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Core Mastery Points are too few


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I created a new account, but I'm a veteran player, so I know how to play this game. I like the core PvE, so that's where I mostly want to be. I don't really care for mastery ranks, I think the only thing I really wanted to have was pact commander so looting is as easy as it can be.

So I’m basically a veteran noob. The problem I’m having right now is the mastery points.


I know there’s 3 different masteries, 2 for open PvE, one for fractals. I know there’s easy MPs in open PvE and moderately easy ones in fractals, but even for them you either need to know your party to ask them to wait or to be somewhat experienced so you can achieve the MPs.

Even the MPs in the open world aren’t that easy to get. 9 are strewn across tyria, they are somewhat simple, I get only 1 for world map completion, but enough exp to fill all masteries twice, a lot are locked behind events which need to be completed as a bigger group and most people have done these events months ago, good luck getting them done.


A new player would be somewhat overwhelmed with all of this.

I’m not sure whether or not it’d be fair to separate fractals from PvE and to make it a whole new mastery. Or if it’d be better to add more MP for open PvE as what new players want is to explore the game. It’s rather easy to add more MPs – you can add Krytan/Ascalon/Maguuma, Shiverpeaks and Orr MPs, tie some MPs to mini dungeons and so on. Stuff one can mostly do alone or world bosses where there’s a bunch of players anyway.


I’m really rushing to get MP so I can play PvE at peace – Got my main to 80 with PoF, did the whole story, am at 60% world map completion, completed the silver wastes minus the gold badges MP (my mesmer is still level 40 or so), got all MPs from areas, from the world bosses, from the skritt queen. I’m actually not doing anything else besides farming mastery points, and still without having bought LS2 I’d be lost. You could at least let me switch off the endless notifications. Also for ‘You gained.. look into your wallet..’ I KNOW IT! And hey, even for LS2 one needs to be a pro and I know one story I won’t be able to solo. Let people explore the game without locking them behind something or forcing them to interact with others who have done all of it years ago.


And before you tell me that it’s all fair and I should stop complaining: Most of you already had most MPs when the MPs even came out, so none of you really knows how hard they are to get in reality. If I’d enjoy 2 years of: “YOUR NEW ABILITY IS READY TO MASTER” it’d be easy for me as well and I’d have no reason to complain. And in fact: I’m not even complaining, I just imagine how bad it is for someone who’s really new in this game.


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I'm also not a fan of the difficulty to access core tyria mastery points. I'm missing 7 to finish my masteries, but I'm not a fan of running s2 for achievs. But its the only way I'll finish. (although, I can get about 3 more elsewhere that are attainable)


I was really happy when they added a bunch in the open world. I'd love to see another couple added again.

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I already sad I'm a veteran player, so 'welcome' doesn't really suit it, It is grind for new players. Getting ascended which is pretty much mandatory alone is a pain.

And I also said: Let me switch of the annoying notifications at least. I'm rushing to avoid them, not because I want to rank up.

Edit: And sorry, I guess I missed your sarcasm. I know that events in this game become the harder the longer they have been released, that is natural and somehow ok. Personally I don't agree with the notifications and at some point wouldn't agree with all my Exp being wasted because I can't get enough MPs. The same is true for HoT and PoF. But maybe I think anet should take that into account when adjusting it to newer players. They will have it a lot harder to get all of it and it's not much fun. I still haven't explored PoF, I'm busy with my notifications, and getting the HoT masteries done was pretty tough as well, I did it again a few months after HoT came out. Curious if they've learned with PoF.

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Not anymore after they added like 8+ easy insight in core Tyria. Just play through LW2, get the core insights, grab the easy achieve ones from Triple Wurm+Tequatl and you will have nearly enough to max it all. Just run a few fractals, there are some ridiculously easy ones that just require you to do a /emote, or one that just needs you to kill NPC chickens etc.


Pop open your tab, you'll be surprised how many core points you can get easily. It's very new friendly, and HOT has SO many excess mastery points. One big tip with HOT is do silver-gold on the adventures. Remember you're not mean to get it straight away, but they really do have plenty of points to make it easy to pick and choose.

Browse you hero tab, note easy ones like "Diving goggle in TD". Or one where you just have to fly around and answer questions from an NPC. You could easily steamroll many points in one session if you plan a bit ahead.


