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Support Response on Annoying Red Lines of Grand Lion Griffon Skin


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Alright, so I have information on the skin.

So, the red lines that you're seeing on the Grand Lion Mount Skin is intended and apart of the skin itself. Those lines are the border lines between the dye channels. Of course, we have taken note of your feedback.


If you would like, you may always post to the forums as well to share your feedback on the skin. You can do so here: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com.


Members of the Development Team read the forums daily, and while they usually cannot respond to individual suggestions, the fact that team members can review those suggestions in a public forum helps them gauge the level of interest in a particular idea, and also allows other players to discuss and offer feedback of their own.


If you have any other questions or concerns, please let us know. ^-^



As a quick follow-up:


If you set your graphic settings higher, these bordering lines actually should not be as prominent and on high resolution even be fully vanished.


We're not sure if there is a change possible, as this is indeed the border of the dye channels, but we have reported the matter for investigation. :3



**Some comments to the Devs who read these forums**

* Firstly why do we need the red lines? they are intended? i think its universally agreed they look awful

* people buy the mount skins to open up dye channels, why then are you forcing a certain, extremely obvious color onto them

* Which graphics settings need to go higher to remove them? most of mine are set to high, and they are still there?

* Finally and most important, a paradox in reasoning. how can the red lines be both Intentional and part of the design of the skin but ALSO removable buy tuning up graphics settings. they are either intentional and should be visible on all graphic settings, or unintentional and be missing on all graphics settings.

* Bonus point: a lot of people play this game on medium/lower end PCs. you cant reasonably expect them to have to run the game at 10 fps on high settings just to get proper dye coloring's on a mount skin they paid 2000 gems for on a reasonable assumption of quality.



An unhappy customer?

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Those red lines can also be found on some armors, I tend to think of them as the badly made armors whenever I notice they have red lines, which is unfortunate because in some cases the armors were nice to look at but then killed by the red lines which make them look glitchy/bugged/unfinished. Their excuse that they are intentional is laughable, those red lines are clearly not meant to be seen, they look like some kinda mesh that is supposed to be under the armor, so my only conclusion is that any item that has that red mesh visable has been poorly made and rushed out.

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> @"Vavume.8065" said:

> Those red lines can also be found on some armors, I tend to think of them as the badly made armors whenever I notice they have red lines, which is unfortunate because in some cases the armors were nice to look at but then killed by the red lines which make them look glitchy/bugged/unfinished. Their excuse that they are intentional is laughable, those red lines are clearly not meant to be seen, they look like some kinda mesh that is supposed to be under the armor, so my only conclusion is that any item that has that red mesh visable has been poorly made and rushed out.


Couldnt agree more. and from a Gemstore item that cost REAL money it is just completely unacceptable. they wont even offer me a refund of the GEMS. it literally wouldn't cost them anything, but atleast i would get the opportunity to spend the gems on something that doesnt look like trash

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Oh man. I'm glad the only mount skin that I bought so far was just the underworld demon ray skin. It looks incredible by the way.


However l, This sounds horrible and is much worse than armor clipping ever was. How ANET attempts to resolve this issue will definitely have an impact on future consumers who may or may not want buy these expensive skins.

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> @"Ustaf.2953" said:

> Alright, so I have information on the skin.



> As a quick follow-up:


> If you set your graphic settings higher, these bordering lines actually should not be as prominent and on high resolution even be fully vanished.


That explains why I've never seen these red lines people talk about, my graphics are set on ultra(I didn't pick the setting, I let the game do it) and they've completely disappeared.



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> @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> If it's intentional--why red, of all colors? Not the least bit neutral. How about a light gray, or brown, or black, even? Red????? It looks like a bloodshot eyeball.


im no 3d expert. i usually just mess around with blender/3dsmax sometimes. i dont know for sure but i would guess the texture has a red boarder around it. uvmapping on the model didnt quite wrap itself on lower resolution textures. or the game engine make models appear red under the texture layer

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