Mastery would be a small start (bringing our benchmark up from just above 30k to 31k).


And while I wouldn't mind adding some Revealed interaction for Deadly Arts synergy, I 110% can not accept it being tied to Bounding dodge. As a leap finisher that we can potentially chain 5+ times in a row, Bound with smoke field (like pistol 5) is one of our few ways of stacking stealth. Instead, how about adding Revealed to Weakening Charge (staff #2), as it is a skill whose sole purpose is to exude your confidence at being up in someone's face, literally charging into a person (or rooting you in place for the attack if you're already next to them) and reducing their ability to deal damage or avoid your attacks (weakness), with pretty much zero "trying to escape" application already. This would add a potentially near-permanent 200 power to the staff rotation (~5% more dps, bringing the benchmark up to a comfortable 32.5k), while increasing the fairly low skill ceiling and further reinforcing the daredevil's dps "rotation" as being focused around resource and buff management.


Last but not least, one additional minor buff suggestion is that for Vault (staff #5) in PVE, either reduce the cast time to 1/2 second or increase the evade to 3/4 seconds. In PVP I totally understand that the small window of being vulnerable at the end gives such a hard-hitting aoe skill a necessary amount of counterplay for your opponents. However in PVE there is no need for such counterplay and nothing feels worse than using an evasion+attack skill just to have interrupted at the end by an enemy's randomly timed stun/knockback, and find yourself having wasted 5 initiative for 0 damage because it got interrupted right after your evasion wore off. As it stands, Vault is our only attack skill that grants less evasion than it's own cast time, with S/P's pistol whip, SB's disabling shot, and spear's shadow assault all granting evasion _longer_ than their cast time (and each being affected by quickness for even shorter cast times too).


Even as a daredevil main myself, I'd like to avoid giving any spec free power creep as much as possible, a 30k benchmark is already way more than enough for any content you find yourself in, and anyone asking for more is just having a kitten-measuring contest with the rest of their squad. That said, the raid bundle added some much needed utility to the thief (whereas before the only utility we brought was a moderate amount of breakbar damage). And so a small dps nudge upwards for power staff that keeps us from having a dead row of Deadly Arts traits (pun intended) and is partially reliant on player skill should bring both daredevil specs up to a solid place overall.

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> @"Bramymond.7689" said:

> Making Bounding Dodger apply revealed to yourself helps it synergize with the core thief trait Revealed Training. This will fit the theme of daredevil being the in-your-face kinda guy, who "doesnt use stealth", and still buff DD-dps a small amount.


I like that idea. Right now, none of the 3 traits you can pick are of any use for the Daredevil build. You have Deadly Trapper, but no power thief uses traps. Panic Strike is also not really noticable as power thief, and Revealed Training will never have any effect.


If Bounding Dodger activated Revealed Training, I suggest cutting the bonus into half. 200 Power is a lot and you would basically have it most of the time. I could also very well live with Revealed Training giving you quickness instead of Power.



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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"Aplier.7829" said:


> And while I wouldn't mind adding some Revealed interaction for Deadly Arts synergy, I 110% can not accept it being tied to Bounding dodge. As a leap finisher that we can potentially chain 5+ times in a row, Bound with smoke field (like pistol 5) is one of our few ways of stacking stealth. Instead, how about adding Revealed to Weakening Charge (staff #2), as it is a skill whose sole purpose is to exude your confidence at being up in someone's face, literally charging into a person (or rooting you in place for the attack if you're already next to them) and reducing their ability to deal damage or avoid your attacks (weakness), with pretty much zero "trying to escape" application already. This would add a potentially near-permanent 200 power to the staff rotation (~5% more dps, bringing the benchmark up to a comfortable 32.5k), while increasing the fairly low skill ceiling and further reinforcing the daredevil's dps "rotation" as being focused around resource and buff management.



This is actually a lot better thought out than my suggestion. I was trying to improve mechanical interactions amongst the traitlines and ended up disregarding other important aspects for different areas of the game.

So, thank you.

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> @"Tora.7214" said:

> the new bundles are very welcomed, i believe though that thief should be able to support its raid/group a bit more between steal CDs, my suggestion is that Arenanet make the Grandmaster buffs on the daredevil dodge to apply not only to the daredevil, but to atleast 5 more other people around the daredevil. a good Daredevil is able to esily keep these buffs on at all time, and it would be easy to apply to the raid since they are usually stacked togueter


No the power Daredevil has the dodge as part of the damage rotation. I don't recommend ever designing a support feature to ever support something within the highest damage rotation

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