Muon: Ascended gear isn't a pain anymore, sorry friend. You could right now join an Istan farm, keeps the T6 mats, buy trophy packages with magic, sell the UNID items and make 20g/hr+. Most ascended crafts outside of pricey stats that usually are for WVW, only cost 55-75g with no self crafted cooldowns.. You could quite comfortably craft 1 piece of ascended gear a day or even @ a very slow pace every few days. If you can do a big session, even multiples pieces a day. If you hate farming 1 thing then make sure you do the HOT metas, maybe even join a Lake Doric farm. Silver wastes is a tested and proven easy way of 15g/hr as well if you wish so.


Trinkets are basically free with Living World 3, if you have more than 1 80 you could quite easily farm a full set of ascended trinkets in 2 weeks - and if you really have time you could easily do it in a week. :)


Make sure you use https://gw2efficiency.com/. You will discover that crafting and cost to farm ratios have never made gearing up so easy. Leveling crafting is also quite cheap and fast, plus you only need to do it once.



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82 total Central Tyria points to obtain.

12 from LS2, so if you don’t want to/can’t be bothered/don’t own these achievements, you’re down to 70 obtainable points.

15 from Fractals of the Mists (don’t want to / cba = 55 left obtainable)

There’s ~5 that require you spend time farming/crafting (ambrite weapon collection/ Ascended accoutrements/ Bioluminescent/ Fractal Master/ Gold Fractal Master)

50 left.



49 points to max Central Tyria Masteries. 19 points for the only one you stated you actually wanted for QoL purposes. It really depends what you want to do, again since it’s your second account, not much I guess?




> Most of you already had most MPs when the MPs even came out, so none of you really knows how hard they are to get in reality. If I’d enjoy 2 years of: “YOUR NEW ABILITY IS READY TO MASTER” it’d be easy for me as well and I’d have no reason to complain. And in fact: I’m not even complaining, I just imagine how bad it is for someone who’s really new in this game.



So, because people had earned their points before others means they were easy? No. A lot still cost the same effort and time (depending on skill ofc).

They still took time to earn, you’re trying to compare a person who’s been playing 6months to someone who’s played 5yrs. That’s not flying with me.


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It's not that hard to complete the autoloot mastery first. Look through your achievements tab for where you can get those points. Look up guides for each achievement etc. Takes some time, effort and some patience but there are enough easy points.


I did them when there was hardly any people doing them too btw. Use lfg to find more people, during prime time etc. for things like SW mastery points.

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> @"Dayra.7405" said:

> Kill Tequatl

> Kill Skritt Queen in Dry Top

> Reach Lvl80

> Do Lion Arch Exterminator (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lion's_Arch_Exterminator)

> Personal Story till lvl60 (6 MasteryPoints)

> 9 x Tyria Map Points


> And Voila you have Auto-Loot.


Forgot about the 9 new Tyria Map points. Well that makes it really easy now then lol.

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  • 4 weeks later...

> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Odd, I don't have any of my Masteries finished (Core, HoT or PoF), and I don't get any annoying (or otherwise) pop-ups/messages.

> Just in case - don't forget there are 8 MPs from the Personal Story available.


> Good luck.


Thank you - I managed to solo all LS2 stories and was just in time to have all mastery points. I have now 4 more than I need for completing other stuff and it's been a while. The messages popped up irregulary on the new maps, bbut I usually have enough MPs for PoF because they're really easy to get as well as the Hero Points. Anet did better with PoF.

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> > Most of you already had most MPs when the MPs even came out, so none of you really knows how hard they are to get in reality. If I’d enjoy 2 years of: “YOUR NEW ABILITY IS READY TO MASTER” it’d be easy for me as well and I’d have no reason to complain. And in fact: I’m not even complaining, I just imagine how bad it is for someone who’s really new in this game.



> So, because people had earned their points before others means they were easy? No. A lot still cost the same effort and time (depending on skill ofc).

> They still took time to earn, you’re trying to compare a person who’s been playing 6months to someone who’s played 5yrs. That’s not flying with me.


My point was: Those who say that MPs in vanilla GW2 are easy to get forget that they had years to do so. They had these achievements = mastery points when mastery points were introduced. Of course they still took time, but getting them retrospectively is something else than still having to earn them.


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> @"Dayra.7405" said:

> Kill Tequatl

> Kill Skritt Queen in Dry Top

> Reach Lvl80

> Do Lion Arch Exterminator (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lion's_Arch_Exterminator)

> Personal Story till lvl60 (6 MasteryPoints)

> 9 x Tyria Map Points


> And Voila you have Auto-Loot.


The only mastery I wanted to have was auto loot, whaat annoyed me were the pop up messages - I wanted them to be gone. And I can imagine that others would like to complete their masteries for other reasons but it's pretty hard to do - that's why I wanted to complain on their behalf because I know this game unlike people who just start out.


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I just wish they'd add extra crap to spend my extra 24 Tyria, 39 Heart of Thorns and 24 Path of Fire mastery points on. Sure it makes it easy when new ones DO come out if it's not a new expac...but it's kind of annoying to see those extra points just sitting there. And that's only get worse when I get around to doing more achievements/collections/etc. :P

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> @"muon.1630" said:

> > @"Dayra.7405" said:

> > Kill Tequatl

> > Kill Skritt Queen in Dry Top

> > Reach Lvl80

> > Do Lion Arch Exterminator (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lion's_Arch_Exterminator)

> > Personal Story till lvl60 (6 MasteryPoints)

> > 9 x Tyria Map Points

> >

> > And Voila you have Auto-Loot.


> The only mastery I wanted to have was auto loot, whaat annoyed me were the pop up messages - I wanted them to be gone. And I can imagine that others would like to complete their masteries for other reasons but it's pretty hard to do - that's why I wanted to complain on their behalf because I know this game unlike people who just start out.



but complaining theres to few . when theres almost double the amount needed its just complaining for the sake of complaining

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> @"infrequentia.3465" said:

> but complaining theres to few . when theres almost double the amount needed its just complaining for the sake of complaining

It isn't. You need 49 and I don't think there's 100 mps in vanilla tyria. A lot of them are tied to events which aren't popular anymore, a lot of them are tied to fractals for which you need a group and a group willing to do that stuff with you. You don't have that when you're starting. That was my point. When playing PoF I can get MPs solo and very easily. Gaining exp and MPs is somewhat equal.


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> @"muon.1630" said:

> > @"infrequentia.3465" said:

> > but complaining theres to few . when theres almost double the amount needed its just complaining for the sake of complaining

> It isn't. You need 49 and I don't think there's 100 mps in vanilla tyria. A lot of them are tied to events which aren't popular anymore, a lot of them are tied to fractals for which you need a group and a group willing to do that stuff with you. You don't have that when you're starting. That was my point. When playing PoF I can get MPs solo and very easily. Gaining exp and MPs is somewhat equal.



He said almost and if you read above its total 82 mastery points in core Tyria

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> @"Robban.1256" said:

> > @"muon.1630" said:

> > > @"infrequentia.3465" said:

> > > but complaining theres to few . when theres almost double the amount needed its just complaining for the sake of complaining

> > It isn't. You need 49 and I don't think there's 100 mps in vanilla tyria. A lot of them are tied to events which aren't popular anymore, a lot of them are tied to fractals for which you need a group and a group willing to do that stuff with you. You don't have that when you're starting. That was my point. When playing PoF I can get MPs solo and very easily. Gaining exp and MPs is somewhat equal.

> >


> He said almost and if you read above its total 82 mastery points in core Tyria


If any of you had read my exact complaint you wouldn't have to tell me that I should have no problem at all. If you're at complaing that 'I didn't read properly'.

Would've been enough to only read my last post, but oh well.


To make it clear once and for all: Someone who starts playing this game doesn't do fractals, they explore and do world events. Those MPs are nearly enough but not quite. They're either locked behind events no one really does anymore = a lot of camping to have a chance to get them done, or behind a lot of gold = getting pricey collections done. I guess you did count the 16 of LS2, but players who start now don't have them and also soloing LS2 for all 16 MPs is quite tough. I guess I'm one of a handful who did it and I was only able to do so because I managed to get better (ascended) gear and because I know my class inside and out. You'd have to ask around for someone to help you, that again is a turn off for new players.

I know that one mastery is for only fractals and that's the next issue: You could make fractal Mastery a separate Mastery like Raid masteries = it's only activated if you really play fractals, with that someone new to this game wouldn't think they'd 'have' to do it and the annoying notifications wouldn't pop up. But if doing fractals you need skill to do a lot of the MPs or aa group which does that with you as a lot them them are time consuming. Those of you who tell me I complain about nothing are likely veteran players and forget that you got the MPs retrospectively - you didn't have to work for them anymore and likely underestimate how hard it is to get them. Are masteries that important? They aren't, for the expacts they probably are, yes. But I guess new players also spend a lot of time in the core game and are demotivated because achieving what 'is expected' is so hard.

That is my complaint. I'm good, I got all the MPs I needed, but I know how hard it is to get them and that somehow doesn't make any sense.

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Surely there are "more than enough" core Tyria MPs, but many of them are locked behind either

* Triple trouble, which fails even if the map is full.

* "Legendary" enemies in SW that die from a sneeze so you've got no chance at all to get the kill (Funny how Scruffy 2.0 resists 10 minutes of punishment but those "Legendaries" die from looking at them). Why can't the Legies have the same health as the Skritt Queen does?

* Grinding the LS2 episodes to perfection.

* Teq. (A lot of retrying to get that Tail Swipe achi, but done is done, thank the five).


For a comparison, in HoT and PoF there were always enough MPs to level those masteries. Spending a year on your main getting no XP at all while in core Tyria is really depressing :/


Edit: I totally forgot the Transfer Chaser MP that's rather easy: Just run around on specific maps and get 5 sensors each. That's a nice one!

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> @"muon.1630" said:

> > @"Robban.1256" said:

> > > @"muon.1630" said:

> > > > @"infrequentia.3465" said:

> > > > but complaining theres to few . when theres almost double the amount needed its just complaining for the sake of complaining

> > > It isn't. You need 49 and I don't think there's 100 mps in vanilla tyria. A lot of them are tied to events which aren't popular anymore, a lot of them are tied to fractals for which you need a group and a group willing to do that stuff with you. You don't have that when you're starting. That was my point. When playing PoF I can get MPs solo and very easily. Gaining exp and MPs is somewhat equal.

> > >

> >

> > He said almost and if you read above its total 82 mastery points in core Tyria


> If any of you had read my exact complaint you wouldn't have to tell me that I should have no problem at all. If you're at complaing that 'I didn't read properly'.

> Would've been enough to only read my last post, but oh well.


> To make it clear once and for all: Someone who starts playing this game doesn't do fractals, they explore and do world events. Those MPs are nearly enough but not quite. They're either locked behind events no one really does anymore = a lot of camping to have a chance to get them done, or behind a lot of gold = getting pricey collections done. I guess you did count the 16 of LS2, but players who start now don't have them and also soloing LS2 for all 16 MPs is quite tough. I guess I'm one of a handful who did it and I was only able to do so because I managed to get better (ascended) gear and because I know my class inside and out. You'd have to ask around for someone to help you, that again is a turn off for new players.

> I know that one mastery is for only fractals and that's the next issue: You could make fractal Mastery a separate Mastery like Raid masteries = it's only activated if you really play fractals, with that someone new to this game wouldn't think they'd 'have' to do it and the annoying notifications wouldn't pop up. But if doing fractals you need skill to do a lot of the MPs or aa group which does that with you as a lot them them are time consuming. Those of you who tell me I complain about nothing are likely veteran players and forget that you got the MPs retrospectively - you didn't have to work for them anymore and likely underestimate how hard it is to get them. Are masteries that important? They aren't, for the expacts they probably are, yes. But I guess new players also spend a lot of time in the core game and are demotivated because achieving what 'is expected' is so hard.

> That is my complaint. I'm good, I got all the MPs I needed, but I know how hard it is to get them and that somehow doesn't make any sense.


I started fractals month after reaching lvl 80

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Got the Bandit killer one, my last one was killing that Executioner. The leyline thing seems rather lengthy.

Easy maybe, but right now nigh impossible as there never seem to be enough people (with enough knowledge about the encounter) to just kill one head, let alone all three.

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